function Ne = som_neighbors(sM,neigh) % Ne = som_neighbors(sM,neigh) % % sM (struct) map or data struct % (matrix) data matrix, size n x dim % [neigh] (string) 'kNN' or 'Nk' (which is valid for a SOM only) % for example '6NN' or 'N1' % default is '10NN' for a data set and 'N1' for SOM % % Ne (matrix) size n x n, a sparse matrix % indicating the neighbors of each sample by value 1 % (note: the unit itself also has value 0) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if isstruct(sM), switch sM.type, case 'som_map', M = sM.codebook; case 'som_data', M =; sM = []; end else M = sM; sM = []; end n = size(M,1); if nargin<2, if isempty(sM), neigh = '10NN'; else neigh = 'N1'; end end if strcmp(neigh(end-1:end),'NN'), k = str2num(neigh(1:end-2)); kmus = som_bmus(M,M,1:k+1); Ne = sparse(n,n); for i=1:n, Ne(i,kmus(i,:)) = 1; end else if ~isstruct(sM), error('Prototypes must be in a map struct.'); end k = str2num(neigh(2:end)); N1 = som_unit_neighs(sM); Ne = sparse(som_neighborhood(N1,k)<=k); end Ne([0:n-1]*n+[1:n]) = 0; % remove self from neighbors return;