Christoph Budziszewski enabled svm classification....

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

1) %% subject loop
2) function decode = calculateMultiSubjectDecodePerformance(header,subjectdata,svmopts)
4) decode = struct;
5) decode.decodePerformance = [];
6) decode.rawTimeCourse     = [];
Christoph Budziszewski first plot button. not work...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

8) nSubjects = numel(subjectdata);
9) % disp(sprintf('we have %g subjects. Press ANY-Key to continue.\n Use Retrun if your Keyboard lacks the ANY-Key.',numel(subjectdata)));
10) % pause
11) disp(sprintf('batch processing %g subjects',nSubjects));
Christoph Budziszewski working: SingleSubject, Coo...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

Christoph Budziszewski first plot button. not work...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

13) for subjectDataID = 1:nSubjects
Christoph Budziszewski enabled svm classification....

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

14) %     SubjectID = cell2mat(subjectCell);
15)     currentSubject = subjectdata{subjectDataID};
17)     namehelper = strcat('s',currentSubject.name); %Vars can not start with numbers.
19)     display(sprintf('calculating cross-validation performance time-shift for Subject %s. Please Wait. ...',currentSubject.name));
Christoph Budziszewski first plot button. not work...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

20) %     display('switching off all warnings');
21) %     warning_state               = warning('off','all');
Christoph Budziszewski enabled svm classification....

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

22)     display('calculating ...');
Christoph Budziszewski single subject -> svm class...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

24)         decode.(namehelper)         = calculateDecodePerformance(header,currentSubject,svmopts);
Christoph Budziszewski enabled svm classification....

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

26)     display('... done');
Christoph Budziszewski first plot button. not work...

Christoph Budziszewski authored 15 years ago

27) %     display('restoring warnings');
28) %     warning(warning_state);