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searchlight ready. missing nifti-image-write support. added timing to FBS
Christoph Budziszewski
at 2009-03-30 17:54:25
% Load NIFTI or ANALYZE dataset. Support both *.nii and *.hdr/*.img % file extension. If file extension is not provided, *.hdr/*.img will % be used as default. % % A subset of NIFTI transform is included. For non-orthogonal rotation, % shearing etc., please use 'reslice_nii.m' to reslice the NIFTI file. % It will not cause negative effect, as long as you remember not to do % slice time correction after reslicing the NIFTI file. Output variable % nii will be in RAS orientation, i.e. X axis from Left to Right, % Y axis from Posterior to Anterior, and Z axis from Inferior to % Superior. % % Usage: nii = load_nii(filename, [img_idx], [dim5_idx], [dim6_idx], ... % [dim7_idx], [old_RGB], [tolerance], [preferredForm]) % % filename - NIFTI or ANALYZE file name. % % img_idx (optional) - a numerical array of 4th dimension indices, % which is the indices of image scan volume. The number of images % scan volumes can be obtained from get_nii_frame.m, or simply % hdr.dime.dim(5). Only the specified volumes will be loaded. % All available image volumes will be loaded, if it is default or % empty. % % dim5_idx (optional) - a numerical array of 5th dimension indices. % Only the specified range will be loaded. All available range % will be loaded, if it is default or empty. % % dim6_idx (optional) - a numerical array of 6th dimension indices. % Only the specified range will be loaded. All available range % will be loaded, if it is default or empty. % % dim7_idx (optional) - a numerical array of 7th dimension indices. % Only the specified range will be loaded. All available range % will be loaded, if it is default or empty. % % old_RGB (optional) - a scale number to tell difference of new RGB24 % from old RGB24. New RGB24 uses RGB triple sequentially for each % voxel, like [R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 ...]. Analyze 6.0 from AnalyzeDirect % uses old RGB24, in a way like [R1 R2 ... G1 G2 ... B1 B2 ...] for % each slices. If the image that you view is garbled, try to set % old_RGB variable to 1 and try again, because it could be in % old RGB24. It will be set to 0, if it is default or empty. % % tolerance (optional) - distortion allowed in the loaded image for any % non-orthogonal rotation or shearing of NIfTI affine matrix. If % you set 'tolerance' to 0, it means that you do not allow any % distortion. If you set 'tolerance' to 1, it means that you do % not care any distortion. The image will fail to be loaded if it % can not be tolerated. The tolerance will be set to 0.1 (10%), if % it is default or empty. % % preferredForm (optional) - selects which transformation from voxels % to RAS coordinates; values are s,q,S,Q. Lower case s,q indicate % "prefer sform or qform, but use others if preferred not present". % Upper case indicate the program is forced to use the specificied % tranform or fail loading. 'preferredForm' will be 's', if it is % default or empty. - Jeff Gunter % % Returned values: % % nii structure: % % hdr - struct with NIFTI header fields. % % filetype - Analyze format .hdr/.img (0); % NIFTI .hdr/.img (1); % NIFTI .nii (2) % % fileprefix - NIFTI filename without extension. % % machine - machine string variable. % % img - 3D (or 4D) matrix of NIFTI data. % % original - the original header before any affine transform. % % Part of this file is copied and modified under GNU license from % MRI_TOOLBOX developed by CNSP in Flinders University, Australia % % NIFTI data format can be found on: % % - Jimmy Shen ( % function nii = load_nii(filename, img_idx, dim5_idx, dim6_idx, dim7_idx, ... old_RGB, tolerance, preferredForm) if ~exist('filename','var') error('Usage: nii = load_nii(filename, [img_idx], [dim5_idx], [dim6_idx], [dim7_idx], [old_RGB], [tolerance], [preferredForm])'); end if ~exist('img_idx','var') | isempty(img_idx) img_idx = []; end if ~exist('dim5_idx','var') | isempty(dim5_idx) dim5_idx = []; end if ~exist('dim6_idx','var') | isempty(dim6_idx) dim6_idx = []; end if ~exist('dim7_idx','var') | isempty(dim7_idx) dim7_idx = []; end if ~exist('old_RGB','var') | isempty(old_RGB) old_RGB = 0; end if ~exist('tolerance','var') | isempty(tolerance) tolerance = 0.1; % 10 percent end if ~exist('preferredForm','var') | isempty(preferredForm) preferredForm= 's'; % Jeff end % Read the dataset header % [nii.hdr,nii.filetype,nii.fileprefix,nii.machine] = load_nii_hdr(filename); % Read the header extension % % nii.ext = load_nii_ext(filename); % Read the dataset body % [nii.img,nii.hdr] = load_nii_img(nii.hdr,nii.filetype,nii.fileprefix, ... nii.machine,img_idx,dim5_idx,dim6_idx,dim7_idx,old_RGB); % Perform some of sform/qform transform % nii = xform_nii(nii, tolerance, preferredForm); return % load_nii