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starting som prediction fine-tuned class-performance visualisation
Christoph Budziszewski
at 2009-01-21 16:34:25
function [P] = cca(D, P, epochs, Mdist, alpha0, lambda0) %CCA Projects data vectors using Curvilinear Component Analysis. % % P = cca(D, P, epochs, [Dist], [alpha0], [lambda0]) % % P = cca(D,2,10); % projects the given data to a plane % P = cca(D,pcaproj(D,2),5); % same, but with PCA initialization % P = cca(D, 2, 10, Dist); % same, but the given distance matrix is used % % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): % D (matrix) the data matrix, size dlen x dim % (struct) data or map struct % P (scalar) output dimension % (matrix) size dlen x odim, the initial projection % epochs (scalar) training length % [Dist] (matrix) pairwise distance matrix, size dlen x dlen. % If the distances in the input space should % be calculated otherwise than as euclidian % distances, the distance from each vector % to each other vector can be given here, % size dlen x dlen. For example PDIST % function can be used to calculate the % distances: Dist = squareform(pdist(D,'mahal')); % [alpha0] (scalar) initial step size, 0.5 by default % [lambda0] (scalar) initial radius of influence, 3*max(std(D)) by default % % P (matrix) size dlen x odim, the projections % % Unknown values (NaN's) in the data: projections of vectors with % unknown components tend to drift towards the center of the % projection distribution. Projections of totally unknown vectors are % set to unknown (NaN). % % See also SAMMON, PCAPROJ. % Reference: Demartines, P., Herault, J., "Curvilinear Component % Analysis: a Self-Organizing Neural Network for Nonlinear % Mapping of Data Sets", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, % vol 8, no 1, 1997, pp. 148-154. % Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, February 2nd, 2000 by Juha Vesanto % Copyright (c) by Juha Vesanto % % juuso 171297 040100 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Check arguments error(nargchk(3, 6, nargin)); % check the number of input arguments % input data if isstruct(D), if strcmp(D.type,'som_map'), D = D.codebook; else D =; end end [noc dim] = size(D); noc_x_1 = ones(noc, 1); % used frequently me = zeros(1,dim); st = zeros(1,dim); for i=1:dim, me(i) = mean(D(find(isfinite(D(:,i))),i)); st(i) = std(D(find(isfinite(D(:,i))),i)); end % initial projection if prod(size(P))==1, P = (2*rand(noc,P)-1).*st(noc_x_1,1:P) + me(noc_x_1,1:P); else % replace unknown projections with known values inds = find(isnan(P)); P(inds) = rand(size(inds)); end [dummy odim] = size(P); odim_x_1 = ones(odim, 1); % this is used frequently % training length train_len = epochs*noc; % random sample order rand('state',sum(100*clock)); sample_inds = ceil(noc*rand(train_len,1)); % mutual distances if nargin<4 | isempty(Mdist) | all(isnan(Mdist(:))), fprintf(2, 'computing mutual distances\r'); dim_x_1 = ones(dim,1); for i = 1:noc, x = D(i,:); Diff = D - x(noc_x_1,:); N = isnan(Diff); Diff(find(N)) = 0; Mdist(:,i) = sqrt((Diff.^2)*dim_x_1); N = find(sum(N')==dim); %mutual distance unknown if ~isempty(N), Mdist(N,i) = NaN; end end else % if the distance matrix is output from PDIST function if size(Mdist,1)==1, Mdist = squareform(Mdist); end if size(Mdist,1)~=noc, error('Mutual distance matrix size and data set size do not match'); end end % alpha and lambda if nargin<5 | isempty(alpha0) | isnan(alpha0), alpha0 = 0.5; end alpha = potency_curve(alpha0,alpha0/100,train_len); if nargin<6 | isempty(lambda0) | isnan(lambda0), lambda0 = max(st)*3; end lambda = potency_curve(lambda0,0.01,train_len); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Action k=0; fprintf(2, 'iterating: %d / %d epochs\r',k,epochs); for i=1:train_len, ind = sample_inds(i); % sample index dx = Mdist(:,ind); % mutual distances in input space known = find(~isnan(dx)); % known distances if ~isempty(known), % sample vector's projection y = P(ind,:); % distances in output space Dy = P(known,:) - y(noc_x_1(known),:); dy = sqrt((Dy.^2)*odim_x_1); % relative effect dy(find(dy==0)) = 1; % to get rid of div-by-zero's fy = exp(-dy/lambda(i)) .* (dx(known) ./ dy - 1); % Note that the function F here is e^(-dy/lambda)) % instead of the bubble function 1(lambda-dy) used in the % paper. % Note that here a simplification has been made: the derivatives of the % F function have been ignored in calculating the gradient of error % function w.r.t. to changes in dy. % update P(known,:) = P(known,:) + alpha(i)*fy(:,odim_x_1).*Dy; end % track if rem(i,noc)==0, k=k+1; fprintf(2, 'iterating: %d / %d epochs\r',k,epochs); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% clear up % calculate error error = cca_error(P,Mdist,lambda(train_len)); fprintf(2,'%d iterations, error %f \n', epochs, error); % set projections of totally unknown vectors as unknown unknown = find(sum(isnan(D)')==dim); P(unknown,:) = NaN; return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% tips % to plot the results, use the code below %subplot(2,1,1), %switch(odim), % case 1, plot(P(:,1),ones(dlen,1),'x') % case 2, plot(P(:,1),P(:,2),'x'); % otherwise, plot3(P(:,1),P(:,2),P(:,3),'x'); rotate3d on %end %subplot(2,1,2), dydxplot(P,Mdist); % to a project a new point x in the input space to the output space % do the following: % Diff = D - x(noc_x_1,:); Diff(find(isnan(Diff))) = 0; % dx = sqrt((Diff.^2)*dim_x_1); % p = project_point(P,x,dx); % this function can be found from below % tlen = size(p,1); % plot(P(:,1),P(:,2),'bx',p(tlen,1),p(tlen,2),'ro',p(:,1),p(:,2),'r-') % similar trick can be made to the other direction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% subfunctions function vals = potency_curve(v0,vn,l) % curve that decreases from v0 to vn with a rate that is % somewhere between linear and 1/t vals = v0 * (vn/v0).^([0:(l-1)]/(l-1)); function error = cca_error(P,Mdist,lambda) [noc odim] = size(P); noc_x_1 = ones(noc,1); odim_x_1 = ones(odim,1); error = 0; for i=1:noc, known = find(~isnan(Mdist(:,i))); if ~isempty(known), y = P(i,:); Dy = P(known,:) - y(noc_x_1(known),:); dy = sqrt((Dy.^2)*odim_x_1); fy = exp(-dy/lambda); error = error + sum(((Mdist(known,i) - dy).^2).*fy); end end error = error/2; function [] = dydxplot(P,Mdist) [noc odim] = size(P); noc_x_1 = ones(noc,1); odim_x_1 = ones(odim,1); Pdist = zeros(noc,noc); for i=1:noc, y = P(i,:); Dy = P - y(noc_x_1,:); Pdist(:,i) = sqrt((Dy.^2)*odim_x_1); end Pdist = tril(Pdist,-1); inds = find(Pdist > 0); n = length(inds); plot(Pdist(inds),Mdist(inds),'.'); xlabel('dy'), ylabel('dx') function p = project_point(P,x,dx) [noc odim] = size(P); noc_x_1 = ones(noc,1); odim_x_1 = ones(odim,1); % initial projection [dummy,i] = min(dx); y = P(i,:)+rand(1,odim)*norm(P(i,:))/20; % lambda lambda = norm(std(P)); % termination eps = 1e-3; i_max = noc*10; i=1; p(i,:) = y; ready = 0; while ~ready, % mutual distances Dy = P - y(noc_x_1,:); % differences in output space dy = sqrt((Dy.^2)*odim_x_1); % distances in output space f = exp(-dy/lambda); fprintf(2,'iteration %d, error %g \r',i,sum(((dx - dy).^2).*f)); % all the other vectors push the projected one fy = f .* (dx ./ dy - 1) / sum(f); % update step = - sum(fy(:,odim_x_1).*Dy); y = y + step; i=i+1; p(i,:) = y; ready = (norm(step)/norm(y) < eps | i > i_max); end fprintf(2,'\n');