function [nos,names] = som_label2num(L) %SOM_LABEL2NUM Recodes textual data labels to interger class labels % % [class,names]=class2num(L) % % [class,names]=class2num(sData) % [class,names]=class2num(sMap) % [class,names]=class2num(sData.labels); % % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): % % L (map struct, data struct, % Nx1 cell array of strings, % a Nxn char array) textual labels % class (vector) Nx1 vector of integers where N is the number of original text labels % names (cell) kx1 array of strings where names(i) correspons to integer label i % % See also KNN % Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, October 29th, 2000 by Johan Himberg % Copyright (c) by Johan Himberg % % Version 2.0beta Johan 291000 %% Init %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if isstruct(L); if isfield(L,'type') & ischar(L.type), ; else error('Invalid map/data struct?'); end switch L.type case {'som_map', 'som_data'} class=L.labels(:,1); otherwise error('Invalid map/data struct?'); end elseif vis_valuetype(L,{'cellcolumn_of_char'}), class=L; elseif vis_valuetype(L,{'chararray'}), class=cellstr(L); else error('Input must be an Nx1 cell array of strings, a char array, a map struct or a data struct.'); end names = {}; nos = zeros(length(class),1); for i=1:length(class), if ~isempty(class{i}) & ~any(strcmp(class{i},names)), names=cat(1,names,class(i)); end end tmp_nos = (1:length(names))'; for i=1:length(class), if ~isempty(class{i}), nos(i,1) = find(strcmp(class{i},names)); end end if any(nos==0), nos=nos+1; names(2:end+1)=names; names{1}=''; end