Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

1) # derivepassphrase
3) [![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/derivepassphrase.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/derivepassphrase)
4) [![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/derivepassphrase.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/derivepassphrase)
Marco Ricci Fill out README and documen...

Marco Ricci authored 2 months ago

6) An almost faithful Python reimplementation of [James Coglan's `vault`][VAULT], a deterministic password manager/generator.
8) Using a master passphrase or a master SSH key, derive a passphrase for a given named service, subject to length, character and character repetition constraints.
9) The derivation is cryptographically strong, meaning that even if a single passphrase is compromised, guessing the master passphrase or a different service's passphrase is computationally infeasible.
10) The derivation is also deterministic, given the same inputs, thus the resulting passphrase need not be stored explicitly.
11) The service name and constraints themselves also need not be kept secret; the latter are usually stored in a world-readable file.
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

Marco Ricci Fill out README and documen...

Marco Ricci authored 2 months ago

13) [VAULT]: https://getvau.lt
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

Marco Ricci Fill out README and documen...

Marco Ricci authored 2 months ago

15) -----
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

17) ## Installation
Marco Ricci Fill out README and documen...

Marco Ricci authored 2 months ago

19) ### With `pip`
21) ```console
22) $ pip install derivepassphrase
23) ```
25) ### Manually
27) `derivepassphrase` is a pure Python package, and may be easily installed manually by placing the respective files into Python's import path.
28) `derivepassphrase` requires Python 3.11 or higher for its core functionality and programmatic interface, and [`click`][CLICK] 8.1 or higher for its command-line interface.
30) [CLICK]: https://click.palletsprojects.com/
32) ## Quick Usage
34) ```console
35) $ derivepassphrase -p --length 30 --upper 3 --lower 1 --number 2 --space 0 --symbol 0 my-email-account
36) Passphrase: This passphrase is for demonstration purposes only.
37) JKeet7GeBpxysOgdCEJo6UzmP8A0Ih
38) ```
40) Some time later…
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

42) ```console
Marco Ricci Fill out README and documen...

Marco Ricci authored 2 months ago

43) $ derivepassphrase -p --length 30 --upper 3 --lower 1 --number 2 --space 0 --symbol 0 my-email-account
44) Passphrase: This passphrase is for demonstration purposes only.
45) JKeet7GeBpxysOgdCEJo6UzmP8A0Ih
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

46) ```
Marco Ricci Fill out README and documen...

Marco Ricci authored 2 months ago

48) (The user input `This passphrase is for demonstration purposes only.` for the passphrase prompt is not actually displayed on-screen.)