Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

1) %% subject loop
2) function decode = xsvm_subject_loop(header,subjectdata,svmopts)
Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

4) addpath 'libsvm-mat-2.88-1';
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

6) nSubjects = numel(subjectdata);
Christoph Budziszewski task-models implementet.

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

7) if(nSubjects < 2) 
8)     error('SVMCrossVal:xsvmSubjectLoop:tooFewSubjects','You need at least 2 Subjects in this Across-Subject analysis!');
9) end
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski added randomize datapoints...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

13) decode = struct;
14) decode.decodePerformance = [];
15) decode.rawTimeCourse     = [];
Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

17) disp(sprintf('computinig additional datastructs for %u subjects',nSubjects));
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

19) timeline = header.timeline;
Christoph Budziszewski first plot button. not work...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

20) timeline.frameShiftStart = header.frameShift.frameShiftStart;
21) timeline.frameShiftEnd   = header.frameShift.frameShiftEnd;
22) timeline.decodeDuration  = header.frameShift.decodeDuration;
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

24) % TimePointMatrix
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

25) for subjectDataID = 1:nSubjects
26)     currentSubject = subjectdata{subjectDataID};
27)     timePointArgs.pst           = currentSubject.pst;
28)     timePointArgs.labelMap      = LabelMap(header.classDef.labelCells,header.classDef.conditionCells);
29)     timePointArgs.eventList     = header.classDef.eventMatrix;
31)     timePointMatrix{subjectDataID} = buildTimePointMatrix(timeline,timePointArgs);
Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

33)     decode.rawTimeCourse = [decode.rawTimeCourse currentSubject.pst];
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

34) end
Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

36) % timeframe x-subject validation
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

37) timeLineStart   = timeline.frameShiftStart;
38) timeLineEnd     = timeline.frameShiftEnd;
Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

40) display(sprintf('%u -fold cross validation for %u timeslices.\n',nSubjects,size(1:timeLineEnd-timeLineStart+1,2)));
Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

41) % disp(sprintf('Press ANY-Key to continue.\n Use Retrun if your Keyboard lacks the ANY-Key.'));
42) % pause
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

44) for timeIndex = 1:timeLineEnd-timeLineStart+1
Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

45)     cross_value = [];
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

46)     for validationSubjectID = 1:nSubjects
Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

47)         svm_train_label = [];
48)         svm_train_data  = [];
49)         svm_validation_label = [];
50)         svm_validation_data  = [];
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

51)         for subjectDataID = 1:nSubjects
52)             svmstruct = calculateSVMTables(timePointMatrix{subjectDataID},timeIndex);
53)             if subjectDataID == validationSubjectID
54)                 svm_validation_label = svmstruct.svmlabel;
55)                 svm_validation_data  = svmstruct.svmdata;
56)             else
57)                 svm_train_label = [svm_train_label; svmstruct.svmlabel];
58)                 svm_train_data  = [svm_train_data;  svmstruct.svmdata];
59)             end
60)         end
Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

63)             rndindex  = randperm(length(svm_train_label));
64)             svm_train_data   = svm_train_data(rndindex,:);
65)             svm_train_label  = svm_train_label(rndindex);
66)         end
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

68)         svmmodel = svmtrain(svm_train_label,svm_train_data,svmopts);
70)         [plabel accuracy dvalue] = svmpredict(svm_validation_label,svm_validation_data,svmmodel,'');
Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

71)         cross_value = [cross_value accuracy(1)];
Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

73)     end
Christoph Budziszewski moved stuff, fixing plotDecode

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

74)     decode.decodePerformance = [decode.decodePerformance; cross_value];
Christoph Budziszewski nSubject-fold cross validat...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski more x-svm classification

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

76) end
Christoph Budziszewski GUI Task Switch: selfmade T...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

78) disp('decode done');