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starting som prediction fine-tuned class-performance visualisation
Christoph Budziszewski
at 2009-01-21 16:34:25
function aout = rep_utils(action,fmt,fid) %REP_UTILS Utilities for print reports and report elements. % % aout = rep_utils(action,fmt,[fid]) % % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): % action (string) action identifier % (cell array) {action,par1,par2,...} % the action identifier, followed by action % parameters % [fmt] (string) format of output, 'txt' by default % [fid] (scalar) output file id, by default NaN in which % case output is not written, only returned % in aout % % aout (varies) output of the action % % Here are the actions and their arguments: % 'printlines' par1 (cellstr) print par1, each cell on a new line % 'header' par1 (string) print document header using par1 as title % 'footer' print document footer % 'compile' par1 (string) compile the named document (only 'ps' and 'pdf') % 'inserttable' par1 (struct) print given table % par2 (scalar) print lines between rows if par2=1 % par3 (scalar) use longtable format (only 'ps' and 'pdf') % 'printfigure' par1 (string) print current figure to file, par1 = filename % par2 (scalar) used resolution (150 dpi by default) % par3 (scalar) if par3=1, insert figure in minipage % 'insertfigure' par1 (string) insert figure to report, par1 = filename of figure % par2 (vector) size 2 x 1, size of figure relative to page size % NaN = automatic scaling % par3 (scalar) if par3=1, insert figure in minipage (only 'ps' and 'pdf') % 'insertbreak' insert paragraph break into report % % See also REP_STATS. % Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, January 2nd, 2002 by Juha Vesanto % Copyright (c) by Juha Vesanto % % Version 2.0beta juuso 020102 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% input arguments pars = {''}; if iscell(action), if length(action)>1, pars = action(2:end); end action = action{1}; end if nargin<2 | isempty(fmt), fmt = 'txt'; end global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT = fmt; if nargin<3 | isempty(fid), fid = NaN; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% action aout = []; printable = 0; switch action, case 'printlines', aout = pars{1}; case 'header', switch fmt, case {'ps','pdf'}, aout = tex_startdocument(pars{1}); case 'html', aout = html_startpage(pars{1}); case 'txt', aout = cell(0); end printable = 1; case 'footer', switch fmt, case {'ps','pdf'}, aout = tex_enddocument; case 'html', aout = html_endpage; case 'txt', aout = cell(0); end printable = 1; case 'compile', aout = compiledocument(pars{1}); case 'inserttable', aout = inserttable(pars{:}); printable = 1; case 'printfigure', printfigure(pars{:}); case 'insertfigure', aout = insertfigure(pars{:}); printable = 1; case 'insertbreak', aout = insertbreak; printable = 1; case 'joinstr', aout = joinstr(pars{:}); printable = 1; case 'rulestr', aout = rulestr(pars{:}); printable = 1; case 'c_and_p_str', aout = c_and_p_str(pars{:}); printable = 1; case 'p_str', aout = p_str(pars{:}); printable = 1; end % if output file is given, print lines if ~isnan(fid) & printable, if ~iscell(aout), aout = {aout}; end for i = 1:length(aout), fprintf(fid,'%s\n',fmtline(aout{i})); end end return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% subfunctions %% simple formatter strings function s = joinstr(cs, sep1, sep2) if nargin==1, sep1 = ', '; sep2 = ' and '; end if nargin<3, sep2 = sep1; end if isempty(cs), s = ''; elseif strcmp(sep1,'\n'), if size(cs,1)==1, cs = cs'; end s = char(cs); else s = cs{1}; for i=2:length(cs)-1, s = [s sep1 cs{i}]; end if length(cs)>1, s = [s sep2 cs{end}]; end end return; function str = c_and_p_str(n,m) % return a string of form # (%), e.g. '23 (12%)' if n==m, p = '100'; elseif n==0, p = '0'; else p = sprintf('%.2g',100*n/m); end str = sprintf('%d (%s%%)',round(n),p); return; function str = p_str(p) % return a string of form %, e.g. '12%' if round(p*100)>=100, p = sprintf('%3g',100*p); elseif abs(p)<eps, p = '0'; else p = sprintf('%.2g',100*p); end str = sprintf('%s%%',p); return; function cs = rulestr(sR,cnames) global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT case {'ps','pdf'}, [leq,geq,infi,m,less,in] = deal('\leq','\geq','\inf','$','<','\in'); case 'html', [leq,geq,infi,m,less,in] = deal('<=','>=','Inf',' ','<',' '); case 'txt', [leq,geq,infi,m,less,in] = deal('<=','>=','inf',' ','<',''); end nr = length(sR); cs = cell(nr,1); fmt = '%.2g'; if nargin<2, cnames = {}; end if isempty(cnames), cnames = cell(nr,1); cnames(:) = {''}; end for i=1:nr, low = sR(i).low; high = sR(i).high; switch isfinite(low) + 2*isfinite(high), case 0, cs{i} = [cnames{i} ' ' 'any']; case 1, cs{i} = [cnames{i} ' ' m geq sprintf(fmt,low) m]; case 2, cs{i} = [cnames{i} ' ' m less sprintf(fmt,high) m]; case 3, cs{i} = [cnames{i} ' ' m in '[' sprintf(fmt,low) ',' sprintf(fmt,high) ']' m]; end end return; %% print figure function imgfmt = fmt2imgfmt global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case 'ps', imgfmt = 'ps'; case 'pdf', imgfmt = 'pdf'; case 'html', imgfmt = 'png'; case 'txt', imgfmt = ''; end return; function printfigure(fname,resolution) if nargin<2, resolution = 150; end fnameps = [fname '.ps']; switch fmt2imgfmt, case 'ps', print('-dpsc2',fnameps); case 'pdf', print('-dpsc2',fnameps); eval(sprintf('!ps2pdf %s',fnameps)); case 'gif', print('-dpsc2',fnameps); cmd = 'pstogif'; opt = sprintf('-depth 1 -density %d',resolution); unix(sprintf('%s %s -out %s %s',cmd,opt,[fname '.gif'],fnameps)); case 'png', opt = sprintf('-r%d',resolution); print('-dpng',opt,[fname '.png']); end return; %% headers and footers, and compilation function cs = tex_startdocument(title) % tex document headers global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT cs = cell(0); cs{end+1} = '\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}'; cs{end+1} = '\usepackage[dvips]{epsfig,graphicx,color}'; cs{end+1} = '\usepackage{float,graphics,subfigure}'; cs{end+1} = '\usepackage{multirow,rotating,portland,lscape,longtable,pifont}'; cs{end+1} = '\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}'; if strcmp(REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT,'pdf'), cs{end+1} = '\usepackage{pslatex}'; end cs{end+1} = '\usepackage[english]{babel}'; cs{end+1} = '\oddsidemargin 0 mm'; cs{end+1} = '\evensidemargin 0 mm'; cs{end+1} = '\textwidth 17 cm'; cs{end+1} = '\topmargin 0 mm'; cs{end+1} = '\textheight 21 cm'; cs{end+1} = '\voffset 0 mm'; cs{end+1} = '\begin{document}'; cs{end+1} = ['\title{' title '}']; cs{end+1} = '\maketitle'; %cs{end+1} = '\tableofcontents'; %cs{end+1} = '\clearpage'; return; function cs = tex_enddocument cs = cell(0); cs{end+1} = '\end{document}'; return; function cs = html_startpage(title) % print HTML document headers cs = cell(0); cs{end+1} = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">'; cs{end+1} = '<HTML>'; cs{end+1} = '<HEAD>'; cs{end+1} = sprintf(' <TITLE>%s</TITLE>',title); cs{end+1} = '</HEAD>'; cs{end+1} = '<BODY bgcolor=white vlink="#000033" link="#0000ff" text="#000000">'; if ~isempty(title), cs{end+1} = sprintf('<H1>%s</H1>',title); end return; function cs = html_endpage % print HTML document footers cs = cell(0); cs{end+1} = '<P><HR>'; cs{end+1} = '</BODY>'; cs{end+1} = '</HTML>'; return; function files = compiledocument(filename) global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case 'pdf', eval(sprintf('!pdflatex --interaction batchmode %s.tex',filename)); eval(sprintf('!pdflatex --interaction batchmode %s.tex',filename)); %eval(sprintf('!acroread %s.pdf &',filename)); files = {[filename '.aux'],[filename '.log'],[filename '.out'],[filename '.pdf']}; case 'ps', eval(sprintf('!latex --interaction batchmode %s.tex',filename)); eval(sprintf('!latex --interaction batchmode %s.tex',filename)); eval(sprintf('!dvips %s.dvi',filename)); eval(sprintf('!ps2pdf',filename)); %eval(sprintf('!ghostview &',filename)); files = {[filename '.aux'],[filename '.log'],[filename '.out'],[filename '.dvi'],[filename '.pdf']}; case 'html', case 'txt', end return; function vstr = defaultformat(val) global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if ischar(val), vstr = val; elseif iscellstr(val), vstr = char(val); elseif isempty(val), vstr = ''; elseif isnumeric(val), if val==round(val), fmt = '%d'; else fmt = '%.3g'; end if abs(val)<=eps, vstr = '0'; else vstr = sprintf(fmt,val); end elseif isstruct(val) & isfield(val,'values') & isfield(val,'headers'), % a table vstr = joinstr(inserttable(val,0),'\n'); if any(strcmp(REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT,{'ps','pdf'})), vstr= inserttominipage(vstr); end else vstr = ''; fprintf(1,'defaultformat unable to handle input\n'); whos val end return; %% report elements (list, table, image, link) function str = fmtline(str) % replace some formatting elements depeding on output format global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if isempty(str), str = ''; return; end switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case {'ps','pdf'}, str = strrep(str,'<B>', '{\bf '); str = strrep(str,'<I>', '{\em '); str = strrep(str,'<TT>', '{\tt '); str = strrep(str,'</B>', '}'); str = strrep(str,'</I>', '}'); str = strrep(str,'</TT>','}'); str = strrep(str,'#','\#'); str = strrep(str,'%','\%'); case 'html', % nil case 'txt', str = strrep(str,'<B>', '*'); str = strrep(str,'<I>', '*'); str = strrep(str,'<TT>', ''); str = strrep(str,'</B>', '*'); str = strrep(str,'</I>', '*'); str = strrep(str,'</TT>',''); end return; function cs = insertbreak global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT cs = cell(0); switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT case {'ps','pdf'}, cs{end+1} = ''; case 'html', cs{end+1} = '<P>'; case 'txt', cs{end+1} = ''; end return; function insertlist(list,enum) % make list global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if nargin<2, enum = 0; end cs = cell(0); switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT case {'ps','pdf'}, if enum, tag = 'enumerate'; else tag = 'itemize'; end starttag = ['\begin{' tag '}']; listtag = '\item '; endtag = ['\end{' tag '}']; case 'html', if enum, tag = 'OL'; else tag = 'UL'; end starttag = ['<' tag '>']; listtag = '<LI>'; endtag = ['</' tag '>']; case 'txt', starttag = ''; listtag = '- '; endtag = ''; end cs{end+1} = starttag; for i=1:length(list), cs{end+1} = sprintf('%s %s',listtag,list{i}); end cs{end+1} = endtag; return; function csout = tablerow(cs,emp,span) % construct one table row global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if nargin<2 | isempty(emp), emp = 'none'; end if nargin<3 | isempty(span), span = ones(length(cs),2); end rowspan = span(:,1); colspan = span(:,2); switch emp, case 'bold', emp1 = '<B>'; emp2 = '</B>'; case 'italic', emp1 = '<I>'; emp2 = '</I>'; case 'fixed', emp1 = '<TT>'; emp2 = '</TT>'; case 'none', emp1 = ''; emp2 = ''; case 'header', emp1 = ''; emp2 = ''; tag = 'TH'; end csout = cell(0); switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case {'pdf','ps'}, %switch emp, % case 'bold', emp1 = '{\bf '; emp2 = '}'; % case 'italic', emp1 = '{\em '; emp2 = '}'; % case 'fixed', emp1 = '{\tt '; emp2 = '}'; % case 'none', emp1 = ''; emp2 = ''; %end s0 = ''; for i=1:length(cs), if rowspan(i) & colspan(i), sp1 = ''; sp2 = ''; if colspan(i)>1, sp1 = [sp1 ' \multicolumn{' num2str(colspan(i)) '}{|c|}{']; sp2 = [sp2 '}']; end if rowspan(i)>1, sp1 = [sp1 ' \multirow{' num2str(rowspan(i)) '}{2cm}{']; sp2 = [sp2 '}']; end s = s0; content = cellstr(defaultformat(cs{i})); csout{end+1} = [s sp1 emp1 content{1}]; for j=2:length(content), csout{end+1} = content{j}; end csout{end} = [csout{end} emp2 sp2]; s0 = ' & '; end end csout{end} = [csout{end} ' \\']; case 'html', tag = 'TD'; csout{end+1} = '<TR>'; for i=1:length(cs), if rowspan(i) & colspan(i), sp = ''; if rowspan(i)>1, sp = [sp ' ROWSPAN=' num2str(rowspan(i))]; end if colspan(i)>1, sp = [sp ' COLSPAN=' num2str(colspan(i))]; end s = sprintf('<%s%s>%s',tag,sp,emp1); content = cellstr(defaultformat(cs{i})); csout{end+1} = [s content{1}]; for j=2:length(content), csout{end+1} = content{j}; end csout{end} = [csout{end} emp2 '</' tag '>']; end end csout{end+1} = '</TR>'; case 'txt', for i=1:length(cs), csout{end+1} = defaultformat(cs{i}); end end return; function cs = inserttable(sTable,rowlines,long) % put table contents to cellstr global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if nargin<2, rowlines = 1; end if nargin<3, long = 0; end [rows cols] = size(sTable.values); cs = cell(0); if isempty(sTable.colfmt), cf = 'c'; sTable.colfmt = cf(ones(1,cols)); end if isempty(sTable.span), sTable.span = ones([rows cols 2]); end switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT case {'ps','pdf','tex','latex'} li1 = ' \hline'; if rowlines>0, li2 = li1; li3 = li1; elseif rowlines==0, li2 = ''; li3 = li1; else li1 = ''; li2 = ''; li3 = ''; end if long, tbl = 'longtable'; else tbl = 'tabular'; end cs{end+1} = ['\begin{' tbl '}{' sTable.colfmt '}' li1]; if ~isempty(sTable.headers), row = tablerow(sTable.headers,'bold'); for i=1:length(row), cs{end+1} = row{i}; end cs{end} = [cs{end} li1 li2]; end for i=1:rows, row = tablerow(sTable.values(i,:),'',squeeze(sTable.span(i,:,:))); for i=1:length(row), cs{end+1} = row{i}; end cs{end} = [cs{end} li2]; end if ~rowlines, cs{end} = [cs{end} li3]; end cs{end+1} = ['\end{' tbl '}']; case 'html' cs{end+1} = ['<TABLE BORDER=' num2str(rowlines>0) '>']; if ~isempty(sTable.headers), row = tablerow(sTable.headers,'header'); for i=1:length(row), cs{end+1} = row{i}; end end for i=1:rows, row = tablerow(sTable.values(i,:),'',squeeze(sTable.span(i,:,:))); for i=1:length(row), cs{end+1} = row{i}; end end cs{end+1} = '</TABLE>'; case 'txt' cT = [sTable.headers(:)'; sTable.values]; A = cell2char(cT); for i=1:size(A,1), cs{end+1} = A(i,:); end end return; function A = cell2char(T) [nrow,ncol] = size(T); rowsep = 0; colsep = 1; % change to strings for i=1:nrow, for j=1:ncol, t = T{i,j}; if ischar(t), % ok elseif isempty(t), T{i,j} = ''; elseif isstruct(t), % ?? elseif iscell(t), T{i,j} = cell2char(t); elseif isnumeric(t), T{i,j} = num2str(t,3); end end end % widths of columns and heights of rows HW = ones(nrow,ncol,2); for i=1:nrow, for j=1:ncol, HW(i,j,:) = size(T{i,j}); end, end colw = max(HW(:,:,2),[],1); rowh = max(HW(:,:,1),[],2); % the table itself A = char(32*ones(sum(rowh)+rowsep*(nrow-1),sum(colw)+colsep*(ncol-1))); for i=1:nrow, for j=1:ncol, i0 = (i-1)*rowsep+sum(rowh(1:i-1)); j0 = (j-1)*colsep+sum(colw(1:j-1)); S = char(32*ones(rowh(i),colw(j))); si = size(T{i,j}); S(1:si(1),1:si(2)) = T{i,j}; A(i0+[1:rowh(i)],j0+[1:colw(j)]) = S; end end return; function s = inserttominipage(s,width) if nargin<2 | isempty(width) | isnan(width), width = 1; end width = ['{' num2str(width) '\columnwidth}']; mp1 = '\begin{minipage}[t]'; mp2 = '\end{minipage}'; if size(s,1)==1, s = [mp1 width s mp2]; else s = char({[mp1 width]; s; mp2}); end return; function cs = insertfigure(fname,boxsize,inminipage) global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if nargin<2, boxsize = [NaN 1]; end if nargin<3, inminipage = 0; end htmlpagewidth = 800; si = cell(0); switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case {'ps','pdf'}, if ~isnan(boxsize(1)), si{end+1} = ['height=' num2str(boxsize(1)) '\textheight']; end if ~isnan(boxsize(2)), si{end+1} = ['width=' num2str(boxsize(2)) '\columnwidth']; end if length(si), si = [', ' joinstr(si, ', ', ', ')]; end case 'html', if ~isnan(boxsize(1)), si{end+1} = ['HEIGHT=' num2str(htmlpagewidth*boxsize(1))]; end if ~isnan(boxsize(2)), si{end+1} = ['WIDTH=' num2str(htmlpagewidth*boxsize(2))]; end if length(si), si = [' ' joinstr(si, ' ', ' ')]; end case 'txt', % nil end switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case 'ps', s = ['\epsfig{file=./' fname '.ps ' si '}']; case 'pdf', s = ['\includegraphics[' si ']{./' fname '.pdf}']; case 'html', fn = [fname '.' fmt2imgfmt]; s = ['<IMG SRC="' fn '" ALIGN="center" ALT="' fname '"' si '>']; s = makelinkfrom(fn,s); case 'txt', s = ['[image:' fname ']']; end switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case {'ps','pdf'}, if inminipage, s = inserttominipage(s,boxsize(2)); end case 'html', s = ['<CENTER>' s '</CENTER>']; case 'txt', % nil end cs = {s}; return; function str = makelinkfrom(linkto,anchor) global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT if iscell(linkto), if strcmp(REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT,'html'), linkto = joinstr(linkto,'','#'); else linkto = joinstr(linkto,'',''); end end switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case 'pdf', str = ['\hyperlink{' linkto '}{' anchor '}']; case 'ps', str = [anchor ' (p.\pageref{' linkto '})']; case 'html', str = ['<a href="' linkto '">' anchor '</a>']; case 'txt', str = ''; end return; function str = makelinkto(linkname) global REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT switch REPORT_OUTPUT_FMT, case 'pdf', fmt = '\pdfdest name {%s} fit \pdfoutline goto name {%s} {%s}'; str = sprintf(fmt,linkname,linkname,linkname); case 'ps', str = ['\label{' linkname '}']; case 'html', str = ['<a name="' linkname '"> </a>']; case 'txt', str = ''; end return;