function [sTo] = som_label(sTo, mode, inds, labels) %SOM_LABEL Give/clear labels to/from map or data struct. % % sTo = som_label(sTo, mode, inds [, labels]) % % sD = som_label(sD,'add',20,'a_label'); % sM = som_label(sM,'replace',[2 4],'a_label'); % sM = som_label(sM,'add',som_bmus(sM,x),'BMU'); % sD = som_label(sD,'prune',[1:10]'); % sM = som_label(sM,'clear','all'); % % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): % sTo (struct) data or map struct to which the labels are put % mode (string) 'add' or 'replace' or 'prune' or 'clear' % inds (vector) indeces of the vectors to which the labels % are put. Note: this must be a column vector! % (matrix) subscript indeces to the '.labels' field. The vector % is given by the first index (e.g. inds(i,1)). % (string) for 'prune' and 'clear' modes, the string 'all' % means that all vectors should be pruned/cleared % [labels] The labels themselves. The number of rows much match % the number of given indeces, except if there is either % only one index or only one label. If mode is % 'prune' or 'clear', labels argument is ignored. % (string) Label. % (string array) Each row is a label. % (cell array of strings) All labels in a cell are handled % as a group and are applied to the same vector given % on the corresponding row of inds. % % Note: If there is only one label/index, it is used for each specified % index/label. % % For more help, try 'type som_label' or check out online documentation. % See also SOM_AUTOLABEL, SOM_SHOW_ADD, SOM_SHOW. %%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % som_label % % PURPOSE % % Add (or remove) labels to (from) map and data structs. % % SYNTAX % % sTo = som_label(sTo, 'clear', inds) % sTo = som_label(sTo, 'prune', inds) % sTo = som_label(sTo, 'add', inds, labels) % sTo = som_label(sTo, 'replace', inds, labels) % % DESCRIPTION % % This function can be used to give and remove labels in map and data % structs. Of course the same operation could be done by hand, but this % function offers an alternative and hopefully slightly user-friendlier % way to do it. % % REQUIRED INPUT ARGUMENTS % % sTo (struct) data or map struct to which the labels are put % mode (string) The mode of operation. % 'add' : adds the given labels % 'clear' : removes labels % 'replace' : replaces current labels with given % labels; basically same as 'clear' % followed by 'add' % 'prune' : removes empty labels ('') from between % non-empty labels, e.g. if the labels of % a vector were {'A','','','B','','C'} % they'd become {'A','B','C'}. Some empty % labels may be left at the end of the list. % % inds Identifies the vectors to which the operation % (given by mode) is applied to. % (vector) Linear indexes of the vectors, size n x 1. % Notice! This should be a column vector! % (matrix) The labels are in a cell matrix. By giving matrix % argument for inds, you can address this matrix % directly. The first index gives the vector and the % second index the vertical position of the label in % the labels array. Size n x 2, where n is the % number of labels. % (string) for 'prune' and 'clear' modes, the string 'all' % means that all vectors should be pruned/cleared % % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % % [labels] The labels themselves. The number of rows much match % the number of given indeces, except if there is either % only one index or only one label. % (string) Label, e.g. 'label' % (string array) Each row is a label, % e.g. ['label1'; 'label2'; 'label3'] % (cell array of strings) All labels in a cell are handled % as a group and are applied to the same vector given % on the corresponding row of inds. % e.g. three labels: {'label1'; 'label2'; 'label3'} % e.g. a group of labels: {'label1', 'label2', 'label3'} % e.g. three groups: {{'la1'},{'la21','la22'},{'la3'} % % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % % sTo (struct) the given data/map struct with modified labels % % EXAMPLES % % This is the basic way to add a label to map structure: % sMap = som_label(sMap,'add',3,'label'); % % The following examples have identical results: % sMap = som_label(sMap,'add',[4; 13], ['label1'; 'label2']); % sMap = som_label(sMap,'add',[4; 13], {{'label1'};{'label2'}}); % % Labeling the BMU of a vector x (and removing any old labels) % sMap = som_label(sMap,'replace',som_bmus(sMap,x),'BMU'); % % Pruning labels % sMap = som_label(sMap,'prune','all'); % % Clearing labels from a struct % sMap = som_label(sMap,'clear','all'); % sMap = som_label(sMap,'clear',[1:4, 9:30]'); % % SEE ALSO % % som_autolabel Automatically label a map/data set. % som_show Show map planes. % som_show_add Add for example labels to the SOM_SHOW visualization. % Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team. % % Version 2.0beta juuso 101199 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% check arguments error(nargchk(3, 4, nargin)); % check no. of input args is correct % sTo switch sTo.type, case 'som_map', [dlen dim] = size(sTo.codebook); case 'som_data', [dlen dim] = size(; end maxl = size(sTo.labels,2); % maximum number of labels for a single vector % inds if ischar(inds) & strcmp(inds,'all'), inds = [1:dlen]'; end if length(inds)>2 & size(inds,2)>2, inds = inds'; end ni = size(inds,1); n = ni; % labels if nargin==4, % convert labels to a cell array of cells if ischar(labels), labels = cellstr(labels); end if iscellstr(labels), tmplab = labels; nl = size(labels,1); labels = cell(nl,1); for i=1:nl, if ~iscell(tmplab{i}) if ~isempty(tmplab{i}), labels{i} = tmplab(i,:); else labels{i} = {}; end else labels(i) = tmplab(i); end end clear tmplab; end nl = size(labels,1); end % the case of a single label/index if any(strcmp(mode,{'add','replace'})), n = max(nl,ni); if n>1, if ni==1, inds = zeros(n,1)+inds(1); elseif nl==1, label = labels{1}; labels = cell(n,1); for i=1:n, labels{i} = label; end elseif ni ~= nl, error('The number of labels and indexes does not match.'); end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% action switch mode, case 'clear', if size(inds,2)>2, inds = inds(find(inds(:,2)<=maxl),:); % ignore if subindex is out-of-range inds = sub2ind([dlen maxl],inds(:,1),inds(:,2)); sTo.labels{inds} = []; else sTo.labels(inds,:) = cell(n,maxl); end case 'prune', if size(inds,2)==1, % subindex gives the index from which the pruning is started inds = [inds, ones(n,1)]; % from 1 by default end select = ones(1,maxl); for i=1:n, v = inds(i,1); s = inds(i,2); select(:) = 1; for j=s:maxl, select(j) = ~isempty(sTo.labels{v,j}); end if ~all(select), labs = cell(1,maxl); labs(1:sum(select)) = sTo.labels(v,find(select)); sTo.labels(v,:) = labs; end end case 'add', if size(inds,2)==1, % subindex gives the index from which the adding is started inds = [inds, ones(n,1)]; % from 1 by default end for i=1:n, v = inds(i,1); s = inds(i,2); l = length(labels{i}); for j=1:l, while s<=size(sTo.labels,2) & ~isempty(sTo.labels{v,s}), s=s+1; end sTo.labels{v,s} = labels{i}{j}; s=s+1; end end case 'replace', if size(inds,2)==1, % subindex gives the index from which the replacing is started inds = [inds, ones(n,1)]; % from 1 by default end for i=1:n, v = inds(i,1); s = inds(i,2); l = length(labels(i)); for j=1:l, sTo.labels{v,s-1+j} = labels{i}{j}; end end otherwise error(['Unrecognized mode: ' mode]); end sTo.labels = remove_empty_columns(sTo.labels); [dlen maxl] = size(sTo.labels); for i=1:dlen, for j=1:maxl, if isempty(sTo.labels{i,j}) & ~ischar(sTo.labels{i,j}), sTo.labels{i,j} = ''; end end end return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% subfunctions function labels = remove_empty_columns(labels) [dlen maxl] = size(labels); % find which columns are empty cols = zeros(1,maxl); for i=1:dlen, for j=1:maxl, cols(j) = cols(j) + ~isempty(labels{i,j}); end end while maxl>0 & cols(maxl)==0, maxl = maxl-1; end % check starting from end if maxl==0, labels = cell(dlen,1); elseif maxl