function vis_footnoteButtonDownFcn % VIS_FOOTNOTEBUTTONDOWNFCN Callback set by VIS_FOOTNOTE % % som_showtitleButtonDownFcn % % Moves the axis of current callback object using DRAGRECT % command. This callback is set to all texts added to figures by % VIS_FOOTNOTE function. % % See also DRAGRECT, SOM_SHOWTITLE. % Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team. % % Version 2.0beta Johan 080698 % Action [txt,fig]=gcbo; % Get text and figure handles ax=get(txt,'parent'); % Get axis handle memunits_fig=get(fig,'units'); % Get figure size in pixels set(gcf,'units','pixels'); pos_fig=get(fig,'position'); memunits_txt=get(txt,'units'); % Get text field size in pixels set(txt,'units','pixels'); text_size=get(txt,'extent'); memunits_ax=get(ax,'units'); % Get axis position in pixels set(ax,'units','pixels'); pos_ax=get(ax,'position'); %%% Move text pos_final=dragrect([pos_ax(1:2) text_size(3:4)]); %%% Keep the text inside the figure! pos_final(1)=max(pos_final(1),0); pos_final(2)=max(pos_final(2),0); pos_final(1)=min(pos_final(1),pos_fig(3)-text_size(3)); pos_final(2)=min(pos_final(2),pos_fig(4)-text_size(4)); %%% Set new position new_pos=[pos_final(1:2) pos_ax(3:4)]; set(ax,'position', new_pos); %%% Set the text on the top of the object stack children=get(gcf,'children'); i=find(ismember(children,ax)); new_i=[i 1:i-1 i+1:length(children)]; set(gcf,'children',children(new_i)); set(txt,'position',[0 0 0]); set(fig,'units',memunits_fig); set(ax,'units',memunits_ax); set(txt,'units',memunits_txt);