Christoph Budziszewski
starting som prediction fine-tuned class-performance visualisation
Christoph Budziszewski commited 4dbef18 at 2009-01-21 16:34:25
function [Class,P]=knn_old(Data, Proto, proto_class, K)
%KNN_OLD A K-nearest neighbor classifier using Euclidean distance
% [Class,P]=knn_old(Data, Proto, proto_class, K)
% [sM_class,P]=knn_old(sM, sData, [], 3);
% [sD_class,P]=knn_old(sD, sM, class);
% [class,P]=knn_old(data, proto, class);
% [class,P]=knn_old(sData, sM, class,5);
% Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
% Data (matrix) size Nxd, vectors to be classified (=classifiees)
% (struct) map or data struct: map codebook vectors or
% data vectors are considered as classifiees.
% Proto (matrix) size Mxd, prototype vector matrix (=prototypes)
% (struct) map or data struct: map codebook vectors or
% data vectors are considered as prototypes.
% [proto_class] (vector) size Nx1, integers 1,2,...,k indicating the
% classes of corresponding protoptypes, default: see the
% explanation below.
% [K] (scalar) the K in KNN classifier, default is 1
% Class (matrix) size Nx1, vector of 1,2, ..., k indicating the class
% desicion according to the KNN rule
% P (matrix) size Nxk, the relative amount of prototypes of
% each class among the K closest prototypes for
% each classifiee.
% If 'proto_class' is _not_ given, 'Proto' _must_ be a labeled SOM
% Toolbox struct. The label of the data vector or the first label of
% the map model vector is considered as class label for th prototype
% vector. In this case the output 'Class' is a copy of 'Data' (map or
% data struct) relabeled according to the classification. If input
% argument 'proto_class' _is_ given, the output argument 'Class' is
% _always_ a vector of integers 1,2,...,k indiacating the class.
% If there is a tie between representatives of two or more classes
% among the K closest neighbors to the classifiee, the class is
% selected randomly among these candidates.
% ** Even if prototype vectors are given in a map struct the mask _is not
% taken into account_ when calculating Euclidean distance
% ** The function calculates the total distance matrix between all
% classifiees and prototype vectors. This results to an MxN matrix;
% if N is high it is recommended to divide the matrix 'Data'
% (the classifiees) into smaller sets in order to avoid memory
% overflow or swapping. Also, if K>1 this function uses 'sort' which is
% considerably slower than 'max' which is used for K==1.