Christoph Budziszewski commited on 2009-03-30 17:54:25
Zeige 40 geänderte Dateien mit 11578 Einfügungen und 27 Löschungen.
git-svn-id: 83ab2cfd-5345-466c-8aeb-2b2739fb922d
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ |
1 |
+% Using 2D or 3D affine matrix to rotate, translate, scale, reflect and |
2 |
+% shear a 2D image or 3D volume. 2D image is represented by a 2D matrix, |
3 |
+% 3D volume is represented by a 3D matrix, and data type can be real |
4 |
+% integer or floating-point. |
5 |
+% |
6 |
+% You may notice that MATLAB has a function called 'imtransform.m' for |
7 |
+% 2D spatial transformation. However, keep in mind that 'imtransform.m' |
8 |
+% assumes y for the 1st dimension, and x for the 2nd dimension. They are |
9 |
+% equivalent otherwise. |
10 |
+% |
11 |
+% In addition, if you adjust the 'new_elem_size' parameter, this 'affine.m' |
12 |
+% is equivalent to 'interp2.m' for 2D image, and equivalent to 'interp3.m' |
13 |
+% for 3D volume. |
14 |
+% |
15 |
+% Usage: [new_img new_M] = ... |
16 |
+% affine(old_img, old_M, [new_elem_size], [verbose], [bg], [method]); |
17 |
+% |
18 |
+% old_img - original 2D image or 3D volume. We assume x for the 1st |
19 |
+% dimension, y for the 2nd dimension, and z for the 3rd |
20 |
+% dimension. |
21 |
+% |
22 |
+% old_M - a 3x3 2D affine matrix for 2D image, or a 4x4 3D affine |
23 |
+% matrix for 3D volume. We assume x for the 1st dimension, |
24 |
+% y for the 2nd dimension, and z for the 3rd dimension. |
25 |
+% |
26 |
+% new_elem_size (optional) - size of voxel along x y z direction for |
27 |
+% a transformed 3D volume, or size of pixel along x y for |
28 |
+% a transformed 2D image. We assume x for the 1st dimension |
29 |
+% y for the 2nd dimension, and z for the 3rd dimension. |
30 |
+% 'new_elem_size' is 1 if it is default or empty. |
31 |
+% |
32 |
+% You can increase its value to decrease the resampling rate, |
33 |
+% and make the 2D image or 3D volume more coarse. It works |
34 |
+% just like 'interp3'. |
35 |
+% |
36 |
+% verbose (optional) - 1, 0 |
37 |
+% 1: show transforming progress in percentage |
38 |
+% 2: progress will not be displayed |
39 |
+% 'verbose' is 1 if it is default or empty. |
40 |
+% |
41 |
+% bg (optional) - background voxel intensity in any extra corner that |
42 |
+% is caused by the interpolation. 0 in most cases. If it is |
43 |
+% default or empty, 'bg' will be the average of two corner |
44 |
+% voxel intensities in original data. |
45 |
+% |
46 |
+% method (optional) - 1, 2, or 3 |
47 |
+% 1: for Trilinear interpolation |
48 |
+% 2: for Nearest Neighbor interpolation |
49 |
+% 3: for Fischer's Bresenham interpolation |
50 |
+% 'method' is 1 if it is default or empty. |
51 |
+% |
52 |
+% new_img - transformed 2D image or 3D volume |
53 |
+% |
54 |
+% new_M - transformed affine matrix |
55 |
+% |
56 |
+% Example 1 (3D rotation): |
57 |
+% load mri.mat; old_img = double(squeeze(D)); |
58 |
+% old_M = [0.88 0.5 3 -90; -0.5 0.88 3 -126; 0 0 2 -72; 0 0 0 1]; |
59 |
+% new_img = affine(old_img, old_M, 2); |
60 |
+% [x y z] = meshgrid(1:128,1:128,1:27); |
61 |
+% sz = size(new_img); |
62 |
+% [x1 y1 z1] = meshgrid(1:sz(2),1:sz(1),1:sz(3)); |
63 |
+% figure; slice(x, y, z, old_img, 64, 64, 13.5); |
64 |
+% shading flat; colormap(map); view(-66, 66); |
65 |
+% figure; slice(x1, y1, z1, new_img, sz(1)/2, sz(2)/2, sz(3)/2); |
66 |
+% shading flat; colormap(map); view(-66, 66); |
67 |
+% |
68 |
+% Example 2 (2D interpolation): |
69 |
+% load mri.mat; old_img=D(:,:,1,13)'; |
70 |
+% old_M = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]; |
71 |
+% new_img = affine(old_img, old_M, [.2 .4]); |
72 |
+% figure; image(old_img); colormap(map); |
73 |
+% figure; image(new_img); colormap(map); |
74 |
+% |
75 |
+% This program is inspired by: |
76 |
+% SPM5 Software from Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging |
77 |
+% |
78 |
+% Fischer, J., A. del Rio (2004). A Fast Method for Applying Rigid |
79 |
+% Transformations to Volume Data, WSCG2004 Conference. |
80 |
+% |
81 |
+% |
82 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
83 |
+% |
84 |
+function [new_img, new_M] = affine(old_img, old_M, new_elem_size, verbose, bg, method) |
85 |
+ |
86 |
+ if ~exist('old_img','var') | ~exist('old_M','var') |
87 |
+ error('Usage: [new_img new_M] = affine(old_img, old_M, [new_elem_size], [verbose], [bg], [method]);'); |
88 |
+ end |
89 |
+ |
90 |
+ if ndims(old_img) == 3 |
91 |
+ if ~isequal(size(old_M),[4 4]) |
92 |
+ error('old_M should be a 4x4 affine matrix for 3D volume.'); |
93 |
+ end |
94 |
+ elseif ndims(old_img) == 2 |
95 |
+ if ~isequal(size(old_M),[3 3]) |
96 |
+ error('old_M should be a 3x3 affine matrix for 2D image.'); |
97 |
+ end |
98 |
+ else |
99 |
+ error('old_img should be either 2D image or 3D volume.'); |
100 |
+ end |
101 |
+ |
102 |
+ if ~exist('new_elem_size','var') | isempty(new_elem_size) |
103 |
+ new_elem_size = [1 1 1]; |
104 |
+ elseif length(new_elem_size) < 2 |
105 |
+ new_elem_size = new_elem_size(1)*ones(1,3); |
106 |
+ elseif length(new_elem_size) < 3 |
107 |
+ new_elem_size = [new_elem_size(:); 1]'; |
108 |
+ end |
109 |
+ |
110 |
+ if ~exist('method','var') | isempty(method) |
111 |
+ method = 1; |
112 |
+ elseif ~exist('bresenham_line3d.m','file') & method == 3 |
113 |
+ error([char(10) char(10) 'Please download 3D Bresenham''s line generation program from:' char(10) char(10) '' char(10) char(10) 'to test Fischer''s Bresenham interpolation method.' char(10) char(10)]); |
114 |
+ end |
115 |
+ |
116 |
+ % Make compatible to MATLAB earlier than version 7 (R14), which |
117 |
+ % can only perform arithmetic on double data type |
118 |
+ % |
119 |
+ old_img = double(old_img); |
120 |
+ old_dim = size(old_img); |
121 |
+ |
122 |
+ if ~exist('bg','var') | isempty(bg) |
123 |
+ bg = mean([old_img(1) old_img(end)]); |
124 |
+ end |
125 |
+ |
126 |
+ if ~exist('verbose','var') | isempty(verbose) |
127 |
+ verbose = 1; |
128 |
+ end |
129 |
+ |
130 |
+ if ndims(old_img) == 2 |
131 |
+ old_dim(3) = 1; |
132 |
+ old_M = old_M(:, [1 2 3 3]); |
133 |
+ old_M = old_M([1 2 3 3], :); |
134 |
+ old_M(3,:) = [0 0 1 0]; |
135 |
+ old_M(:,3) = [0 0 1 0]'; |
136 |
+ end |
137 |
+ |
138 |
+ % Vertices of img in voxel |
139 |
+ % |
140 |
+ XYZvox = [ 1 1 1 |
141 |
+ 1 1 old_dim(3) |
142 |
+ 1 old_dim(2) 1 |
143 |
+ 1 old_dim(2) old_dim(3) |
144 |
+ old_dim(1) 1 1 |
145 |
+ old_dim(1) 1 old_dim(3) |
146 |
+ old_dim(1) old_dim(2) 1 |
147 |
+ old_dim(1) old_dim(2) old_dim(3) ]'; |
148 |
+ |
149 |
+ old_R = old_M(1:3,1:3); |
150 |
+ old_T = old_M(1:3,4); |
151 |
+ |
152 |
+ % Vertices of img in millimeter |
153 |
+ % |
154 |
+ XYZmm = old_R*(XYZvox-1) + repmat(old_T, [1, 8]); |
155 |
+ |
156 |
+ % Make scale of new_M according to new_elem_size |
157 |
+ % |
158 |
+ new_M = diag([new_elem_size 1]); |
159 |
+ |
160 |
+ % Make translation so minimum vertex is moved to [1,1,1] |
161 |
+ % |
162 |
+ new_M(1:3,4) = round( min(XYZmm,[],2) ); |
163 |
+ |
164 |
+ % New dimensions will be the maximum vertices in XYZ direction (dim_vox) |
165 |
+ % i.e. compute dim_vox via dim_mm = R*(dim_vox-1)+T |
166 |
+ % where, dim_mm = round(max(XYZmm,[],2)); |
167 |
+ % |
168 |
+ new_dim = ceil(new_M(1:3,1:3) \ ( round(max(XYZmm,[],2))-new_M(1:3,4) )+1)'; |
169 |
+ |
170 |
+ % Initialize new_img with new_dim |
171 |
+ % |
172 |
+ new_img = zeros(new_dim(1:3)); |
173 |
+ |
174 |
+ % Mask out any changes from Z axis of transformed volume, since we |
175 |
+ % will traverse it voxel by voxel below. We will only apply unit |
176 |
+ % increment of mask_Z(3,4) to simulate the cursor movement |
177 |
+ % |
178 |
+ % i.e. we will use mask_Z * new_XYZvox to replace new_XYZvox |
179 |
+ % |
180 |
+ mask_Z = diag(ones(1,4)); |
181 |
+ mask_Z(3,3) = 0; |
182 |
+ |
183 |
+ % It will be easier to do the interpolation if we invert the process |
184 |
+ % by not traversing the original volume. Instead, we traverse the |
185 |
+ % transformed volume, and backproject each voxel in the transformed |
186 |
+ % volume back into the original volume. If the backprojected voxel |
187 |
+ % in original volume is within its boundary, the intensity of that |
188 |
+ % voxel can be used by the cursor location in the transformed volume. |
189 |
+ % |
190 |
+ % First, we traverse along Z axis of transformed volume voxel by voxel |
191 |
+ % |
192 |
+ for z = 1:new_dim(3) |
193 |
+ |
194 |
+ if verbose & ~mod(z,10) |
195 |
+ fprintf('%.2f percent is done.\n', 100*z/new_dim(3)); |
196 |
+ end |
197 |
+ |
198 |
+ % We need to find out the mapping from voxel in the transformed |
199 |
+ % volume (new_XYZvox) to voxel in the original volume (old_XYZvox) |
200 |
+ % |
201 |
+ % The following equation works, because they all equal to XYZmm: |
202 |
+ % new_R*(new_XYZvox-1) + new_T == old_R*(old_XYZvox-1) + old_T |
203 |
+ % |
204 |
+ % We can use modified new_M1 & old_M1 to substitute new_M & old_M |
205 |
+ % new_M1 * new_XYZvox == old_M1 * old_XYZvox |
206 |
+ % |
207 |
+ % where: M1 = M; M1(:,4) = M(:,4) - sum(M(:,1:3),2); |
208 |
+ % and: M(:,4) == [T; 1] == sum(M1,2) |
209 |
+ % |
210 |
+ % Therefore: old_XYZvox = old_M1 \ new_M1 * new_XYZvox; |
211 |
+ % |
212 |
+ % Since we are traverse Z axis, and new_XYZvox is replaced |
213 |
+ % by mask_Z * new_XYZvox, the above formula can be rewritten |
214 |
+ % as: old_XYZvox = old_M1 \ new_M1 * mask_Z * new_XYZvox; |
215 |
+ % |
216 |
+ % i.e. we find the mapping from new_XYZvox to old_XYZvox: |
217 |
+ % M = old_M1 \ new_M1 * mask_Z; |
218 |
+ % |
219 |
+ % First, compute modified old_M1 & new_M1 |
220 |
+ % |
221 |
+ old_M1 = old_M; old_M1(:,4) = old_M(:,4) - sum(old_M(:,1:3),2); |
222 |
+ new_M1 = new_M; new_M1(:,4) = new_M(:,4) - sum(new_M(:,1:3),2); |
223 |
+ |
224 |
+ % Then, apply unit increment of mask_Z(3,4) to simulate the |
225 |
+ % cursor movement |
226 |
+ % |
227 |
+ mask_Z(3,4) = z; |
228 |
+ |
229 |
+ % Here is the mapping from new_XYZvox to old_XYZvox |
230 |
+ % |
231 |
+ M = old_M1 \ new_M1 * mask_Z; |
232 |
+ |
233 |
+ switch method |
234 |
+ case 1 |
235 |
+ new_img(:,:,z) = trilinear(old_img, new_dim, old_dim, M, bg); |
236 |
+ case 2 |
237 |
+ new_img(:,:,z) = nearest_neighbor(old_img, new_dim, old_dim, M, bg); |
238 |
+ case 3 |
239 |
+ new_img(:,:,z) = bresenham(old_img, new_dim, old_dim, M, bg); |
240 |
+ end |
241 |
+ |
242 |
+ end; % for z |
243 |
+ |
244 |
+ if ndims(old_img) == 2 |
245 |
+ new_M(3,:) = []; |
246 |
+ new_M(:,3) = []; |
247 |
+ end |
248 |
+ |
249 |
+ return; % affine |
250 |
+ |
251 |
+ |
252 |
+%-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
253 |
+function img_slice = trilinear(img, dim1, dim2, M, bg) |
254 |
+ |
255 |
+ img_slice = zeros(dim1(1:2)); |
256 |
+ TINY = 5e-2; % tolerance |
257 |
+ |
258 |
+ % Dimension of transformed 3D volume |
259 |
+ % |
260 |
+ xdim1 = dim1(1); |
261 |
+ ydim1 = dim1(2); |
262 |
+ |
263 |
+ % Dimension of original 3D volume |
264 |
+ % |
265 |
+ xdim2 = dim2(1); |
266 |
+ ydim2 = dim2(2); |
267 |
+ zdim2 = dim2(3); |
268 |
+ |
269 |
+ % initialize new_Y accumulation |
270 |
+ % |
271 |
+ Y2X = 0; |
272 |
+ Y2Y = 0; |
273 |
+ Y2Z = 0; |
274 |
+ |
275 |
+ for y = 1:ydim1 |
276 |
+ |
277 |
+ % increment of new_Y accumulation |
278 |
+ % |
279 |
+ Y2X = Y2X + M(1,2); % new_Y to old_X |
280 |
+ Y2Y = Y2Y + M(2,2); % new_Y to old_Y |
281 |
+ Y2Z = Y2Z + M(3,2); % new_Y to old_Z |
282 |
+ |
283 |
+ % backproject new_Y accumulation and translation to old_XYZ |
284 |
+ % |
285 |
+ old_X = Y2X + M(1,4); |
286 |
+ old_Y = Y2Y + M(2,4); |
287 |
+ old_Z = Y2Z + M(3,4); |
288 |
+ |
289 |
+ for x = 1:xdim1 |
290 |
+ |
291 |
+ % accumulate the increment of new_X, and apply it |
292 |
+ % to the backprojected old_XYZ |
293 |
+ % |
294 |
+ old_X = M(1,1) + old_X ; |
295 |
+ old_Y = M(2,1) + old_Y ; |
296 |
+ old_Z = M(3,1) + old_Z ; |
297 |
+ |
298 |
+ % within boundary of original image |
299 |
+ % |
300 |
+ if ( old_X > 1-TINY & old_X < xdim2+TINY & ... |
301 |
+ old_Y > 1-TINY & old_Y < ydim2+TINY & ... |
302 |
+ old_Z > 1-TINY & old_Z < zdim2+TINY ) |
303 |
+ |
304 |
+ % Calculate distance of old_XYZ to its neighbors for |
305 |
+ % weighted intensity average |
306 |
+ % |
307 |
+ dx = old_X - floor(old_X); |
308 |
+ dy = old_Y - floor(old_Y); |
309 |
+ dz = old_Z - floor(old_Z); |
310 |
+ |
311 |
+ x000 = floor(old_X); |
312 |
+ x100 = x000 + 1; |
313 |
+ |
314 |
+ if floor(old_X) < 1 |
315 |
+ x000 = 1; |
316 |
+ x100 = x000; |
317 |
+ elseif floor(old_X) > xdim2-1 |
318 |
+ x000 = xdim2; |
319 |
+ x100 = x000; |
320 |
+ end |
321 |
+ |
322 |
+ x010 = x000; |
323 |
+ x001 = x000; |
324 |
+ x011 = x000; |
325 |
+ |
326 |
+ x110 = x100; |
327 |
+ x101 = x100; |
328 |
+ x111 = x100; |
329 |
+ |
330 |
+ y000 = floor(old_Y); |
331 |
+ y010 = y000 + 1; |
332 |
+ |
333 |
+ if floor(old_Y) < 1 |
334 |
+ y000 = 1; |
335 |
+ y100 = y000; |
336 |
+ elseif floor(old_Y) > ydim2-1 |
337 |
+ y000 = ydim2; |
338 |
+ y010 = y000; |
339 |
+ end |
340 |
+ |
341 |
+ y100 = y000; |
342 |
+ y001 = y000; |
343 |
+ y101 = y000; |
344 |
+ |
345 |
+ y110 = y010; |
346 |
+ y011 = y010; |
347 |
+ y111 = y010; |
348 |
+ |
349 |
+ z000 = floor(old_Z); |
350 |
+ z001 = z000 + 1; |
351 |
+ |
352 |
+ if floor(old_Z) < 1 |
353 |
+ z000 = 1; |
354 |
+ z001 = z000; |
355 |
+ elseif floor(old_Z) > zdim2-1 |
356 |
+ z000 = zdim2; |
357 |
+ z001 = z000; |
358 |
+ end |
359 |
+ |
360 |
+ z100 = z000; |
361 |
+ z010 = z000; |
362 |
+ z110 = z000; |
363 |
+ |
364 |
+ z101 = z001; |
365 |
+ z011 = z001; |
366 |
+ z111 = z001; |
367 |
+ |
368 |
+ x010 = x000; |
369 |
+ x001 = x000; |
370 |
+ x011 = x000; |
371 |
+ |
372 |
+ x110 = x100; |
373 |
+ x101 = x100; |
374 |
+ x111 = x100; |
375 |
+ |
376 |
+ v000 = double(img(x000, y000, z000)); |
377 |
+ v010 = double(img(x010, y010, z010)); |
378 |
+ v001 = double(img(x001, y001, z001)); |
379 |
+ v011 = double(img(x011, y011, z011)); |
380 |
+ |
381 |
+ v100 = double(img(x100, y100, z100)); |
382 |
+ v110 = double(img(x110, y110, z110)); |
383 |
+ v101 = double(img(x101, y101, z101)); |
384 |
+ v111 = double(img(x111, y111, z111)); |
385 |
+ |
386 |
+ img_slice(x,y) = v000*(1-dx)*(1-dy)*(1-dz) + ... |
387 |
+ v010*(1-dx)*dy*(1-dz) + ... |
388 |
+ v001*(1-dx)*(1-dy)*dz + ... |
389 |
+ v011*(1-dx)*dy*dz + ... |
390 |
+ v100*dx*(1-dy)*(1-dz) + ... |
391 |
+ v110*dx*dy*(1-dz) + ... |
392 |
+ v101*dx*(1-dy)*dz + ... |
393 |
+ v111*dx*dy*dz; |
394 |
+ |
395 |
+ else |
396 |
+ img_slice(x,y) = bg; |
397 |
+ |
398 |
+ end % if boundary |
399 |
+ |
400 |
+ end % for x |
401 |
+ end % for y |
402 |
+ |
403 |
+ return; % trilinear |
404 |
+ |
405 |
+ |
406 |
+%-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
407 |
+function img_slice = nearest_neighbor(img, dim1, dim2, M, bg) |
408 |
+ |
409 |
+ img_slice = zeros(dim1(1:2)); |
410 |
+ |
411 |
+ % Dimension of transformed 3D volume |
412 |
+ % |
413 |
+ xdim1 = dim1(1); |
414 |
+ ydim1 = dim1(2); |
415 |
+ |
416 |
+ % Dimension of original 3D volume |
417 |
+ % |
418 |
+ xdim2 = dim2(1); |
419 |
+ ydim2 = dim2(2); |
420 |
+ zdim2 = dim2(3); |
421 |
+ |
422 |
+ % initialize new_Y accumulation |
423 |
+ % |
424 |
+ Y2X = 0; |
425 |
+ Y2Y = 0; |
426 |
+ Y2Z = 0; |
427 |
+ |
428 |
+ for y = 1:ydim1 |
429 |
+ |
430 |
+ % increment of new_Y accumulation |
431 |
+ % |
432 |
+ Y2X = Y2X + M(1,2); % new_Y to old_X |
433 |
+ Y2Y = Y2Y + M(2,2); % new_Y to old_Y |
434 |
+ Y2Z = Y2Z + M(3,2); % new_Y to old_Z |
435 |
+ |
436 |
+ % backproject new_Y accumulation and translation to old_XYZ |
437 |
+ % |
438 |
+ old_X = Y2X + M(1,4); |
439 |
+ old_Y = Y2Y + M(2,4); |
440 |
+ old_Z = Y2Z + M(3,4); |
441 |
+ |
442 |
+ for x = 1:xdim1 |
443 |
+ |
444 |
+ % accumulate the increment of new_X and apply it |
445 |
+ % to the backprojected old_XYZ |
446 |
+ % |
447 |
+ old_X = M(1,1) + old_X ; |
448 |
+ old_Y = M(2,1) + old_Y ; |
449 |
+ old_Z = M(3,1) + old_Z ; |
450 |
+ |
451 |
+ xi = round(old_X); |
452 |
+ yi = round(old_Y); |
453 |
+ zi = round(old_Z); |
454 |
+ |
455 |
+ % within boundary of original image |
456 |
+ % |
457 |
+ if ( xi >= 1 & xi <= xdim2 & ... |
458 |
+ yi >= 1 & yi <= ydim2 & ... |
459 |
+ zi >= 1 & zi <= zdim2 ) |
460 |
+ |
461 |
+ img_slice(x,y) = img(xi,yi,zi); |
462 |
+ |
463 |
+ else |
464 |
+ img_slice(x,y) = bg; |
465 |
+ |
466 |
+ end % if boundary |
467 |
+ |
468 |
+ end % for x |
469 |
+ end % for y |
470 |
+ |
471 |
+ return; % nearest_neighbor |
472 |
+ |
473 |
+ |
474 |
+%-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
475 |
+function img_slice = bresenham(img, dim1, dim2, M, bg) |
476 |
+ |
477 |
+ img_slice = zeros(dim1(1:2)); |
478 |
+ |
479 |
+ % Dimension of transformed 3D volume |
480 |
+ % |
481 |
+ xdim1 = dim1(1); |
482 |
+ ydim1 = dim1(2); |
483 |
+ |
484 |
+ % Dimension of original 3D volume |
485 |
+ % |
486 |
+ xdim2 = dim2(1); |
487 |
+ ydim2 = dim2(2); |
488 |
+ zdim2 = dim2(3); |
489 |
+ |
490 |
+ for y = 1:ydim1 |
491 |
+ |
492 |
+ start_old_XYZ = round(M*[0 y 0 1]'); |
493 |
+ end_old_XYZ = round(M*[xdim1 y 0 1]'); |
494 |
+ |
495 |
+ [X Y Z] = bresenham_line3d(start_old_XYZ, end_old_XYZ); |
496 |
+ |
497 |
+ % line error correction |
498 |
+ % |
499 |
+% del = end_old_XYZ - start_old_XYZ; |
500 |
+ % del_dom = max(del); |
501 |
+ % idx_dom = find(del==del_dom); |
502 |
+ % idx_dom = idx_dom(1); |
503 |
+ % idx_other = [1 2 3]; |
504 |
+ % idx_other(idx_dom) = []; |
505 |
+ %del_x1 = del(idx_other(1)); |
506 |
+% del_x2 = del(idx_other(2)); |
507 |
+ % line_slope = sqrt((del_x1/del_dom)^2 + (del_x2/del_dom)^2 + 1); |
508 |
+ % line_error = line_slope - 1; |
509 |
+% line error correction removed because it is too slow |
510 |
+ |
511 |
+ for x = 1:xdim1 |
512 |
+ |
513 |
+ % rescale ratio |
514 |
+ % |
515 |
+ i = round(x * length(X) / xdim1); |
516 |
+ |
517 |
+ if i < 1 |
518 |
+ i = 1; |
519 |
+ elseif i > length(X) |
520 |
+ i = length(X); |
521 |
+ end |
522 |
+ |
523 |
+ xi = X(i); |
524 |
+ yi = Y(i); |
525 |
+ zi = Z(i); |
526 |
+ |
527 |
+ % within boundary of the old XYZ space |
528 |
+ % |
529 |
+ if ( xi >= 1 & xi <= xdim2 & ... |
530 |
+ yi >= 1 & yi <= ydim2 & ... |
531 |
+ zi >= 1 & zi <= zdim2 ) |
532 |
+ |
533 |
+ img_slice(x,y) = img(xi,yi,zi); |
534 |
+ |
535 |
+% if line_error > 1 |
536 |
+ % x = x + 1; |
537 |
+ |
538 |
+% if x <= xdim1 |
539 |
+ % img_slice(x,y) = img(xi,yi,zi); |
540 |
+ % line_error = line_slope - 1; |
541 |
+ % end |
542 |
+ % end % if line_error |
543 |
+% line error correction removed because it is too slow |
544 |
+ |
545 |
+ else |
546 |
+ img_slice(x,y) = bg; |
547 |
+ |
548 |
+ end % if boundary |
549 |
+ |
550 |
+ end % for x |
551 |
+ end % for y |
552 |
+ |
553 |
+ return; % bresenham |
554 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
1 |
+%BIPOLAR returns an M-by-3 matrix containing a blue-red colormap, in |
2 |
+% in which red stands for positive, blue stands for negative, |
3 |
+% and white stands for 0. |
4 |
+% |
5 |
+% Usage: cmap = bipolar(M, lo, hi, contrast); or cmap = bipolar; |
6 |
+% |
7 |
+% cmap: output M-by-3 matrix for BIPOLAR colormap. |
8 |
+% M: number of shades in the colormap. By default, it is the |
9 |
+% same length as the current colormap. |
10 |
+% lo: the lowest value to represent. |
11 |
+% hi: the highest value to represent. |
12 |
+% |
13 |
+% Inspired from the LORETA PASCAL program: |
14 |
+% |
15 |
+% |
16 |
+% |
17 |
+% |
18 |
+%---------------------------------------------------------------- |
19 |
+function cmap = bipolar(M, lo, hi, contrast) |
20 |
+ |
21 |
+ if ~exist('contrast','var') |
22 |
+ contrast = 128; |
23 |
+ end |
24 |
+ |
25 |
+ if ~exist('lo','var') |
26 |
+ lo = -1; |
27 |
+ end |
28 |
+ |
29 |
+ if ~exist('hi','var') |
30 |
+ hi = 1; |
31 |
+ end |
32 |
+ |
33 |
+ if ~exist('M','var') |
34 |
+ cmap = colormap; |
35 |
+ M = size(cmap,1); |
36 |
+ end |
37 |
+ |
38 |
+ steepness = 10 ^ (1 - (contrast-1)/127); |
39 |
+ pos_infs = 1e-99; |
40 |
+ neg_infs = -1e-99; |
41 |
+ |
42 |
+ doubleredc = []; |
43 |
+ doublebluec = []; |
44 |
+ |
45 |
+ if lo >= 0 % all positive |
46 |
+ |
47 |
+ if lo == 0 |
48 |
+ lo = pos_infs; |
49 |
+ end |
50 |
+ |
51 |
+ for i=linspace(hi/M, hi, M) |
52 |
+ t = exp(log(i/hi)*steepness); |
53 |
+ doubleredc = [doubleredc; [(1-t)+t,(1-t)+0,(1-t)+0]]; |
54 |
+ end |
55 |
+ |
56 |
+ cmap = doubleredc; |
57 |
+ |
58 |
+ elseif hi <= 0 % all negative |
59 |
+ |
60 |
+ if hi == 0 |
61 |
+ hi = neg_infs; |
62 |
+ end |
63 |
+ |
64 |
+ for i=linspace(abs(lo)/M, abs(lo), M) |
65 |
+ t = exp(log(i/abs(lo))*steepness); |
66 |
+ doublebluec = [doublebluec; [(1-t)+0,(1-t)+0,(1-t)+t]]; |
67 |
+ end |
68 |
+ |
69 |
+ cmap = flipud(doublebluec); |
70 |
+ |
71 |
+ else |
72 |
+ |
73 |
+ if hi > abs(lo) |
74 |
+ maxc = hi; |
75 |
+ else |
76 |
+ maxc = abs(lo); |
77 |
+ end |
78 |
+ |
79 |
+ for i=linspace(maxc/M, hi, round(M*hi/(hi-lo))) |
80 |
+ t = exp(log(i/maxc)*steepness); |
81 |
+ doubleredc = [doubleredc; [(1-t)+t,(1-t)+0,(1-t)+0]]; |
82 |
+ end |
83 |
+ |
84 |
+ for i=linspace(maxc/M, abs(lo), round(M*abs(lo)/(hi-lo))) |
85 |
+ t = exp(log(i/maxc)*steepness); |
86 |
+ doublebluec = [doublebluec; [(1-t)+0,(1-t)+0,(1-t)+t]]; |
87 |
+ end |
88 |
+ |
89 |
+ cmap = [flipud(doublebluec); doubleredc]; |
90 |
+ |
91 |
+ end |
92 |
+ |
93 |
+ return; % bipolar |
94 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ |
1 |
+% Generate X Y Z coordinates of a 3D Bresenham's line between |
2 |
+% two given points. |
3 |
+% |
4 |
+% A very useful application of this algorithm can be found in the |
5 |
+% implementation of Fischer's Bresenham interpolation method in my |
6 |
+% another program that can rotate three dimensional image volume |
7 |
+% with an affine matrix: |
8 |
+% |
9 |
+% |
10 |
+% Usage: [X Y Z] = bresenham_line3d(P1, P2, [precision]); |
11 |
+% |
12 |
+% P1 - vector for Point1, where P1 = [x1 y1 z1] |
13 |
+% |
14 |
+% P2 - vector for Point2, where P2 = [x2 y2 z2] |
15 |
+% |
16 |
+% precision (optional) - Although according to Bresenham's line |
17 |
+% algorithm, point coordinates x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2 should |
18 |
+% be integer numbers, this program extends its limit to all |
19 |
+% real numbers. If any of them are floating numbers, you |
20 |
+% should specify how many digits of decimal that you would |
21 |
+% like to preserve. Be aware that the length of output X Y |
22 |
+% Z coordinates will increase in 10 times for each decimal |
23 |
+% digit that you want to preserve. By default, the precision |
24 |
+% is 0, which means that they will be rounded to the nearest |
25 |
+% integer. |
26 |
+% |
27 |
+% X - a set of x coordinates on Bresenham's line |
28 |
+% |
29 |
+% Y - a set of y coordinates on Bresenham's line |
30 |
+% |
31 |
+% Z - a set of z coordinates on Bresenham's line |
32 |
+% |
33 |
+% Therefore, all points in XYZ set (i.e. P(i) = [X(i) Y(i) Z(i)]) |
34 |
+% will constitute the Bresenham's line between P1 and P1. |
35 |
+% |
36 |
+% Example: |
37 |
+% P1 = [12 37 6]; P2 = [46 3 35]; |
38 |
+% [X Y Z] = bresenham_line3d(P1, P2); |
39 |
+% figure; plot3(X,Y,Z,'s','markerface','b'); |
40 |
+% |
41 |
+% This program is ported to MATLAB from: |
42 |
+% |
43 |
+% B.Pendleton. line3d - 3D Bresenham's (a 3D line drawing algorithm) |
44 |
+%, 1992 |
45 |
+% |
46 |
+% Which is also referenced by: |
47 |
+% |
48 |
+% Fischer, J., A. del Rio (2004). A Fast Method for Applying Rigid |
49 |
+% Transformations to Volume Data, WSCG2004 Conference. |
50 |
+% |
51 |
+% |
52 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
53 |
+% |
54 |
+function [X,Y,Z] = bresenham_line3d(P1, P2, precision) |
55 |
+ |
56 |
+ if ~exist('precision','var') | isempty(precision) | round(precision) == 0 |
57 |
+ precision = 0; |
58 |
+ P1 = round(P1); |
59 |
+ P2 = round(P2); |
60 |
+ else |
61 |
+ precision = round(precision); |
62 |
+ P1 = round(P1*(10^precision)); |
63 |
+ P2 = round(P2*(10^precision)); |
64 |
+ end |
65 |
+ |
66 |
+ d = max(abs(P2-P1)+1); |
67 |
+ X = zeros(1, d); |
68 |
+ Y = zeros(1, d); |
69 |
+ Z = zeros(1, d); |
70 |
+ |
71 |
+ x1 = P1(1); |
72 |
+ y1 = P1(2); |
73 |
+ z1 = P1(3); |
74 |
+ |
75 |
+ x2 = P2(1); |
76 |
+ y2 = P2(2); |
77 |
+ z2 = P2(3); |
78 |
+ |
79 |
+ dx = x2 - x1; |
80 |
+ dy = y2 - y1; |
81 |
+ dz = z2 - z1; |
82 |
+ |
83 |
+ ax = abs(dx)*2; |
84 |
+ ay = abs(dy)*2; |
85 |
+ az = abs(dz)*2; |
86 |
+ |
87 |
+ sx = sign(dx); |
88 |
+ sy = sign(dy); |
89 |
+ sz = sign(dz); |
90 |
+ |
91 |
+ x = x1; |
92 |
+ y = y1; |
93 |
+ z = z1; |
94 |
+ idx = 1; |
95 |
+ |
96 |
+ if(ax>=max(ay,az)) % x dominant |
97 |
+ yd = ay - ax/2; |
98 |
+ zd = az - ax/2; |
99 |
+ |
100 |
+ while(1) |
101 |
+ X(idx) = x; |
102 |
+ Y(idx) = y; |
103 |
+ Z(idx) = z; |
104 |
+ idx = idx + 1; |
105 |
+ |
106 |
+ if(x == x2) % end |
107 |
+ break; |
108 |
+ end |
109 |
+ |
110 |
+ if(yd >= 0) % move along y |
111 |
+ y = y + sy; |
112 |
+ yd = yd - ax; |
113 |
+ end |
114 |
+ |
115 |
+ if(zd >= 0) % move along z |
116 |
+ z = z + sz; |
117 |
+ zd = zd - ax; |
118 |
+ end |
119 |
+ |
120 |
+ x = x + sx; % move along x |
121 |
+ yd = yd + ay; |
122 |
+ zd = zd + az; |
123 |
+ end |
124 |
+ elseif(ay>=max(ax,az)) % y dominant |
125 |
+ xd = ax - ay/2; |
126 |
+ zd = az - ay/2; |
127 |
+ |
128 |
+ while(1) |
129 |
+ X(idx) = x; |
130 |
+ Y(idx) = y; |
131 |
+ Z(idx) = z; |
132 |
+ idx = idx + 1; |
133 |
+ |
134 |
+ if(y == y2) % end |
135 |
+ break; |
136 |
+ end |
137 |
+ |
138 |
+ if(xd >= 0) % move along x |
139 |
+ x = x + sx; |
140 |
+ xd = xd - ay; |
141 |
+ end |
142 |
+ |
143 |
+ if(zd >= 0) % move along z |
144 |
+ z = z + sz; |
145 |
+ zd = zd - ay; |
146 |
+ end |
147 |
+ |
148 |
+ y = y + sy; % move along y |
149 |
+ xd = xd + ax; |
150 |
+ zd = zd + az; |
151 |
+ end |
152 |
+ elseif(az>=max(ax,ay)) % z dominant |
153 |
+ xd = ax - az/2; |
154 |
+ yd = ay - az/2; |
155 |
+ |
156 |
+ while(1) |
157 |
+ X(idx) = x; |
158 |
+ Y(idx) = y; |
159 |
+ Z(idx) = z; |
160 |
+ idx = idx + 1; |
161 |
+ |
162 |
+ if(z == z2) % end |
163 |
+ break; |
164 |
+ end |
165 |
+ |
166 |
+ if(xd >= 0) % move along x |
167 |
+ x = x + sx; |
168 |
+ xd = xd - az; |
169 |
+ end |
170 |
+ |
171 |
+ if(yd >= 0) % move along y |
172 |
+ y = y + sy; |
173 |
+ yd = yd - az; |
174 |
+ end |
175 |
+ |
176 |
+ z = z + sz; % move along z |
177 |
+ xd = xd + ax; |
178 |
+ yd = yd + ay; |
179 |
+ end |
180 |
+ end |
181 |
+ |
182 |
+ if precision ~= 0 |
183 |
+ X = X/(10^precision); |
184 |
+ Y = Y/(10^precision); |
185 |
+ Z = Z/(10^precision); |
186 |
+ end |
187 |
+ |
188 |
+ return; % bresenham_line3d |
189 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ |
1 |
+% Collapse multiple single-scan NIFTI files into a multiple-scan NIFTI file |
2 |
+% |
3 |
+% Usage: collapse_nii_scan(scan_file_pattern, [collapsed_filename], [scan_file_folder]) |
4 |
+% |
5 |
+% Here, scan_file_pattern should look like: 'myscan_0*.img' |
6 |
+% If collapsed_filename is omit, 'multi_scan.nii' will be used |
7 |
+% If scan_file_folder is omit, current file folder will be used |
8 |
+% |
9 |
+% The order of volumes in the collapsed file will be the order of |
10 |
+% corresponding filenames for those selected scan files. |
11 |
+% |
12 |
+% NIFTI data format can be found on: |
13 |
+% |
14 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
15 |
+% |
16 |
+function collapse_nii_scan(scan_pattern, fileprefix, scan_path) |
17 |
+ |
18 |
+ if ~exist('fileprefix','var'), fileprefix = 'multi_scan.nii'; end |
19 |
+ if ~exist('scan_path','var'), scan_path = pwd; end |
20 |
+ |
21 |
+ filetype = 1; |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+ % Note: fileprefix is actually the filename you want to save |
24 |
+ % |
25 |
+ if findstr('.nii',fileprefix) |
26 |
+ filetype = 2; |
27 |
+ fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.nii',''); |
28 |
+ end |
29 |
+ |
30 |
+ if findstr('.hdr',fileprefix) |
31 |
+ fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.hdr',''); |
32 |
+ end |
33 |
+ |
34 |
+ if findstr('.img',fileprefix) |
35 |
+ fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.img',''); |
36 |
+ end |
37 |
+ |
38 |
+ pnfn = fullfile(scan_path, scan_pattern); |
39 |
+ |
40 |
+ file_lst = dir(pnfn); |
41 |
+ flist = {}; |
42 |
+ flist = flist(:); |
43 |
+ |
44 |
+ nii = load_nii(flist{1}); |
45 |
+ nii.hdr.dime.dim(5) = length(flist); |
46 |
+ hdr = nii.hdr; |
47 |
+ |
48 |
+ if isfield(nii,'ext') & ~isempty(nii.ext) |
49 |
+ ext = nii.ext; |
50 |
+ [ext, esize_total] = verify_nii_ext(ext); |
51 |
+ else |
52 |
+ ext = []; |
53 |
+ end |
54 |
+ |
55 |
+ switch double(hdr.dime.datatype), |
56 |
+ case 1, |
57 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(1 ); precision = 'ubit1'; |
58 |
+ case 2, |
59 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(8 ); precision = 'uint8'; |
60 |
+ case 4, |
61 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(16); precision = 'int16'; |
62 |
+ case 8, |
63 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(32); precision = 'int32'; |
64 |
+ case 16, |
65 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(32); precision = 'float32'; |
66 |
+ case 32, |
67 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(64); precision = 'float32'; |
68 |
+ case 64, |
69 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(64); precision = 'float64'; |
70 |
+ case 128, |
71 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(24); precision = 'uint8'; |
72 |
+ case 256 |
73 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(8 ); precision = 'int8'; |
74 |
+ case 512 |
75 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(16); precision = 'uint16'; |
76 |
+ case 768 |
77 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(32); precision = 'uint32'; |
78 |
+ case 1024 |
79 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(64); precision = 'int64'; |
80 |
+ case 1280 |
81 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(64); precision = 'uint64'; |
82 |
+ case 1792, |
83 |
+ hdr.dime.bitpix = int16(128); precision = 'float64'; |
84 |
+ otherwise |
85 |
+ error('This datatype is not supported'); |
86 |
+ end |
87 |
+ |
88 |
+ if filetype == 2 |
89 |
+ fid = fopen(sprintf('%s.nii',fileprefix),'w'); |
90 |
+ |
91 |
+ if fid < 0, |
92 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s.nii.',fileprefix); |
93 |
+ error(msg); |
94 |
+ end |
95 |
+ |
96 |
+ hdr.dime.vox_offset = 352; |
97 |
+ |
98 |
+ if ~isempty(ext) |
99 |
+ hdr.dime.vox_offset = hdr.dime.vox_offset + esize_total; |
100 |
+ end |
101 |
+ |
102 |
+ hdr.hist.magic = 'n+1'; |
103 |
+ save_nii_hdr(hdr, fid); |
104 |
+ |
105 |
+ if ~isempty(ext) |
106 |
+ save_nii_ext(ext, fid); |
107 |
+ end |
108 |
+ else |
109 |
+ fid = fopen(sprintf('%s.hdr',fileprefix),'w'); |
110 |
+ |
111 |
+ if fid < 0, |
112 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s.hdr.',fileprefix); |
113 |
+ error(msg); |
114 |
+ end |
115 |
+ |
116 |
+ hdr.dime.vox_offset = 0; |
117 |
+ hdr.hist.magic = 'ni1'; |
118 |
+ save_nii_hdr(hdr, fid); |
119 |
+ |
120 |
+ if ~isempty(ext) |
121 |
+ save_nii_ext(ext, fid); |
122 |
+ end |
123 |
+ |
124 |
+ fclose(fid); |
125 |
+ fid = fopen(sprintf('%s.img',fileprefix),'w'); |
126 |
+ end |
127 |
+ |
128 |
+ if filetype == 2 & isempty(ext) |
129 |
+ skip_bytes = double(hdr.dime.vox_offset) - 348; |
130 |
+ else |
131 |
+ skip_bytes = 0; |
132 |
+ end |
133 |
+ |
134 |
+ glmax = -inf; |
135 |
+ glmin = inf; |
136 |
+ |
137 |
+ for i = 1:length(flist) |
138 |
+ nii = load_nii(flist{i}); |
139 |
+ |
140 |
+ if double(hdr.dime.datatype) == 128 |
141 |
+ |
142 |
+ % RGB planes are expected to be in the 4th dimension of nii.img |
143 |
+ % |
144 |
+ if(size(nii.img,4)~=3) |
145 |
+ error(['The NII structure does not appear to have 3 RGB color planes in the 4th dimension']); |
146 |
+ end |
147 |
+ |
148 |
+ if old_RGB |
149 |
+ nii.img = permute(nii.img, [1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8]); |
150 |
+ else |
151 |
+ nii.img = permute(nii.img, [4 1 2 3 5 6 7 8]); |
152 |
+ end |
153 |
+ end |
154 |
+ |
155 |
+ % For complex float32 or complex float64, voxel values |
156 |
+ % include [real, imag] |
157 |
+ % |
158 |
+ if hdr.dime.datatype == 32 | hdr.dime.datatype == 1792 |
159 |
+ real_img = real(nii.img(:))'; |
160 |
+ nii.img = imag(nii.img(:))'; |
161 |
+ nii.img = [real_img; nii.img]; |
162 |
+ end |
163 |
+ |
164 |
+ if nii.hdr.dime.glmax > glmax |
165 |
+ glmax = nii.hdr.dime.glmax; |
166 |
+ end |
167 |
+ |
168 |
+ if nii.hdr.dime.glmin < glmin |
169 |
+ glmin = nii.hdr.dime.glmin; |
170 |
+ end |
171 |
+ |
172 |
+ fwrite(fid, nii.img, precision); |
173 |
+ end |
174 |
+ |
175 |
+ hdr.dime.glmax = round(glmax); |
176 |
+ hdr.dime.glmin = round(glmin); |
177 |
+ |
178 |
+ if filetype == 2 |
179 |
+ fseek(fid, 140, 'bof'); |
180 |
+ fwrite(fid, hdr.dime.glmax, 'int32'); |
181 |
+ fwrite(fid, hdr.dime.glmin, 'int32'); |
182 |
+ else |
183 |
+ fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.hdr',fileprefix),'w'); |
184 |
+ |
185 |
+ if fid2 < 0, |
186 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s.hdr.',fileprefix); |
187 |
+ error(msg); |
188 |
+ end |
189 |
+ |
190 |
+ save_nii_hdr(hdr, fid2); |
191 |
+ |
192 |
+ if ~isempty(ext) |
193 |
+ save_nii_ext(ext, fid2); |
194 |
+ end |
195 |
+ |
196 |
+ fclose(fid2); |
197 |
+ end |
198 |
+ |
199 |
+ fclose(fid); |
200 |
+ |
201 |
+ return; % collapse_nii_scan |
202 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+- Examples to load, make and save a nii struct: |
3 |
+ |
4 |
+ To load Analyze data or NIFTI data to a structure: |
5 |
+ |
6 |
+ nii = load_nii(NIFTI_file_name, [img_idx], [old_RGB24]); |
7 |
+ |
8 |
+ img_idx is a numerical array of image indices along the temporal |
9 |
+ axis, which is only available in NIFTI data. After you specify |
10 |
+ img_idx, only those images indexed by img_idx will be loaded. If |
11 |
+ there is no img_idx or img_idx is empty, all available images |
12 |
+ will be loaded. |
13 |
+ |
14 |
+ For RGB image, most people use RGB triple sequentially for each |
15 |
+ voxel, like [R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 ...]. However, some program like |
16 |
+ Analyze 6.0 developed by AnalyzeDirect uses old RGB24, in a way |
17 |
+ like [R1 R2 ... G1 G2 ... B1 B2 ...] for each slices. In this |
18 |
+ case, you can set old_RGB24 flag to 1 and load data correctly: |
19 |
+ |
20 |
+ nii = load_nii(NIFTI_file_name, [], 1); |
21 |
+ |
22 |
+ To get a total number of images along the temporal axis: |
23 |
+ |
24 |
+ num_scan = get_nii_frame(NIFTI_file_name); |
25 |
+ |
26 |
+ You can also load the header extension if it exists: |
27 |
+ |
28 |
+ nii.ext = load_nii_ext(NIFTI_file_name); |
29 |
+ |
30 |
+ You can just load the Analyze or NIFTI header: |
31 |
+ (header contains: hk, dime, and hist) |
32 |
+ |
33 |
+ hdr = load_nii_hdr(NIFTI_file_name); |
34 |
+ |
35 |
+ You can also save the structure to a new file: |
36 |
+ (header extension will be saved if there is nii.ext structure) |
37 |
+ |
38 |
+ save_nii(nii, NIFTI_file_name); |
39 |
+ |
40 |
+ To make the structure from any 3D (or 4D) data: |
41 |
+ |
42 |
+ img = rand(91,109,91); or |
43 |
+ img = rand(64,64,21,18); |
44 |
+ nii = make_nii(img [, voxel_size, origin, datatype] ); |
45 |
+ |
46 |
+ Use "help load_nii", "help save_nii", "help make_nii" etc. |
47 |
+ to get more detail information. |
48 |
+ |
49 |
+ |
50 |
+- Examples to plot a nii struct: |
51 |
+ (More detail descriptions are available on top of "view_nii.m") |
52 |
+ |
53 |
+ Simple way to plot a nii struct: |
54 |
+ |
55 |
+ view_nii(nii); |
56 |
+ |
57 |
+ The default colormap will use the Gray if all data values are |
58 |
+ non-negative; otherwise, the default colormap will use BiPolar. |
59 |
+ You can choose other colormap, including customized colormap |
60 |
+ from panel. |
61 |
+ |
62 |
+ To imbed the plot into your existing figure: |
63 |
+ |
64 |
+ h = gcf; |
65 |
+ opt.command = 'init'; |
66 |
+ opt.setarea = [0.3 0.1 0.6 0.8]; |
67 |
+ view_nii(h, nii, opt); |
68 |
+ |
69 |
+ To add a colorbar: |
70 |
+ |
71 |
+ opt.usecolorbar = 1; |
72 |
+ view_nii(gcf, opt); |
73 |
+ |
74 |
+ Here, opt.command is implicitly set to 'update'. |
75 |
+ |
76 |
+ To display in real aspect ratio: |
77 |
+ |
78 |
+ opt.usestretch = 0; |
79 |
+ view_nii(gcf, opt); |
80 |
+ |
81 |
+ If you want the data value to be directly used as the index |
82 |
+ of colormap, instead of scale to the whole colormap: |
83 |
+ |
84 |
+ opt.useimagesc = 0; |
85 |
+ view_nii(gcf, opt); |
86 |
+ |
87 |
+ If you modified the data value without changing the dimension, |
88 |
+ voxel_size, and origin, you can update the display by: |
89 |
+ |
90 |
+ opt.command = 'updateimg'; |
91 |
+ view_nii(gcf, nii.img, opt); |
92 |
+ |
93 |
+ If the data is completely different, display can be updated by: |
94 |
+ |
95 |
+ opt.command = 'updatenii'; |
96 |
+ view_nii(gcf, nii, opt); |
97 |
+ |
98 |
+ |
99 |
+- Contrast and Brightness are available under Gray and Bipolar colormap: |
100 |
+ |
101 |
+ |
102 |
+ Increase contrast in Gray colormap will make high end values |
103 |
+ more distinguishable by sacrificing the low end values; The |
104 |
+ minimum contrast (default) will display the whole range. |
105 |
+ |
106 |
+ Increase or decrease contrast in BiPolar colormap will shift |
107 |
+ the distinguishable position for both positive and negative |
108 |
+ values. |
109 |
+ |
110 |
+ Increase or decrease brightness in Gray colormap will shift |
111 |
+ the distinguishable position. |
112 |
+ |
113 |
+ Increase or decrease brightness in BiPolar colormap will make |
114 |
+ both positive and negative values more distinguishable. |
115 |
+ |
116 |
+ |
117 |
+- Required files: |
118 |
+ |
119 |
+ All files in this package. |
120 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
1 |
+% Expand a multiple-scan NIFTI file into multiple single-scan NIFTI files |
2 |
+% |
3 |
+% Usage: expand_nii_scan(multi_scan_filename, [img_idx], [path_to_save]) |
4 |
+% |
5 |
+% NIFTI data format can be found on: |
6 |
+% |
7 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
8 |
+% |
9 |
+function expand_nii_scan(filename, img_idx, newpath) |
10 |
+ |
11 |
+ if ~exist('newpath','var'), newpath = pwd; end |
12 |
+ if ~exist('img_idx','var'), img_idx = 1:get_nii_frame(filename); end |
13 |
+ |
14 |
+ for i=img_idx |
15 |
+ nii_i = load_nii(filename, i); |
16 |
+ |
17 |
+ fn = [nii_i.fileprefix '_' sprintf('%04d',i)]; |
18 |
+ pnfn = fullfile(newpath, fn); |
19 |
+ |
20 |
+ save_nii(nii_i, pnfn); |
21 |
+ end |
22 |
+ |
23 |
+ return; % expand_nii_scan |
24 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ |
1 |
+% Decode extra NIFTI header information into hdr.extra |
2 |
+% |
3 |
+% Usage: hdr = extra_nii_hdr(hdr) |
4 |
+% |
5 |
+% hdr can be obtained from load_nii_hdr |
6 |
+% |
7 |
+% NIFTI data format can be found on: |
8 |
+% |
9 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
10 |
+% |
11 |
+function hdr = extra_nii_hdr(hdr) |
12 |
+ |
13 |
+ switch hdr.dime.datatype |
14 |
+ case 1 |
15 |
16 |
+ case 2 |
17 |
18 |
+ case 4 |
19 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_INT16'; |
20 |
+ case 8 |
21 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_INT32'; |
22 |
+ case 16 |
23 |
24 |
+ case 32 |
25 |
26 |
+ case 64 |
27 |
28 |
+ case 128 |
29 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_RGB24'; |
30 |
+ case 256 |
31 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_INT8'; |
32 |
+ case 512 |
33 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_UINT16'; |
34 |
+ case 768 |
35 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_UINT32'; |
36 |
+ case 1024 |
37 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_INT64'; |
38 |
+ case 1280 |
39 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_UINT64'; |
40 |
+ case 1536 |
41 |
+ extra.NIFTI_DATATYPES = 'DT_FLOAT128'; |
42 |
+ case 1792 |
43 |
44 |
+ case 2048 |
45 |
46 |
+ otherwise |
47 |
48 |
+ end |
49 |
+ |
50 |
+ switch hdr.dime.intent_code |
51 |
+ case 2 |
52 |
53 |
+ case 3 |
54 |
55 |
+ case 4 |
56 |
57 |
+ case 5 |
58 |
59 |
+ case 6 |
60 |
61 |
+ case 7 |
62 |
63 |
+ case 8 |
64 |
65 |
+ case 9 |
66 |
67 |
+ case 10 |
68 |
69 |
+ case 11 |
70 |
71 |
+ case 12 |
72 |
73 |
+ case 13 |
74 |
75 |
+ case 14 |
76 |
77 |
+ case 15 |
78 |
79 |
+ case 16 |
80 |
81 |
+ case 17 |
82 |
83 |
+ case 18 |
84 |
85 |
+ case 19 |
86 |
87 |
+ case 20 |
88 |
89 |
+ case 21 |
90 |
91 |
+ case 22 |
92 |
93 |
+ case 23 |
94 |
95 |
+ case 24 |
96 |
97 |
+ case 1001 |
98 |
99 |
+ case 1002 |
100 |
101 |
+ case 1003 |
102 |
103 |
+ case 1004 |
104 |
105 |
+ case 1005 |
106 |
107 |
+ case 1006 |
108 |
109 |
+ case 1007 |
110 |
111 |
+ case 1008 |
112 |
113 |
+ case 1009 |
114 |
115 |
+ case 1010 |
116 |
117 |
+ case 1011 |
118 |
119 |
+ otherwise |
120 |
121 |
+ end |
122 |
+ |
123 |
+ extra.NIFTI_INTENT_NAMES = hdr.hist.intent_name; |
124 |
+ |
125 |
+ if hdr.hist.sform_code > 0 |
126 |
+ switch hdr.hist.sform_code |
127 |
+ case 1 |
128 |
129 |
+ case 2 |
130 |
131 |
+ case 3 |
132 |
133 |
+ case 4 |
134 |
135 |
+ otherwise |
136 |
137 |
+ end |
138 |
+ |
139 |
140 |
+ elseif hdr.hist.qform_code > 0 |
141 |
142 |
+ |
143 |
+ switch hdr.hist.qform_code |
144 |
+ case 1 |
145 |
146 |
+ case 2 |
147 |
148 |
+ case 3 |
149 |
150 |
+ case 4 |
151 |
152 |
+ otherwise |
153 |
154 |
+ end |
155 |
+ else |
156 |
157 |
158 |
+ end |
159 |
+ |
160 |
+ switch bitand(hdr.dime.xyzt_units, 7) % mask with 0x07 |
161 |
+ case 1 |
162 |
163 |
+ case 2 |
164 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SPACE_UNIT = 'NIFTI_UNITS_MM'; % millimeter |
165 |
+ case 3 |
166 |
167 |
+ otherwise |
168 |
169 |
+ end |
170 |
+ |
171 |
+ switch bitand(hdr.dime.xyzt_units, 56) % mask with 0x38 |
172 |
+ case 8 |
173 |
174 |
+ case 16 |
175 |
176 |
+ case 24 |
177 |
+ extra.NIFTI_TIME_UNIT = 'NIFTI_UNITS_USEC'; % microsecond |
178 |
+ otherwise |
179 |
180 |
+ end |
181 |
+ |
182 |
+ switch hdr.dime.xyzt_units |
183 |
+ case 32 |
184 |
185 |
+ case 40 |
186 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SPECTRAL_UNIT = 'NIFTI_UNITS_PPM'; % part per million |
187 |
+ case 48 |
188 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SPECTRAL_UNIT = 'NIFTI_UNITS_RADS'; % radians per second |
189 |
+ otherwise |
190 |
191 |
+ end |
192 |
+ |
193 |
+ % MRI-specific spatial and temporal information |
194 |
+ % |
195 |
+ dim_info =; |
196 |
+ extra.NIFTI_FREQ_DIM = bitand(dim_info, 3); |
197 |
+ extra.NIFTI_PHASE_DIM = bitand(bitshift(dim_info, -2), 3); |
198 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SLICE_DIM = bitand(bitshift(dim_info, -4), 3); |
199 |
+ |
200 |
+ % Check slice code |
201 |
+ % |
202 |
+ switch hdr.dime.slice_code |
203 |
+ case 1 |
204 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SLICE_ORDER = 'NIFTI_SLICE_SEQ_INC'; % sequential increasing |
205 |
+ case 2 |
206 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SLICE_ORDER = 'NIFTI_SLICE_SEQ_DEC'; % sequential decreasing |
207 |
+ case 3 |
208 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SLICE_ORDER = 'NIFTI_SLICE_ALT_INC'; % alternating increasing |
209 |
+ case 4 |
210 |
+ extra.NIFTI_SLICE_ORDER = 'NIFTI_SLICE_ALT_DEC'; % alternating decreasing |
211 |
+ case 5 |
212 |
213 |
+ case 6 |
214 |
215 |
+ otherwise |
216 |
217 |
+ end |
218 |
+ |
219 |
+ % Check NIFTI version |
220 |
+ % |
221 |
+ if ~isempty(hdr.hist.magic) & strcmp(hdr.hist.magic(1),'n') & ... |
222 |
+ ( strcmp(hdr.hist.magic(2),'i') | strcmp(hdr.hist.magic(2),'+') ) & ... |
223 |
+ str2num(hdr.hist.magic(3)) >= 1 & str2num(hdr.hist.magic(3)) <= 9 |
224 |
+ |
225 |
+ extra.NIFTI_VERSION = str2num(hdr.hist.magic(3)); |
226 |
+ else |
227 |
+ extra.NIFTI_VERSION = 0; |
228 |
+ end |
229 |
+ |
230 |
+ % Check if data stored in the same file (*.nii) or separate |
231 |
+ % files (*.hdr/*.img) |
232 |
+ % |
233 |
+ if isempty(hdr.hist.magic) |
234 |
+ extra.NIFTI_ONEFILE = 0; |
235 |
+ else |
236 |
+ extra.NIFTI_ONEFILE = strcmp(hdr.hist.magic(2), '+'); |
237 |
+ end |
238 |
+ |
239 |
+ % Swap has been taken care of by checking whether sizeof_hdr is |
240 |
+ % 348 (machine is 'ieee-le' or 'ieee-be' etc) |
241 |
+ % |
242 |
+ % extra.NIFTI_NEEDS_SWAP = (hdr.dime.dim(1) < 0 | hdr.dime.dim(1) > 7); |
243 |
+ |
244 |
+ % Check NIFTI header struct contains a 5th (vector) dimension |
245 |
+ % |
246 |
+ if hdr.dime.dim(1) > 4 & hdr.dime.dim(6) > 1 |
247 |
+ extra.NIFTI_5TH_DIM = hdr.dime.dim(6); |
248 |
+ else |
249 |
+ extra.NIFTI_5TH_DIM = 0; |
250 |
+ end |
251 |
+ |
252 |
+ hdr.extra = extra; |
253 |
+ |
254 |
+ return; % extra_nii_hdr |
255 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
1 |
+% When you load any ANALYZE or NIfTI file with 'load_nii.m', and view |
2 |
+% it with 'view_nii.m', you may find that the image is L-R flipped. |
3 |
+% This is because of the confusion of radiological and neurological |
4 |
+% convention in the medical image before NIfTI format is adopted. |
5 |
+% |
6 |
+% Sometime, people even want to convert RAS (standard orientation) back |
7 |
+% to LAS orientation to satisfy the legend programs or processes. This |
8 |
+% program is only written for those purpose. So PLEASE BE VERY CAUTIOUS |
9 |
10 |
+% |
11 |
+% With 'flip_lr.m', you can convert any ANALYZE or NIfTI (no matter |
12 |
+% 3D or 4D) file to a flipped NIfTI file. This is implemented simply |
13 |
+% by flipping the affine matrix in the NIfTI header. Since the L-R |
14 |
+% orientation is determined there, so the image will be flipped. |
15 |
+% |
16 |
+% Usage: flip_lr(original_fn, flipped_fn, [old_RGB],[tolerance],[preferredForm]) |
17 |
+% |
18 |
+% original_fn - filename of the original ANALYZE or NIfTI (3D or 4D) file |
19 |
+% |
20 |
+% flipped_fn - filename of the L-R flipped NIfTI file |
21 |
+% |
22 |
+% old_RGB (optional) - a scale number to tell difference of new RGB24 |
23 |
+% from old RGB24. New RGB24 uses RGB triple sequentially for each |
24 |
+% voxel, like [R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 ...]. Analyze 6.0 from AnalyzeDirect |
25 |
+% uses old RGB24, in a way like [R1 R2 ... G1 G2 ... B1 B2 ...] for |
26 |
+% each slices. If the image that you view is garbled, try to set |
27 |
+% old_RGB variable to 1 and try again, because it could be in |
28 |
+% old RGB24. It will be set to 0, if it is default or empty. |
29 |
+% |
30 |
+% tolerance (optional) - distortion allowed for non-orthogonal rotation |
31 |
+% or shearing in NIfTI affine matrix. It will be set to 0.1 (10%), |
32 |
+% if it is default or empty. |
33 |
+% |
34 |
+% preferredForm (optional) - selects which transformation from voxels |
35 |
+% to RAS coordinates; values are s,q,S,Q. Lower case s,q indicate |
36 |
+% "prefer sform or qform, but use others if preferred not present". |
37 |
+% Upper case indicate the program is forced to use the specificied |
38 |
+% tranform or fail loading. 'preferredForm' will be 's', if it is |
39 |
+% default or empty. - Jeff Gunter |
40 |
+% |
41 |
+% Example: flip_lr('avg152T1_LR_nifti.nii', 'flipped_lr.nii'); |
42 |
+% flip_lr('avg152T1_RL_nifti.nii', 'flipped_rl.nii'); |
43 |
+% |
44 |
+% You will find that 'avg152T1_LR_nifti.nii' and 'avg152T1_RL_nifti.nii' |
45 |
+% are the same, and 'flipped_lr.nii' and 'flipped_rl.nii' are also the |
46 |
+% the same, but they are L-R flipped from 'avg152T1_*'. |
47 |
+% |
48 |
+% NIFTI data format can be found on: |
49 |
+% |
50 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
51 |
+% |
52 |
+function flip_lr(original_fn, flipped_fn, old_RGB, tolerance, preferredForm) |
53 |
+ |
54 |
+ if ~exist('original_fn','var') | ~exist('flipped_fn','var') |
55 |
+ error('Usage: flip_lr(original_fn, flipped_fn, [old_RGB],[tolerance])'); |
56 |
+ end |
57 |
+ |
58 |
+ if ~exist('old_RGB','var') | isempty(old_RGB) |
59 |
+ old_RGB = 0; |
60 |
+ end |
61 |
+ |
62 |
+ if ~exist('tolerance','var') | isempty(tolerance) |
63 |
+ tolerance = 0.1; |
64 |
+ end |
65 |
+ |
66 |
+ if ~exist('preferredForm','var') | isempty(preferredForm) |
67 |
+ preferredForm= 's'; % Jeff |
68 |
+ end |
69 |
+ |
70 |
+ nii = load_nii(original_fn, [], [], [], [], old_RGB, tolerance, preferredForm); |
71 |
+ M = diag(nii.hdr.dime.pixdim(2:5)); |
72 |
+ M(1:3,4) = -M(1:3,1:3)*(nii.hdr.hist.originator(1:3)-1)'; |
73 |
+ M(1,:) = -1*M(1,:); |
74 |
+ nii.hdr.hist.sform_code = 1; |
75 |
+ nii.hdr.hist.srow_x = M(1,:); |
76 |
+ nii.hdr.hist.srow_y = M(2,:); |
77 |
+ nii.hdr.hist.srow_z = M(3,:); |
78 |
+ save_nii(nii, flipped_fn); |
79 |
+ |
80 |
+ return; % flip_lr |
81 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
1 |
+% Return time frame of a NIFTI dataset. Support both *.nii and |
2 |
+% *.hdr/*.img file extension. If file extension is not provided, |
3 |
+% *.hdr/*.img will be used as default. |
4 |
+% |
5 |
+% It is a lightweighted "load_nii_hdr", and is equivalent to |
6 |
+% hdr.dime.dim(5) |
7 |
+% |
8 |
+% Usage: [ total_scan ] = get_nii_frame(filename) |
9 |
+% |
10 |
+% filename - NIFTI file name. |
11 |
+% |
12 |
+% Returned values: |
13 |
+% |
14 |
+% total_scan - total number of image scans for the time frame |
15 |
+% |
16 |
+% NIFTI data format can be found on: |
17 |
+% |
18 |
+% - Jimmy Shen ( |
19 |
+% |
20 |
+function [ total_scan ] = get_nii_frame(fileprefix) |
21 |
+ |
22 |
+ if ~exist('fileprefix','var'), |
23 |
+ error('Usage: [ hdr, fileprefix, machine ] = get_nii_frame(filename)'); |
24 |
+ end |
25 |
+ |
26 |
+ if ~exist('machine','var'), machine = 'ieee-le'; end |
27 |
+ |
28 |
+ new_ext = 0; |
29 |
+ |
30 |
+ if findstr('.nii',fileprefix) |
31 |
+ new_ext = 1; |
32 |
+ fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.nii',''); |
33 |
+ end |
34 |
+ |
35 |
+ if findstr('.hdr',fileprefix) |
36 |
+ fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.hdr',''); |
37 |
+ end |
38 |
+ |
39 |
+ if findstr('.img',fileprefix) |
40 |
+ fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.img',''); |
41 |
+ end |
42 |
+ |
43 |
+ if new_ext |
44 |
+ fn = sprintf('%s.nii',fileprefix); |
45 |
+ |
46 |
+ if ~exist(fn) |
47 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot find file "%s.nii".', fileprefix); |
48 |
+ error(msg); |
49 |
+ end |
50 |
+ else |
51 |
+ fn = sprintf('%s.hdr',fileprefix); |
52 |
+ |
53 |
+ if ~exist(fn) |
54 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot find file "%s.hdr".', fileprefix); |
55 |
+ error(msg); |
56 |
+ end |
57 |
+ end |
58 |
+ |
59 |
+ fid = fopen(fn,'r',machine); |
60 |
+ |
61 |
+ if fid < 0, |
62 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s.',fn); |
63 |
+ error(msg); |
64 |
+ else |
65 |
+ hdr = read_header(fid); |
66 |
+ fclose(fid); |
67 |
+ end |
68 |
+ |
69 |
+ if hdr.sizeof_hdr ~= 348 |
70 |
+ % first try reading the opposite endian to 'machine' |
71 |
+ switch machine, |
72 |
+ case 'ieee-le', machine = 'ieee-be'; |
73 |
+ case 'ieee-be', machine = 'ieee-le'; |
74 |
+ end |
75 |
+ |
76 |
+ fid = fopen(fn,'r',machine); |
77 |
+ |
78 |
+ if fid < 0, |
79 |
+ msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s.',fn); |
80 |
+ error(msg); |
81 |
+ else |
82 |
+ hdr = read_header(fid); |
83 |
+ fclose(fid); |
84 |
+ end |
85 |
+ end |
86 |
+ |
87 |
+ if hdr.sizeof_hdr ~= 348 |
88 |
+ % Now throw an error |
89 |
+ msg = sprintf('File "%s" is corrupted.',fn); |
90 |
+ error(msg); |
91 |
+ end |
92 |
+ |
93 |
+ total_scan = hdr.dim(5); |
94 |
+ |
95 |
+ return; % get_nii_frame |
96 |
+ |
97 |
+ |
98 |
+%--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
99 |
+function [ dsr ] = read_header(fid) |
100 |
+ |
101 |
+ fseek(fid,0,'bof'); |
102 |
+ dsr.sizeof_hdr = fread(fid,1,'int32')'; % should be 348! |
103 |
+ |
104 |
+ fseek(fid,40,'bof'); |
105 |
+ dsr.dim = fread(fid,8,'int16')'; |
106 |
+ |
107 |
+ return; % read_header |
108 |
+ |
... | ... |
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ |
1 |
2 |
+ Version 2, June 1991 |
3 |
+ |
4 |
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
5 |
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
6 |
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies |
7 |
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. |
8 |
+ |
9 |
10 |
11 |
+ |
12 |
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains |
13 |
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed |
14 |
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, |
15 |
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" |
16 |
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: |
17 |
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, |
18 |
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another |
19 |
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in |
20 |
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". |
21 |
+ |
22 |
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not |
23 |
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of |
24 |
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program |
25 |
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the |
26 |
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). |
27 |
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. |
28 |
+ |
29 |
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's |
30 |
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you |
31 |
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate |
32 |
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the |
33 |
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; |
34 |
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License |
35 |
+along with the Program. |
36 |
+ |
37 |
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and |
38 |
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. |
39 |
+ |
40 |
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion |
41 |
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and |
42 |
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 |
43 |
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: |
44 |
+ |
45 |
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices |
46 |
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. |
47 |
+ |
48 |
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in |
49 |
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any |
50 |
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third |
51 |
+ parties under the terms of this License. |
52 |
+ |
53 |
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively |
54 |
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such |
55 |
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an |
56 |
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a |
57 |
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide |
58 |
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under |
59 |
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this |
60 |
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but |
61 |
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on |
62 |
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.) |
63 |
+ |
64 |
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If |
65 |
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, |
66 |
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in |
67 |
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those |
68 |
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you |
69 |
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based |
70 |
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of |
71 |
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the |
72 |
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. |
73 |
+ |
74 |
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest |
75 |
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to |
76 |
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or |
77 |
+collective works based on the Program. |
78 |
+ |
79 |
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program |
80 |
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of |
81 |
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under |
82 |
+the scope of this License. |
83 |
+ |
84 |
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, |
85 |
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of |
86 |
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: |
87 |
+ |
88 |
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable |
89 |
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections |
90 |
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, |
91 |
+ |
92 |
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three |
93 |
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your |
94 |
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete |
95 |
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be |
96 |
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium |
97 |
+ customarily used for software interchange; or, |
98 |
+ |
99 |
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer |
100 |
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is |
101 |
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you |
102 |
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such |
103 |
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) |
104 |
+ |
105 |
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for |
106 |
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source |
107 |
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any |
108 |
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to |
109 |
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a |
110 |
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include |
111 |
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary |
112 |
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the |
113 |
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component |
114 |
+itself accompanies the executable. |
115 |
+ |
116 |
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering |
117 |
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent |
118 |
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as |
119 |
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not |
120 |
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code. |
121 |
+ |
122 |
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program |
123 |
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt |
124 |
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is |
125 |
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. |
126 |
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under |
127 |
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such |
128 |
+parties remain in full compliance. |
129 |
+ |
130 |
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not |
131 |
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or |
132 |
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are |
133 |
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by |
134 |
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the |
135 |
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and |
136 |
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying |
137 |
+the Program or works based on it. |
138 |
+ |
139 |
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the |
140 |
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the |
141 |
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to |
142 |
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further |
143 |
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. |
144 |
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to |
145 |
+this License. |
146 |
+ |
147 |
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent |
148 |
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), |
149 |
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or |
150 |
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not |
151 |
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot |
152 |
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this |
153 |
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you |
154 |
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent |
155 |
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by |
156 |
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then |
157 |
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to |
158 |
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. |
159 |
+ |
160 |
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under |
161 |
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to |
162 |
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other |
163 |
+circumstances. |
164 |
+ |
165 |
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any |
166 |
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any |
167 |
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the |
168 |
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is |
169 |
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made |
170 |
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed |
171 |
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that |
172 |
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing |
173 |
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot |
174 |
+impose that choice. |
175 |
+ |
176 |
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to |
177 |
+be a consequence of the rest of this License. |
178 |
+ |
179 |
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in |
180 |
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the |
181 |
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License |
182 |
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding |
183 |
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among |
184 |
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates |
185 |
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License. |
186 |
+ |
187 |
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions |
188 |
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will |
189 |
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to |
190 |
+address new problems or concerns. |
191 |
+ |
192 |
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program |
193 |
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any |
194 |
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions |
195 |
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free |
196 |
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of |
197 |
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software |
198 |
+Foundation. |
199 |
+ |
200 |
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free |
201 |
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author |
202 |
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free |
203 |
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes |
204 |
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals |
205 |
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and |
206 |
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. |
207 |
+ |
208 |
209 |
+ |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
+ |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |