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searchlight ready. missing nifti-image-write support. added timing to FBS
Christoph Budziszewski
at 2009-03-30 17:54:25
% internal function % 'xform_nii.m' is an internal function called by "load_nii.m", so % you do not need run this program by yourself. It does simplified % NIfTI sform/qform affine transform, and supports some of the % affine transforms, including translation, reflection, and % orthogonal rotation (N*90 degree). % % For other affine transforms, e.g. any degree rotation, shearing % etc. you will have to use the included 'reslice_nii.m' program % to reslice the image volume. 'reslice_nii.m' is not called by % any other program, and you have to run 'reslice_nii.m' explicitly % for those NIfTI files that you want to reslice them. % % Since 'xform_nii.m' does not involve any interpolation or any % slice change, the original image volume is supposed to be % untouched, although it is translated, reflected, or even % orthogonally rotated, based on the affine matrix in the % NIfTI header. % % However, the affine matrix in the header of a lot NIfTI files % contain slightly non-orthogonal rotation. Therefore, optional % input parameter 'tolerance' is used to allow some distortion % in the loaded image for any non-orthogonal rotation or shearing % of NIfTI affine matrix. If you set 'tolerance' to 0, it means % that you do not allow any distortion. If you set 'tolerance' to % 1, it means that you do not care any distortion. The image will % fail to be loaded if it can not be tolerated. The tolerance will % be set to 0.1 (10%), if it is default or empty. % % Because 'reslice_nii.m' has to perform 3D interpolation, it can % be slow depending on image size and affine matrix in the header. % % After you perform the affine transform, the 'nii' structure % generated from 'xform_nii.m' or new NIfTI file created from % 'reslice_nii.m' will be in RAS orientation, i.e. X axis from % Left to Right, Y axis from Posterior to Anterior, and Z axis % from Inferior to Superior. % % NOTE: This function should be called immediately after load_nii. % % Usage: [ nii ] = xform_nii(nii, [tolerance], [preferredForm]) % % nii - NIFTI structure (returned from load_nii) % % tolerance (optional) - distortion allowed for non-orthogonal rotation % or shearing in NIfTI affine matrix. It will be set to 0.1 (10%), % if it is default or empty. % % preferredForm (optional) - selects which transformation from voxels % to RAS coordinates; values are s,q,S,Q. Lower case s,q indicate % "prefer sform or qform, but use others if preferred not present". % Upper case indicate the program is forced to use the specificied % tranform or fail loading. 'preferredForm' will be 's', if it is % default or empty. - Jeff Gunter % % NIFTI data format can be found on: % % - Jimmy Shen ( % function nii = xform_nii(nii, tolerance, preferredForm) % save a copy of the header as it was loaded. This is the % header before any sform, qform manipulation is done. % nii.original.hdr = nii.hdr; if ~exist('tolerance','var') | isempty(tolerance) tolerance = 0.1; elseif(tolerance<=0) tolerance = eps; end if ~exist('preferredForm','var') | isempty(preferredForm) preferredForm= 's'; % Jeff end % if scl_slope field is nonzero, then each voxel value in the % dataset should be scaled as: y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter % I bring it here because hdr will be modified by change_hdr. % if nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope ~= 0 & ... ismember(nii.hdr.dime.datatype, [2,4,8,16,64,256,512,768]) & ... (nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope ~= 1 | nii.hdr.dime.scl_inter ~= 0) nii.img = ... nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope * double(nii.img) + nii.hdr.dime.scl_inter; if nii.hdr.dime.datatype == 64 nii.hdr.dime.datatype = 64; nii.hdr.dime.bitpix = 64; else nii.img = single(nii.img); nii.hdr.dime.datatype = 16; nii.hdr.dime.bitpix = 32; end nii.hdr.dime.glmax = max(double(nii.img(:))); nii.hdr.dime.glmin = min(double(nii.img(:))); % set scale to non-use, because it is applied in xform_nii % nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope = 0; end % However, the scaling is to be ignored if datatype is DT_RGB24. % If datatype is a complex type, then the scaling is to be applied % to both the real and imaginary parts. % if nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope ~= 0 & ... ismember(nii.hdr.dime.datatype, [32,1792]) nii.img = ... nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope * double(nii.img) + nii.hdr.dime.scl_inter; if nii.hdr.dime.datatype == 32 nii.img = single(nii.img); end nii.hdr.dime.glmax = max(double(nii.img(:))); nii.hdr.dime.glmin = min(double(nii.img(:))); % set scale to non-use, because it is applied in xform_nii % nii.hdr.dime.scl_slope = 0; end % There is no need for this program to transform Analyze data % if nii.filetype == 0 & exist([nii.fileprefix '.mat'],'file') load([nii.fileprefix '.mat']); % old SPM affine matrix R=M(1:3,1:3); T=M(1:3,4); T=R*ones(3,1)+T; M(1:3,4)=T; nii.hdr.hist.qform_code=0; nii.hdr.hist.sform_code=1; nii.hdr.hist.srow_x=M(1,:); nii.hdr.hist.srow_y=M(2,:); nii.hdr.hist.srow_z=M(3,:); elseif nii.filetype == 0 nii.hdr.hist.rot_orient = []; nii.hdr.hist.flip_orient = []; return; % no sform/qform for Analyze format end hdr = nii.hdr; [hdr,orient]=change_hdr(hdr,tolerance,preferredForm); % flip and/or rotate image data % if ~isequal(orient, [1 2 3]) old_dim = hdr.dime.dim([2:4]); % More than 1 time frame % if ndims(nii.img) > 3 pattern = 1:prod(old_dim); else pattern = []; end if ~isempty(pattern) pattern = reshape(pattern, old_dim); end % calculate for rotation after flip % rot_orient = mod(orient + 2, 3) + 1; % do flip: % flip_orient = orient - rot_orient; for i = 1:3 if flip_orient(i) if ~isempty(pattern) pattern = flipdim(pattern, i); else nii.img = flipdim(nii.img, i); end end end % get index of orient (rotate inversely) % [tmp rot_orient] = sort(rot_orient); new_dim = old_dim; new_dim = new_dim(rot_orient); hdr.dime.dim([2:4]) = new_dim; new_pixdim = hdr.dime.pixdim([2:4]); new_pixdim = new_pixdim(rot_orient); hdr.dime.pixdim([2:4]) = new_pixdim; % re-calculate originator % tmp = hdr.hist.originator([1:3]); tmp = tmp(rot_orient); flip_orient = flip_orient(rot_orient); for i = 1:3 if flip_orient(i) & ~isequal(tmp(i), 0) tmp(i) = new_dim(i) - tmp(i) + 1; end end hdr.hist.originator([1:3]) = tmp; hdr.hist.rot_orient = rot_orient; hdr.hist.flip_orient = flip_orient; % do rotation: % if ~isempty(pattern) pattern = permute(pattern, rot_orient); pattern = pattern(:); nii.img = reshape(nii.img, [prod(new_dim) hdr.dime.dim(5:8)]); nii.img = nii.img(pattern, :); nii.img = reshape(nii.img, [new_dim hdr.dime.dim(5:8)]); else nii.img = permute(nii.img, rot_orient); end else hdr.hist.rot_orient = []; hdr.hist.flip_orient = []; end nii.hdr = hdr; return; % xform_nii %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function [hdr, orient] = change_hdr(hdr, tolerance, preferredForm) orient = [1 2 3]; affine_transform = 1; % NIFTI can have both sform and qform transform. This program % will check sform_code prior to qform_code by default. % % If user specifys "preferredForm", user can then choose the % priority. - Jeff % useForm=[]; % Jeff if isequal(preferredForm,'S') if isequal(hdr.hist.sform_code,0) error('User requires sform, sform not set in header'); else useForm='s'; end end % Jeff if isequal(preferredForm,'Q') if isequal(hdr.hist.qform_code,0) error('User requires qform, qform not set in header'); else useForm='q'; end end % Jeff if isequal(preferredForm,'s') if hdr.hist.sform_code > 0 useForm='s'; elseif hdr.hist.qform_code > 0 useForm='q'; end end % Jeff if isequal(preferredForm,'q') if hdr.hist.qform_code > 0 useForm='q'; elseif hdr.hist.sform_code > 0 useForm='s'; end end % Jeff if isequal(useForm,'s') R = [hdr.hist.srow_x(1:3) hdr.hist.srow_y(1:3) hdr.hist.srow_z(1:3)]; T = [hdr.hist.srow_x(4) hdr.hist.srow_y(4) hdr.hist.srow_z(4)]; if det(R) == 0 | ~isequal(R(find(R)), sum(R)') hdr.hist.old_affine = [ [R;[0 0 0]] [T;1] ]; R_sort = sort(abs(R(:))); R( find( abs(R) < tolerance*min(R_sort(end-2:end)) ) ) = 0; hdr.hist.new_affine = [ [R;[0 0 0]] [T;1] ]; if det(R) == 0 | ~isequal(R(find(R)), sum(R)') msg = [char(10) char(10) ' Non-orthogonal rotation or shearing ']; msg = [msg 'found inside the affine matrix' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' in this NIfTI file. You have 3 options:' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' 1. Using included ''reslice_nii.m'' program to reslice the NIfTI' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' file. I strongly recommand this, because it will not cause' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' negative effect, as long as you remember not to do slice' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' time correction after using ''reslice_nii.m''.' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' 2. Using included ''load_untouch_nii.m'' program to load image' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' without applying any affine geometric transformation or' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' voxel intensity scaling. This is only for people who want' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' to do some image processing regardless of image orientation' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' and to save data back with the same NIfTI header.' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' 3. Increasing the tolerance to allow more distortion in loaded' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' image, but I don''t suggest this.' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' To get help, please type:' char(10) char(10) ' help reslice_nii.m' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' help load_untouch_nii.m' char(10) ' help load_nii.m']; error(msg); end end elseif isequal(useForm,'q') b = hdr.hist.quatern_b; c = hdr.hist.quatern_c; d = hdr.hist.quatern_d; if 1.0-(b*b+c*c+d*d) < 0 if abs(1.0-(b*b+c*c+d*d)) < 1e-5 a = 0; else error('Incorrect quaternion values in this NIFTI data.'); end else a = sqrt(1.0-(b*b+c*c+d*d)); end qfac = hdr.dime.pixdim(1); i = hdr.dime.pixdim(2); j = hdr.dime.pixdim(3); k = qfac * hdr.dime.pixdim(4); R = [a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b]; T = [hdr.hist.qoffset_x hdr.hist.qoffset_y hdr.hist.qoffset_z]; % qforms are expected to generate rotation matrices R which are % det(R) = 1; we'll make sure that happens. % % now we make the same checks as were done above for sform data % BUT we do it on a transform that is in terms of voxels not mm; % after we figure out the angles and squash them to closest % rectilinear direction. After that, the voxel sizes are then % added. % % This part is modified by Jeff Gunter. % if det(R) == 0 | ~isequal(R(find(R)), sum(R)') % det(R) == 0 is not a common trigger for this --- % R(find(R)) is a list of non-zero elements in R; if that % is straight (not oblique) then it should be the same as % columnwise summation. Could just as well have checked the % lengths of R(find(R)) and sum(R)' (which should be 3) % hdr.hist.old_affine = [ [R * diag([i j k]);[0 0 0]] [T;1] ]; R_sort = sort(abs(R(:))); R( find( abs(R) < tolerance*min(R_sort(end-2:end)) ) ) = 0; R = R * diag([i j k]); hdr.hist.new_affine = [ [R;[0 0 0]] [T;1] ]; if det(R) == 0 | ~isequal(R(find(R)), sum(R)') msg = [char(10) char(10) ' Non-orthogonal rotation or shearing ']; msg = [msg 'found inside the affine matrix' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' in this NIfTI file. You have 3 options:' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' 1. Using included ''reslice_nii.m'' program to reslice the NIfTI' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' file. I strongly recommand this, because it will not cause' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' negative effect, as long as you remember not to do slice' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' time correction after using ''reslice_nii.m''.' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' 2. Using included ''load_untouch_nii.m'' program to load image' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' without applying any affine geometric transformation or' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' voxel intensity scaling. This is only for people who want' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' to do some image processing regardless of image orientation' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' and to save data back with the same NIfTI header.' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' 3. Increasing the tolerance to allow more distortion in loaded' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' image, but I don''t suggest this.' char(10) char(10)]; msg = [msg ' To get help, please type:' char(10) char(10) ' help reslice_nii.m' char(10)]; msg = [msg ' help load_untouch_nii.m' char(10) ' help load_nii.m']; error(msg); end else R = R * diag([i j k]); end % 1st det(R) else affine_transform = 0; % no sform or qform transform end if affine_transform == 1 voxel_size = abs(sum(R,1)); inv_R = inv(R); originator = inv_R*(-T)+1; orient = get_orient(inv_R); % modify pixdim and originator % hdr.dime.pixdim(2:4) = voxel_size; hdr.hist.originator(1:3) = originator; % set sform or qform to non-use, because they have been % applied in xform_nii % hdr.hist.qform_code = 0; hdr.hist.sform_code = 0; end % apply space_unit to pixdim if not 1 (mm) % space_unit = get_units(hdr); if space_unit ~= 1 hdr.dime.pixdim(2:4) = hdr.dime.pixdim(2:4) * space_unit; % set space_unit of xyzt_units to millimeter, because % voxel_size has been re-scaled % hdr.dime.xyzt_units = char(bitset(hdr.dime.xyzt_units,1,0)); hdr.dime.xyzt_units = char(bitset(hdr.dime.xyzt_units,2,1)); hdr.dime.xyzt_units = char(bitset(hdr.dime.xyzt_units,3,0)); end return; % change_hdr %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function orient = get_orient(R) orient = []; for i = 1:3 switch find(R(i,:)) * sign(sum(R(i,:))) case 1 orient = [orient 1]; % Left to Right case 2 orient = [orient 2]; % Posterior to Anterior case 3 orient = [orient 3]; % Inferior to Superior case -1 orient = [orient 4]; % Right to Left case -2 orient = [orient 5]; % Anterior to Posterior case -3 orient = [orient 6]; % Superior to Inferior end end return; % get_orient %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function [space_unit, time_unit] = get_units(hdr) switch bitand(hdr.dime.xyzt_units, 7) % mask with 0x07 case 1 space_unit = 1e+3; % meter, m case 3 space_unit = 1e-3; % micrometer, um otherwise space_unit = 1; % millimeter, mm end switch bitand(hdr.dime.xyzt_units, 56) % mask with 0x38 case 16 time_unit = 1e-3; % millisecond, ms case 24 time_unit = 1e-6; % microsecond, us otherwise time_unit = 1; % second, s end return; % get_units