function sTable = som_table_struct(values,headers,span,colfmt)
%SOM_TABLE_STRUCT Create a table struct.
% sTable = som_table_struct(values,[headers],[span],[colfmt])
% Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
% values (cell array) size nrow x ncol, the contents of the table
% (char array) size nrow x *
% (matrix) size nrow x ncol
% [headers] (cell array) size 1 x ncol, header row of the table
% (empty) by default, empty headers are used ('')
% [span] (matrix) size nrow x ncol x 2, span of each cell of the
% table: span(:,:,1) gives horizontal span and
% span(:,:,2) gives vertical span. If the value
% for a cell is greater than 1, it should be
% followed by a corresponding number of zeros
% for the following cells (left or down)
% (empty) by default ones(nrow,ncol,1)
% [colfmt] (string) the format of each column as given in LaTeX,
% only used if the table is printed as 'ps' or 'pdf',
% by default colfmt = ''
% sTable (struct) the table struct, with the following fields:
% .headers (cell array) header row, size 1 x ncol
% .values (cell array) values, size nrow x ncol
% .span (matrix) span of each cell, size nrow x ncol x 2
% Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, December 31st, 2001 by Juha Vesanto
% Copyright (c) by Juha Vesanto
% Version 2.0beta juuso 311201
if ischar(values), values = cellstr(values);
elseif isnumeric(values), values = num2cell(values);
[nrow,ncol] = size(values);
if nargin<2 | isempty(headers), headers = cell(1,ncol); headers(:) = {''}; end
if ischar(headers), headers = cellstr(headers); end
if nargin<3 | isempty(span), span = ones(nrow,ncol,2); end
if sum(span(:)) > 2*nrow*ncol,
warning('span matrix has overlapping cells')
elseif sum(span(:)) < 2*nrow*ncol,
warning('span matrix has noncontinuous cells')