Marco Ricci Add a changelog and support...

Marco Ricci authored 1 month ago

1) # Changelog for `derivepassphrase`
3) [![Keeping a changelog][CHANGELOG_BADGE]][KEEP_A_CHANGELOG]
4) [![Using Semantic Versioning][SEMVER_BADGE]][SEMANTIC_VERSIONING]
6)   [CHANGELOG_BADGE]: Keep_a_changelog-E05735.svg
7)   [SEMVER_BADGE]: SemVer-3F4551.svg
8)   [KEEP_A_CHANGELOG]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/ 'Keeping a changelog'
9)   [SEMANTIC_VERSIONING]: https://semver.org/ 'Using Semantic Versioning'
11) <aside markdown><small>
12) (All entries are from the perspective of a user, not a developer.
13) The <q>public API</q>, as defined by Semantic Versioning, is outlined in the
14) [Reference section][REFERENCE]: the set of documented modules, classes,
15) methods and functions, and the documented behavior, options and arguments of
16) the command-line tools.
17) As per the Semantic Versioning and the Keep a Changelog terminology,
18) <q>Fixed</q> entries justify a <q>patch</q> release,
19) <q>Added</q> and <q>Deprecated</q> entries a <q>minor</q> release,
20) and <q>Changed</q> and <q>Removed</q> entries a <q>major</q> release.
21) <q>Security</q> can justify any type of release;
22) if <q>major</q> or <q>minor</q>, these are accompanied by corresponding
23) entries of the respective types above.
24) Again as per Semantic Versioning, at major version zero, the above
25) justification is not yet binding, and <em>any</em> new release may
26) effectively constitute a new <q>major</q> release.)
27) </small></aside>
29)   [REFERENCE]: reference.md
31) <!-- towncrier release notes start -->
Marco Ricci Release 0.1.2

Marco Ricci authored 1 month ago

33) ## 0.1.2 (2024-07-22)
35) #### Fixed
37) - Include and exclude the correct files in the `sdist` and `wheel`
38)   distributions.  (Previously, `sdist` contained VCS artifacts, and `wheel` was
39)   missing some paths.)
40) - Lint and reformat all code using [ruff](https://astral.sh/ruff/).
41) - Mention [`mkdocstrings-python`](https://mkdocstrings.github.io/python/) in
42)   the documentation's page footer.
43) - Remove JavaScript and external font loading from documentation website, so
44)   that the site works even in restricted browser settings.
45) - Set up a changelog, using [towncrier](https://pypi.org/package/towncrier).