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starting som prediction fine-tuned class-performance visualisation
Christoph Budziszewski
at 2009-01-21 16:34:25
function h=som_show_add(mode,D,varargin) %SOM_SHOW_ADD Shows hits, labels and trajectories on SOM_SHOW visualization % % h = som_show_add(mode, D, ['argID',value,...]) % % som_show_add('label',sMap) % som_show_add('hit',som_hits(sMap,sD)) % som_show_add('traj',som_bmus(sMap,sD)) % som_show_add('comet',som_bmus(sMap,sD)) % som_show_add('comet',inds, 'markersize', [1 0.2]) % % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): % mode (string) operation mode 'label', 'hit', 'traj', 'comet' % D (varies) depending on operation mode % In 'label' mode gives the labels % (struct) map struct, the .labels field of which is used % (cell array of strings) size munits x number_of_labels % In 'hit' mode gives the hit histogram(s) % (matrix) size munits x k, if k>1, D gives hit histograms % for k different sets of data (e.g. k classes). % In 'traj' and 'comet' modes gives the trace of the trajectory % (vector) size N x 1, D(1) is the current and D(end) % is oldest item of the trajectory % [argID, (string) Additional arguments are given as argID, value % value] (varies) pairs. Depend on the operation mode (see below). % % h (vector) handles to the created objects % % Here are the valid argument IDs and corresponding values. Most of % them depend on the operation mode: % % all modes % 'SubPlot' (vector) which subplots are affected (default: current) % (string) 'all': all subplots are affected % mode = 'label' % 'TextSize' (scalar) text size in points % 'TextColor' (string) ColorSpec, 'xor' or 'none': label color % % mode = 'hit' % 'EdgeColor' (string) ColorSpec, 'none' % 'MarkerSize' (scalar) maximum marker size % if k == 1, % 'Marker' (string) 'lattice', Matlab's built-in markerstyles, 'none' % 'MarkerColor'(string) Colorspec, 'none': fill color for markers % 'Text' (string) 'on', 'off': whether to write the number of hits % 'TextColor' (string) ColorSpec, 'xor': text color if Text is 'on' % 'TextSize' (scalar) text font size in points if Text is 'on' % if k > 1, % 'SizeFactor' (string) 'common', 'separate': size scaling % 'Marker' (string) 'lattice', Matlab's built-in markerstyles, 'pie', 'none' % (cell array) size k x 1, marker style for each histogram % 'MarkerColor'(string) Colorspec, 'none': fill color for markers % (matrix) size k x 3, color for each histogram % % mode = 'traj' % 'TrajWidth' (scalar) basic trajectory line width in points % 'WidthFactor'(string) 'hit' or 'equal': effect of hits on line width % 'TrajColor' (string) ColorSpec, 'xor': color for trajectory line % 'Marker' (string) 'lattice', Matlab's built-in markerstyles, 'none' % 'MarkerSize' (scalar) basic marker size (in points) % 'SizeFactor' (string) 'equal', 'hit' (equal size/size depends on freq.) % 'MarkerColor'(string) Colorspec, 'none': color of markers % 'EdgeColor' (string) ColorSpec, 'none': edgecolor of markers % % mode = 'comet' % 'Marker' (string) 'lattice', Matlab's built-in markerstyles % 'MarkerColor'(string) ColorSpec, 'none': color for the markers % (matrix) size N x 3, RGB color for each step % 'EdgeColor' (string) ColorSpec, 'none': edgecolor for markers % 'MarkerSize' (vector) size 1 x 2, size of comet core and tail % % For more help, try 'type som_show_add' or check out online documentation. % See also SOM_SHOW. %%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % som_show_add % % PURPOSE % % Shows hits, labels and trajectories on SOM_SHOW visualization % % SYNTAX % % h = som_show_add(mode, D); % h = som_show_add(..., 'argID', value); % % DESCRIPTION % % The SOM_SHOW function makes the basic visualization of the SOM. % With SOM_SHOW_ADD one can set labels, hit histogarms or different % trajectories on this visualization. % % labels (mode = 'label') % % Labels are strings describing the units. They may be, e.g., a result % of SOM_AUTOLABEL function. Labels are centered on the unit so that % multiple labels are in a column. % % hit histograms (mode = 'hit') % % Hit histograms indicate how the best matching units of a data % set/some data sets are distribited on a SOM. The hit histogram can % be calculated using function SOM_HITS. % % trajectories (mode = 'traj' or mode = 'comet') % % Trajectories show the best matching units for a data set that is % time (or any ordered) series. It may be either a line connecting the % consecutive best matching units ('traj' mode) or a "comet" % trajectory where the current (first sample in D) best matching unit % has biggest marker and the oldest (last sample) has smallest % marker ('comet' mode). % % NOTE: that the SOM_SHOW_ADD function can only be applied to % figures that have been drawn by SOM_SHOW. % % KNOWN BUGS % % for 'hit' mode, if the given hit matrix is all zeros, a series of % error messages is generated % % REQUIRED INPUT ARGUMENTS % % mode (string) Visuzalization mode % 'label' map labeling % 'hit' hit histograms % 'traj' line style trajectory % 'comet' comet style trajectory % % D (vector, map struct, cell array of strings) Data % % The valid value of D depends on the visualization mode: % % Mode Valid D % 'label' map struct or Mxl cell array of strings, where % M is number of map units and l maximum numer of % labels in unit. % % 'hit' Mx1 vector or MxK matrix, where M is number of map % units and K is number of hit histograms (of K % different classes of data) to be shown % % 'comet' Lx1 vector of best matchig unit indices that have to % 'traj' be in range of the map that is in the figure. L is % the length of trajectory % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % % Optional arguments must be given as 'argument identifier', value % -pairs. This section is divided in four parts because each mode % functions in a different way, though they may have same identifier % names. % % If user specifies an identifier that is not operational in the % specified mode, the functions gives a warning message. If the % identifier does not exist in any mode the execution is terminated % and an error message is returned. % % GENERAL OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS (in all modes) % % 'SubPlot' Target subplots in the figure % (vector) Subplots' ordinal numbers in a vector. By default % the target is the current subplot (see GCA). % (string) String 'all' means all subplots. % % 'Marker' Data marker (not in use in 'label' mode) % (string) 'none': sets the markers off % 'lattice': sets the marker shape according to the % lattice of the underlying map, i.e. it gives % rectangles if underlying map lattice is 'rect' and % hexagons for 'hexa', respectively % any of the Matlab's built-in marker styles: 'o', 's', % 'd', 'v', '^', '<' ,'> ', 'p', 'h', 'x', '.', '*', '+' % % NOTE that '.','x','+' or '*' are not recommended since % they have only edgecolor and many visualizations are % based on _face_ color. % % NOTE there is an important difference between built-in % markers. If figure size is changed the 'lattice' % markers are rescaled but the built-in markers stay at % fixed size, and consequently, the size unit for % 'lattice' markers is normalized but for built-in % markers the size is given in points. For 'lattice' % markers size 1 means the size of the map unit. % % NOTE that in 'hit' mode there are some additional features. % % 'EdgeColor' Sets edgecolor for the markers (not in use in 'label' mode) % (string) ColorSpec, e.g. 'r', gives each edge the specified color % 'none': sets markers edges invisible % Default is 'none' - except if MarkerColor is set to 'none' the % defaults is 'black'. % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS mode 'label' % % Labels are centered on the unit so that multiple labels are in % a single column. % % 'SubPlot' see General Optional Input Arguments % % 'TextSize' Text size for labels % (scalar) Text size in points. Default is 10. % % 'TextColor' Text color % (string) ColorSpec specifies the text color for all labels % 'xor': gives Matlab's "xor" text color mode where the % label color depends on background color % 'none': sets labels invisble (but creates the objects) % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS mode 'hit' % % The function in mode 'hit' depends on the input argument size. If % only one hit histogram is drawn (K==1), it is possible to show the % hits using numbers. This is not possible for multiple hit % histograms (K>1). % % 'SubPlot' see General Optional Input Arguments % % 'Marker' Marker style(s) % (string) As in General Optional Input Arguments. In addition % 'pie': sets pie charts for markers. The size of the % pie in each unit describes the number of total hits in the % unit and the share of each sector is the relative amount of % hits in each class (requires multiple histograms). Color for % each class is set by MarkerColor. Default coloring % is hsv(K), where K is the number of hit histograms (classes). % (cell array) size K x 1, of built-in marker style characters. K is % number of histograms (classes), i.e., same as size(D,2) % where D is the second input argument. Cell value is % valid only if multiple histograms are specified (K>1). % % NOTE if multiple histograms (classes) are specified % and Marker is one of the built-in marker styles or % 'lattice', the markers are drawn in size order from % largest to smallest. This insures that all markers are % visible (or at least their edges are). But if two % markers for different classes in the same node were of % same size, the other would be totally hidden. In order % to prevent this, the markers for different classes are % shifted different amounts from the exact centre of the % unit. (Evidently, if Marker is 'pie' this problem does % not exist.) % % Default marker is 'lattice' for one histogram and % 'pie' for multiple histograms. % % 'MarkerColor' Marker color(s) % (string) ColorSpec gives all markers the same color % 'none': leaves the markes transparent (only edges are visible) % (matrix) size K x 3, RGB triples for each histogram class % giving each hit histogram an own color % % NOTE that markers '*','+','x', or '.' cannot use % MarkerColor since these objects have no face (fill) % color. For them only EdgeColor matters. % % 'MarkerSize' Maximum size for marker % (scalar) set the _maximum_ marker size that corresponds to % maximum hit count. If Marker is 'pie' or 'lattice' the % MarkerSize is in normalized scale: 1 correspons to unit size. % If Marker is one of the built-in styles, MarkerSize is given % in points. % % Marker Default MarkerSize % 'lattice' 1 (normalized units) % 'pie' 1 (normalized units) % 'o','s', etc. 6 (points) % % 'SizeFactor' Defines the scaling of the marker sizes in multiple % histogram case (when Marker is one of the built-in marker % styles or 'lattice'). % (string) 'separate' (the default) means that marker size shows % the share of the data which hits the unit compared to % amount of data in that class. That is, the size of % markers show the relative distribution of data on the map % in each class separately. The maximum size is SizeFactor. % 'common' means that marker size shows the distribution of % the data in the different classes compared to % _the total amount of data_. % % 'EdgeColor' Sets edgecolor for the markers, see General % Optional Input Arguments. Default is 'none' - % except if MarkerColor is 'none' or Marker is % 'x','*,'x', or '.'. In these cases default EdgeColor is 'black'. % % 'Text' Write/don't write the number of hits on the % units. This option is not in use for multiple histograms. % (string) 'on' or 'off' (the default) % % 'TextColor' Text color % (string) ColorSpec gives each letter the same color % 'xor' gives a "xor" coloring for the text % % 'TextSize' Text size (in points) % (scalar) text size in points, default is 10 % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS mode 'traj' % % Input D is a Nx1 vector of N BMU indices that describe the trace of the % comet. First element D(1) is "newest" and D(end) "oldest". Note % that at least two indeces are expected: size of D must be at % least 2x1. % % 'SubPlot' see General Optional Input Arguments % % 'TrajColor' Color for trajectory line % (string) ColorSpec gives each marker the same color, 'w' by default % 'none' sets the marker fill invisible: only edges are shown % % 'TrajWidth' Maximum width of trajectory line % (scalar) width in points. Default is 3. % % 'WidthFactor' Shows how often edge between two units has been traversed. % (string) 'hit': the size of the marker shows how frequent the % trajectory visits the unit (TrajWidth sets the % maximum size). This is the default. % 'equal': all lines have the same width (=TrajWidth) % % 'Marker' Marker style, see General Optional Input % Arguments. Default is 'o'. % % NOTE Marker style 'lattice' is not valid in mode 'traj'. % NOTE Markers can be turned off by setting MarkerSize to zero. % % 'MarkerSize' Maximum size of markers % (scalar) Default is 12 (points). % % 'SizeFactor' Sets the frequency based marker size or constant marker size. % (string) 'hit': the size of the marker shows how frequent the % trajectory visits the unit (MarkerSize sets the % maximum size). This is the default. % 'equal': all markers have th esame size (=MarkerSize) % % 'MarkerColor' The fill color(s) for hit markers % (string) ColorSpec gives each marker the same color, default is 'w' % 'none' sets the marker fill invisible: only edges are shown % % NOTE markers '*','+','x', or '.' can't use MarkerColor since % these objects have no face (fill) color: only EdgeColor % matters for these markers. % % 'EdgeColor' see General Optional Input Arguments. Default is % 'none' - except if MarkerColor is 'none' or Marker % is 'x','*','x', or '.'. In these cases default % EdgeColor is 'white'. % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS mode 'comet' % % Input D is a Nx1 vector of N BMU indices that describe the trace of % the comet. First element D(1) is "newest" and D(end) "oldest". Note % that at least two indeces are expected: size of D must be at least % 2x1. % % 'SubPlot' see General Optional Input Arguments % % 'Marker' Marker style, see General Optional Input % Arguments. Default is 'lattice'. % % 'MarkerColor' The fill color(s) for comet markers % (string) ColorSpec gives each marker the same color, default is 'w' % 'none' sets the marker fill invisible: only edges are shown % (matrix) size N x 3, consisting of RGB triples as rows % sets different color for each marker. This may be % used to code the time series using color/grayscale. % % NOTE Markers '*','+','x', or '.' can't use MarkerColor % since these objects have no face (fill) color: only % EdgeColor matters for these markers. % % 'EdgeColor' see General Optional Input Arguments. Default is % 'none' - except if MarkerColor is 'none' or Marker % is 'x','*,'x', or '.'. In these cases default % EdgeColor is 'white'. % % 'MarkerSize' The size of "comet core" and tail % (vector) size 1 x 2: first element sets the size for the marker % representing D(1) and the second set size for D(end) % the size (area) of the markes between these changes linearly. % Note that size units for 'lattice' marker style are % normalized so that 1 means map unit size but for built-in % marker styles the size is given points. % % Marker default value % 'lattice' [0.8 0.1] % 'o','v', etc. [20 4] % % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % % h (vector) handles to all objects created by the function % % OBJECT TAGS % % Field Tag in every object is set to % % 'Lab' for objects created in mode 'label' % 'Hit' -"- 'hit' % 'Traj' -"- 'traj' % 'Comet' -"- 'comet' % % EXAMPLES % % Not yet ready % % SEE ALSO % % som_show Basic map visualization % som_show_clear Clear hit marks, labels or trajectories from current figure. % Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team. % % Version 2.0beta Johan 131199 %% Check arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% error(nargchk(2,Inf,nargin)) % check no. of input args % Get data from the SOM_SHOW figure, exit if error [handles,msg,lattice,msize,dim]=vis_som_show_data('all',gcf); error(msg); munits=prod(msize); % Initialize some variables: these must exist later; % the default values are set by subfunctions Property=init_properties; Property.handles=handles; %%% Check mode and that D is of right type & size for that mode % mode has to be string if ~vis_valuetype(mode,{'string'}), error('String value expected for first input argument (mode).'); else mode=lower(mode); % case insensitive mode_=mode; % 'mode' is internal variable; % for program constructs 'mode_' is shown to % user in some error messags end switch mode % check mode case 'hit' %%% Hit histogram visualization: vector [msize k] if ~vis_valuetype(D,{'nxm'}), error('Hit visualization: a matrix expected for data input.'); elseif size(D,1) ~= prod(msize) error('Hit visualization: data and map size do not match.'); end % Multiple hit histograms if size(D,2)>1 mode='mhit'; % Hit count musn't be negative if any(D(:)<0), error('Hit visualization: negative hit count in data not allowed!'); end end case {'traj','comet'} %%% Trajectory like visualizations if ~vis_valuetype(D,{'nx1'}), error('Trajectory/Comet: a Nx1 vector expected for data input.'); elseif any(D>prod(msize))| any(D<1), error('Trajectory/Comet: BMU indices out of range in data input.'); elseif any(fix(D)~=D), warning('Trajectory/Comet: BMU indices not integer. Rounding...'); elseif size(D,1)<2 error('At least two BMU indexes expected.'); end case 'label' %%% Label visualizations if isstruct(D), % check if D is a map [tmp,ok,tmp]=som_set(D); if all(ok) & strcmp(D.type,'som_map') ; else error('Map struct is invalid!'); end % Size check if length(msize) ~= length(D.topol.msize) | ... munits ~= prod(D.topol.msize), error(['The size of the input map and the map in the figure' ... ' do not match.']); end D=D.labels; % Cell input elseif vis_valuetype(D,{'2Dcellarray_of_char'}) ; % Char input elseif vis_valuetype(D,{'char_array'}), D=cellstr(D); else error(['Labels has to be in a map struct or in a cell array' ... ' of strings']); end if size(D,1) ~= munits error(['The number of labels does not match the size of the map' ... ' in the figure.']); end otherwise error('Invalid visualization mode.'); end if rem(length(varargin),2) error('Mismatch in identifier-value pairs or wrong input argument order.'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % read in optional arguments for i=1:2:length(varargin), %% Check that all argument types are strings if ~ischar(varargin{i}) error('Invalid identifier name or input argument order.'); end %% Lower/uppercase in identifier types doesn't matter: identifier=lower(varargin{i}); % identifier (lowercase) value=varargin{i+1}; % Check property identifiers and values and store the values. % Struct used_in is set to initiate warning messages: % if a don't care propersty is set, the user is warned. switch identifier case 'marker' %%% Marker for hits or trajectories switch mode case 'mhit' if vis_valuetype(value,{'markerstyle'}) | ... (vis_valuetype(value,{'string'}) & ... any(strcmp(value,{'lattice','pie'}))), ; % ok elseif vis_valuetype(value,{'cellcolumn_of_char'}), if size(value,1) ~= size(D,2) error([' If a cell of Markers is specified its size must be' ... ' number_of_hit_histograms x 1.']); else for i=1:size(D,2), if ~vis_valuetype(value{i},{'markerstyle'}) error('Cell input for ''Marker'' contains invalid styles.') end end end else error([' Invalid ''Marker'' in case of multiple hit histograms.' ... char(10) ' See detailed documentation.']) end case {'comet','hit'} if vis_valuetype(value,{'markerstyle'}) | isempty(value), % ok; elseif ischar(value) & strcmp(value,'lattice'), % ok; else error(['Marker must be Matlab''s marker style, or string' ... ' ''lattice''.']); end case 'traj' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'markerstyle'}) & ~isempty(value), error('In mode ''traj'' Marker must be one of Matlab''s built-in marker styles'); end end used_in.comet=1; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=1; case 'markersize' %%% Marker for hits or trajectories switch mode case 'comet' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'1x2'}) & ~isempty(value), error('In mode ''comet'' MarkerSize'' must be a 1x2 vector.'); end case {'hit','traj'} if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'1x1'}) & ~isempty(value), error(['In mode ''' mode_ ... ''' ''MarkerSize'' must be a scalar.']); end end used_in.comet=1; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=1; case 'sizefactor' %%% Hit dependent size factor switch mode case 'traj' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'string'}) | ... ~any(strcmp(value,{'hit', 'equal'})), error(['In mode ''traj'' ''SizeFactor'' must be ' ... 'string ''equal'' or ''hit''.']); end case 'mhit' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'string'}) | ... ~any(strcmp(value,{'common', 'separate'})), error(['In mode ''hit'' ''SizeFactor'' must be ' ... 'string ''common'' or ''separate''.']); end end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=0; used_in.mhit=1; case 'markercolor' %%% Markercolor switch mode case 'comet' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb'}) & ... ~vis_valuetype(value,{'nx3rgb',[size(D,1) 3]},'all') & ... ~isempty(value), error(['MarkerColor in mode ''comet'' must be a ColorSpec,' ... ' string ''none'' or Mx3 matrix of RGB triples.']); end case 'mhit' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{[size(D,2) 3],'nx3rgb'},'all') & ... ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb'}), error([' If multiple hit histograms in mode ''hit'' are' ... char(10) ... ' given MarkerColor must be ColorSpec or a Kx3 matrix' ... char(10)... ' of RGB triples where K is the number of histograms.']); end case 'hit' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb'}) & ... ~isempty(value), error(['MarkerColor in mode ''hit'' ' ... 'must be a ColorSpec or string ''none''.']); end case 'traj' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb'}) & ... ~isempty(value), error(['MarkerColor in mode ''traj'' ' ... 'must be a ColorSpec or string ''none''.']); end end used_in.comet=1; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=1; case 'edgecolor' %%% Color for marker edges if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb'}) & ~isempty(value), error('''EdgeColor'' must be a ColorSpec or string ''none''.') end used_in.comet=1; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=1; case 'text' %%% Labeling for trajectories/hits switch mode case 'hit' %%% Hit count using numbers? if isempty(value), value='off'; elseif vis_valuetype(value,{'string'}) & ... ~any(strcmp(value,{'on','off'})), error('Value for Text in mode ''hit'' should be ''on'' or ''off''.'); else ; % ok end %case 'traj','comet' % if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'char_array','cellcolumn_of_char'}) & ... % ~isempty(value) % error('Value for Text is of wrong type or size.') % elseif ischar(value) % value=strcell(value) % ok, convert to cell % end % if size(traj_label,1)~=size(D,1) % error(['The number of labels in Text and the length of the' ... % ' trajectory do not match.']); % end case 'label' ; % not used end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=0; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=0; case 'textsize' %%% Text size for labels if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'1x1'}) & ~isempty(value), error('TextSize must be scalar.'); end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=0; used_in.label=1; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=0; case 'textcolor' %%% Color for labels if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb','xor'}) & ~isempty(value), error('''TextColor'' must be ColorSpec, ''xor'' or ''none''.') end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=0; used_in.label=1; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=0; case 'trajwidth' %%% Basic line width for a line trajectory if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'1x1'}) & ~isempty(value), error('TrajWidth must be a scalar.'); end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=0; used_in.mhit=0; case 'widthfactor' %%% Hit factor for a line trajectory if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'string'}) | ... ~any(strcmp(value,{'hit', 'equal'})), error(['In mode ''traj'' ''WidthFactor'' must be ' ... 'string ''equal'' or ''hit''.']); end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=0; used_in.mhit=0; case 'trajcolor' %%% Color for trajectory line if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb','xor'}) & ~isempty(value), error('''TrajColor'' must be a ColorSpec or string ''xor''.') end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=0; used_in.mhit=0; case 'uselabel' %%% Which labels to show error('Not yet implemented.'); case 'shift' if ~vis_valuetype(value,{'1x1'}) | ((value < 0) | (value > 1)), error('''Shift'' must be a scalar in range [0,1].') end used_in.comet=0; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=0; used_in.label=0; used_in.hit=0; used_in.mhit=1; case 'subplot' %%% The subplots which are affected if vis_valuetype(value,{'1xn','nx1','string'}), if ischar(value), if ~strcmp(value,'all'), error('Only valid string value for subplot indices is ''all''.'); else value=1:length(handles); end elseif any(value<1) | any(value>length(handles)), error('Subplot indices must be in range 1...number_of_subplots!'); end elseif ~isempty(value) error('Invalid subplot indices!'); end used_in.comet=1; % Set relevance flags used_in.traj=1; used_in.label=1; used_in.hit=1; used_in.mhit=1; otherwise error([ 'Unknown identifier ''' identifier '''.']); end % Warn user if the property that was set has no effect in the % selected visuzlization mode if ~getfield(used_in, mode), warning(['Property ''' identifier ''' has no effect in mode ''' ... mode_ '''.']); else Property=setfield(Property,identifier,value); end end % set default subplot if isempty(Property.subplot) % search the subplot number for current axis value=find(gca==handles); if isempty(value) | value>length(handles) error('SubPlot default value setting: current axis is not in the figure!'); else Property.subplot=value; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% Main switch: select the right subfunction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch mode case 'hit' h_=hit(D, lattice, msize, Property); case 'mhit' h_=mhit(D, lattice, msize, Property); case 'label' h_=label(D, lattice, msize, Property); case 'traj' h_=traj(D, lattice, msize, Property); case 'comet' %error('Not yet implemented.'); h_=comet(D, lattice, msize, Property); otherwise error('Whoops! Internal error: unknown mode!'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Build output if necessary %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargout>0 h=h_; end %%%% SUBFUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h_=hit(Hits, lattice, msize, Property); % number of map units munits=prod(msize); % subplots p=Property.subplot; handles=Property.handles; % Set default marker if isempty(Property.marker), if strcmp(Property.text,'on') Property.marker='none'; else Property.marker='lattice'; end end % Set default markersize if isempty(Property.markersize) if strcmp(Property.marker,'none'), warning('MarkerSize is not meaningful since Marker is set to ''none''.'); elseif strcmp(Property.marker,'lattice'), Property.markersize=1; % normalized size else Property.markersize=12; % points end end % Set default colors if ~isempty(Property.markercolor), if strcmp(Property.marker,'none') warning('MarkerColor is not used since Marker is set to ''none''.'); Property.markercolor=[]; % not used else ; % ok end elseif any(strcmp(Property.marker,{'+','*','.','x'})), % these don't use fill color: 'none' will cause default % edgecolor to be 'k'. Property.markercolor='none'; else Property.markercolor='k'; end if ~isempty(Property.edgecolor), if strcmp(Property.marker,'none') warning(['EdgeColor is not used since Marker is set to' ... ' ''none''.']); else ; %ok end elseif ~strcmp(Property.markercolor,'none'), Property.edgecolor='none'; else Property.edgecolor='k'; end % Set default text if isempty(Property.text), Property.text='off'; end % Set default textsize if isempty(Property.textsize) Property.textsize=10; elseif strcmp(Property.text,'off') warning('TextSize not used as hits are not set to be shown as numbers.'); end % Set default textcolor if isempty(Property.textcolor) Property.textcolor='w'; elseif strcmp(Property.text,'off') warning('TextColor not used as hits are not set to be shown as numbers.'); end %% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% h_=[]; % this variable is for collecting the object handles % Select the drawing mode if ~strcmp(Property.marker,'none') %%%%% Draw spots %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % unit coordinates coord=som_vis_coords(lattice,msize); % Calculate the size of the spots mx=max(Hits); if mx==0, % nothing to draw! h_=[]; return else Size=sqrt(Hits./mx); end % coordinates for non-zero hits (only those are drawn) coord=coord(Size~=0,:); Size=Size(Size~=0); N=size(Size,1); % som_cplane can't draw one unit with arbitrary % coordinates as it its mixed with msize: if size(coord,1)==1 & strcmp(Property.marker,'lattice'), Size=[Size;Size]; coord=[coord;coord]; end for i=1:length(p), % Set axes axes(handles(p(i))); % Get hold state and caxis memhold=ishold; cax=caxis; hold on; switch Property.marker case 'lattice' h_(i,1)=som_cplane(lattice, coord, Property.markercolor, ... Property.markersize*Size); otherwise [S,m]=som_grid(lattice, [N 1],... 'Coord',coord, ... 'Line','none',... 'Marker',Property.marker,... 'MarkerColor',Property.markercolor,... 'MarkerSize', Size*Property.markersize); h_=[h_;m(:)]; end % Restore hold state if ~memhold hold off; end end % Set edgecolor if strcmp(Property.marker,'lattice') set(h_,'edgecolor',Property.edgecolor); else set(h_,'markeredgecolor',Property.edgecolor); end end if strcmp(Property.text,'on'), %%%%% Draw numbers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do numbers Hits=reshape(Hits,[munits 1]); labels=cell([munits 1]); for i=1:length(Hits) if Hits(i) % zero hit won't be shown labels(i)={num2str(Hits(i))}; end end for i=1:length(p), axes(handles(p(i))); % Set axes memhold=ishold; % Get hold state hold on; [S,m,l,t]=som_grid(lattice, msize, ... 'Line','none',... 'Marker','none', ... 'Label',labels, ... 'LabelColor', Property.textcolor, ... 'LabelSize', Property.textsize); % Get handles h_=[h_;t(:)]; % Restore hold state and caxis if ~memhold hold off; end caxis(cax); end % Remove zero object handles (missing objects) h_=setdiff(h_,0); end %% Set object tags (for som_show_clear) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(h_,'Tag','Hit') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h_=mhit(Hits, lattice, msize, Property); % number of map units munits=prod(msize); % subplots p=Property.subplot; handles=Property.handles; % Set default marker if isempty(Property.marker), Property.marker=lattice; end % variable 'mode' indicates which kind of markers are used: if iscell(Property.marker), mode='marker'; elseif vis_valuetype(Property.marker,{'markerstyle'}), mode='marker'; elseif strcmp(Property.marker,'pie'), mode='pie'; else mode='lattice'; end % Set default size scaling if isempty(Property.sizefactor) Property.sizefactor='separate'; end % Set default markersize if isempty(Property.markersize) if any(strcmp(mode,{'lattice','pie'})), Property.markersize=1; % normalized else Property.markersize=12; % points end end % Set default colors if isempty(Property.markercolor), Property.markercolor=hsv(size(Hits,2)); end if isempty(Property.edgecolor), if vis_valuetype(Property.markercolor,{'none'}), Property.edgecolor='k'; else Property.edgecolor='none'; end end % Set default shift if isempty(Property.shift) Property.shift=0; end %% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% h_=[]; % this variable is for collecting the object handles switch mode case {'marker','lattice'} % Number of hits histograms n_Hits=size(Hits,2); % Calculate the size of the spots if strcmp(Property.sizefactor,'common') mx=max(max(Hits)); if mx==0 % nothing to draw! h_=[]; return end spotSize=sqrt(Hits./mx); else mx=repmat(max(Hits),munits,1); mx(mx==0)=1; % Prevent division by zero spotSize=sqrt(Hits./mx); end %%% Make spotSize %reshape Size to a vector [spotSizeforHist(:,1); spotSizeforHist(:,2);...] spotSize=spotSize(:); % indices for non-zero hits (only those are drawn) notZero=find(spotSize ~= 0); % Drop zeros away from spotSize spotSize=spotSize(notZero); % Order spots so that bigger will be drawn first, so that they % won't hide smaller ones [dummy, sizeOrder]=sort(spotSize); sizeOrder=sizeOrder(end:-1:1); spotSize=spotSize(sizeOrder); %%% Make unit coordinates coord=som_vis_coords(lattice,msize); move=repmat(linspace(-.1,.1,n_Hits),size(coord,1),1)*Property.shift; move=repmat(move(:),1,2); % do n_Hits copies of unit coordinates so that they match spotSize coord=repmat(coord,n_Hits,1)+move; % Drop zeros away from coords and order coord=coord(notZero,:); coord=coord(sizeOrder,:); %%% Make unit colors if vis_valuetype(Property.markercolor,{'nx3'}), % If multiple colors Copy unit colors so that they match spotSize color=Property.markercolor(reshape(repmat([1:n_Hits]',1,munits)',... munits*n_Hits,1),:); % drop zeros away & order color=color(notZero,:); color=color(sizeOrder,:); else % only on color color=Property.markercolor; end %%% Make unit markers if iscell(Property.marker), %marker shows class: marker=char(Property.marker); marker=marker(reshape(repmat([1:n_Hits]',1,munits)',... munits*n_Hits,1),:); % Drop zeros, order & make to cell array (for som_grid) marker=marker(notZero,:); marker=cellstr(marker(sizeOrder,:)); else marker=Property.marker; end % som_cplane can't draw one unit with arbitrary % coordinates as it its mixed with msize: if size(coord,1)==1 & strcmp(mode,'lattice'), spotSize = [spotSize; spotSize]; coord = [coord; coord]; end N=length(notZero); % for som_grid visuzalization routine case 'pie' % marker 'pie' requires size parameter totHits if strcmp(mode,'pie') coord=som_vis_coords(lattice, msize); notZero=sum(Hits,2)>0; Hits=Hits(notZero,:); coord=coord(notZero,:); N=size(notZero,1); totHits=sqrt(sum(Hits,2)./max(sum(Hits,2))); end % som_pieplane can't draw one unit with arbitrary % coordinates as it its mixed with msize: if size(coord,1)==1, Hits= [Hits; Hits]; coord = [coord; coord]; end otherwise error('Whoops: internal error. Bad mode in subfunction mhit'); end for i=1:length(p), %%% Main loop begins % Set axis axes(handles(p(i))); % Get hold state and caxis memhold=ishold; cax=caxis; hold on; switch mode case 'lattice' h_(i,1)=som_cplane(lattice, coord, color, spotSize*Property.markersize); case 'marker' [S,m]=som_grid(lattice, [N 1],... 'Coord',coord, ... 'Line','none',... 'Marker',marker,... 'MarkerColor',color,... 'MarkerSize', spotSize*Property.markersize); h_=[h_;m(:)]; case 'pie' h_(i)=som_pieplane(lattice, coord, ... Hits, Property.markercolor, ... totHits*Property.markersize); end % Restore hold state and caxis if ~memhold hold off; end caxis(cax); end % Set edgecolor if any(strcmp(mode,{'lattice','pie'})), set(h_,'edgecolor',Property.edgecolor); else set(h_,'markeredgecolor',Property.edgecolor); end %% Set object tags (for som_show_clear) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(h_,'Tag','Hit') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h_=label(Labels, lattice, msize, Property) % number of map units munits=prod(msize); % subplots and handles p=Property.subplot; handles= Property.handles; % Set default text size if isempty(Property.textsize) % default point size Property.textsize=10; end % Check color/set default if isempty(Property.textcolor), Property.textcolor='k'; end % handles will be collected in h_ for output h_=[]; %%% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i=1:length(p); % set axes axes(handles(p(i))); % store hold state and caxis (for some reason matlab may % change caxis(!?) memhold=ishold; hold on; cax=caxis; % Write labels [S,m,l,t]=som_grid(lattice, msize, ... 'Line','none', ... 'Marker', 'none', ... 'Label', Labels, ... 'LabelColor', Property.textcolor, ... 'LabelSize', Property.textsize); % Get handles h_=[h_;m(:);l(:);t(:)]; % reset hold state and caxis if ~memhold hold off; end caxis(cax); end %%% Set object tags %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(h_,'Tag','Lab'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h_=traj(bmu, lattice, msize, Property) % number of map units munits=prod(msize); % subplots and handles p=Property.subplot; handles=Property.handles; % Set default text color %if isempty(Property.textcolor), % Property.textcolor='k'; %end % Set default text size %if isempty(Property.textsize) % Property.textsize=10; %end % Set default marker if isempty(Property.marker) Property.marker='o'; end % Set default markersize if isempty(Property.markersize) Property.markersize=10; end % Set default markercolor if isempty(Property.markercolor) Property.markercolor='w'; end % Set default sizefactor if isempty(Property.sizefactor) %Property.sizefactor=0; Property.sizefactor='hit'; end % Set default trajwidth if isempty(Property.trajwidth) Property.trajwidth=3; end % Set default widthfactor if isempty(Property.widthfactor) Property.widthfactor='hit'; end % Set default trajcolor if isempty(Property.trajcolor) Property.trajcolor='w'; end % if no labels, do a empty cell array for syntax reasons %if isempty(Property.text), % Property.text=cell(munits,1); %end h_=[]; % handles will be collected in h_ for output l=length(bmu); % length of trajectory C=sparse(munits, munits); % init a connection matrix %%%%%% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calculate the connection matrix that describes the trajectory for i=1:l-1, % The following if structure removes the possible redundancy due % to travels in both directions between two nodes of trajectory % (i.e. reflexivity) I=bmu(i+1);J=bmu(i); %if bmu(i)>bmu(i+1) %else % I=bmu(i);J=bmu(i+1); %end C(I,J)=C(I,J)+1; end % transitive connections are equal C=C+C'; % drop reflexive conncetions away C=spdiags(zeros(munits,1),0,C); % Do labels of trajectory nodes %traj_lab=cell(munits,1); hits=zeros(munits,1); for i=1:l, % traj_lab{bmu(i)}=strvcat(traj_lab{bmu(i)},Property.text{i}); hits(bmu(i))=(hits(bmu(i))+1); end % Calculate unit coordinates unit_coord=som_vis_coords(lattice, msize); % Calculate line width if strcmp(Property.widthfactor,'equal') TrajWidth=(C>0)*Property.trajwidth; else TrajWidth=Property.trajwidth.*sqrt(C./max(max(C))); end % Calculate marker sizes if strcmp(Property.sizefactor,'hit') MarkerSize=Property.markersize*sqrt(hits/max(hits)); else MarkerSize=Property.markersize*(hits>0); end for i=1:length(p), axes(handles(p(i))); % Get hold state and caxis memhold=ishold; cax=caxis; hold on; %'Label', traj_lab, ... %'LabelColor', Property.textcolor, ... %'LabelSize', Property.textsize, ... % Draw [S,m,l,t,s]=som_grid(C,msize,'coord',unit_coord,... 'Line','-', ... 'LineColor', Property.trajcolor, ... 'LineWidth', TrajWidth, ... 'Marker', Property.marker, ... 'MarkerColor', Property.markercolor, ... 'MarkerSize', MarkerSize); % Restore hold state and caxis if ~memhold hold off; end caxis(cax); % Get handles h_=[h_;m(:);l(:);t(:);s(:)]; end %% Set object tags %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(h_,'Tag','Traj'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h_=comet(bmu, lattice, msize, Property) % number of map units munits=prod(msize); % subplots and handles p=Property.subplot; handles=Property.handles; % Set default text color %if isempty(Property.textcolor), % Property.textcolor='k'; %end %% Set default text size %if isempty(Property.textsize) % Property.textsize=10; %end % Set default marker if isempty(Property.marker) Property.marker='o'; end % Set default markersize if isempty(Property.markersize), if strcmp(Property.marker,'lattice'), Property.markersize=linspace(0.8,0.1,length(bmu))'; else Property.markersize=sqrt(linspace(400,16,length(bmu)))'; end else if strcmp(Property.marker,'lattice'), Property.markersize=linspace(Property.markersize(1),... Property.markersize(2), ... length(bmu))'; else Property.markersize=sqrt(linspace(Property.markersize(1).^2,... Property.markersize(2).^2, ... length(bmu)))'; end end % Set default markercolor if isempty(Property.markercolor) Property.markercolor='w'; end % Set default edgecolor if isempty(Property.edgecolor), if vis_valuetype(Property.markercolor,{'nx3rgb'}), Property.edgecolor='none'; else Property.edgecolor=Property.markercolor; end end h_=[];l_=[]; % handles will be collected in h_ for output N_bmus=length(bmu); % length of trajectory % if no labels, do a empty cell array for syntax reasons %if isempty(Property.text), % Property.text=cell(N_bmus,1); %end %%%%%% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calculate unit coordinates for trajectory points unit_coord=som_vis_coords(lattice, msize); coord=unit_coord(bmu,:); % Make labels for the _unique_ units that the comet hits unique_bmu=unique(bmu); % count units %N_labels=length(unique_bmu); %traj_lab=cell(N_labels,1); % cell for labels %label_coord=unit_coord(unique_bmu,:); % label coordinates % Make labels %for i=1:N_bmus, % index=find(unique_bmu==bmu(i)); % traj_lab{index}=strvcat(traj_lab{index},Property.text{i}); %end %Main loop for drawing comets for i=1:length(p), % set axis axes(handles(p(i))); % Get hold state and caxis memhold=ishold; cax=caxis; hold on; if strcmp(Property.marker,'lattice'), % Draw: marker is a patch ('hexa','rect') l_=som_cplane(lattice, coord, Property.markercolor, ... Property.markersize); % Set edgecolor set(l_,'edgecolor',Property.edgecolor); else % Draw: other markers than 'hexa' or 'rect' [S,m,l,t,s]=som_grid(lattice, [N_bmus 1], 'coord', coord,... 'Line','none', ... 'Marker', Property.marker, ... 'MarkerColor', Property.markercolor, ... 'MarkerSize',Property.markersize); % Set edgecolor set(m, 'markeredgecolor', Property.edgecolor); % Get handles from markers h_=[h_;l_(:);m(:);l(:);t(:);s(:)]; end % Set labels %[S,m,l,t,s]=som_grid(lattice, [N_labels 1], 'coord', label_coord,... % 'Marker','none','Line','none',... % 'Label', traj_lab, ... % 'LabelColor', Property.textcolor, ... % 'LabelSize', Property.textsize); % Get handles from labels %h_=[h_;m(:);l(:);t(:);s(:)]; % Restore hold state and caxis if ~memhold hold off; end caxis(cax); end %% Set object tags %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set(h_,'Tag','Comet'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function P=init_properties; % Initialize an empty property struct P.marker=[]; P.markersize=[]; P.sizefactor=[]; P.markercolor=[]; P.edgecolor=[]; P.trajwidth=[]; P.widthfactor=[]; P.trajcolor=[]; P.text=[]; P.textsize=[]; P.textcolor=[]; P.subplot=[]; P.shift=[];