function cind = som_ind2cod(msize,ind) %SOM_IND2COD SOM_PAK style linear indeces from Matlab linear index. % % Cind = som_ind2cod(msize,inds) % % cind = som_ind2cod([10 15],44); % cind = som_ind2cod(sMap,44); % cind = som_ind2cod(sMap.msize,44); % Cind = som_ind2cod([10 15],[44 13 91]'); % % Input and output arguments: % msize (struct) map or topology struct % (vector) size 1 x m, specifies the map grid size % ind (vector) size n x 1, linear indeces of n map units % % cind (matrix) size n x 1, SOM_PAK style linear indeces % (row first, then column) % % See also SOM_COD2IND. % Contributed to SOM Toolbox vs2, January 14th, 2002 by Juha Vesanto % % Version 2.0beta juuso 140102 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if isstruct(msize), if strcmp(msize.type,'som_map'), msize = msize.topol.msize; elseif strcmp(msize.type,'som_topol'), msize = msize.msize; else error('Invalid first argument.'); end end if nargin<2, ind = 1:prod(msize); end Co = som_unit_coords(msize,'rect','sheet'); switch size(Co,2), case 1, I2C = [1:prod(msize)]; case 2, I2C = 1 + Co(:,1) + Co(:,2)*msize(2); case 3, I2C = 1 + Co(:,1) + Co(:,2)*msize(2) + Co(:,3)*msize(1)*msize(2); % ????? end cind = I2C(ind); return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%