function bmu_colors=som_bmucolor(bmus, m, colors); % SOM_BMUCOLOR Returns the colors of the bmus according to a map colorcode % % bmu_colors=som_bmucolor(bmus, msize, colors); % % INPUT ARGUMENTS ([]'s are optional) % % bmus (matrix) Nx1 vector of BMU indexes % msize (map struct, topol struct or 1x2 vector) % gives the map grid size % colors (matrix) colormap(s): munits x 3 x d matrix of RGB vectors % % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % % bmu_colors (Nx3xd matrix) color of the data point according to its BMU's % color(s). % % Idea is to get a color for each data point that links it to its BMU. % % EXAMPLE % % We want to show how an time series is projected to a map. Instead of % a trajectory, we use 'color linking' % % map=som_make(multi_dim_signal); % bmus=som_bmu(map,multi_dim_signal); % Colors=som_bmucolor(bmus, map, som_colorcode(map,'rgb1')); % colorsignal(Colors, multi_dim_signal); % % See also SOM_COLORCODE. % Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team. % % Version 2.0alpha Johan 170699 %% Check arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% error(nargchk(3, 3, nargin)) % check no. of input args is correct % Check map grid size if vis_valuetype(m,{'1x2'}), msize=m; else [tmp,ok,tmp]=som_set(m); if isstruct(m) & all(ok) % check m type switch m.type case 'som_topol' msize=m.msize; lattice=m.lattice; case 'som_map' msize=m.topol.msize; lattice=m.topol.lattice; otherwise error('Invalid map or topol struct.'); end end end if length(msize)>2 error('Only 2D maps allowed!'); end n=prod(msize) % Check colorcode size if ~vis_valuetype(colors,{'nx3xdimrgb','nx3rgb'}) error('Colorcode matrix not valid!'); end % Check bmu vector if ~vis_valuetype(bmus,{'nx1'}), error('Need a column vector of BMU indexes!'); else bmus=round(bmus); if max(bmus) > n | min(bmus) < 1 error('BMU indexes exeed the map size!') end end %% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bmu_c=colors(bmus,:,:); %% Build output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bmu_colors=squeeze(bmu_c);