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Centralize settings for hypothesis deadline management
Marco Ricci
at 2024-10-08 11:43:10
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Marco Ricci <> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """Test passphrase generation via derivepassphrase.vault.Vault.""" from __future__ import annotations import math from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import hypothesis import pytest from hypothesis import strategies from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeVar import derivepassphrase import tests if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Iterator Vault: TypeAlias = derivepassphrase.vault.Vault class TestVault: phrase = b'She cells C shells bye the sea shoars' google_phrase = rb': 4TVH#5:aZl8LueOT\{' twitter_phrase = rb"[ (HN_N:lI&<ro=)3'g9" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ['service', 'expected'], [ (b'google', google_phrase), ('twitter', twitter_phrase), ], ) def test_200_basic_configuration( self, service: bytes | str, expected: bytes ) -> None: assert Vault(phrase=self.phrase).generate(service) == expected def test_201_phrase_dependence(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=(self.phrase + b'X')).generate('google') == b'n+oIz6sL>K*lTEWYRO%7' ) def test_202_reproducibility_and_bytes_service_name(self) -> None: assert Vault(phrase=self.phrase).generate(b'google') == Vault( phrase=self.phrase ).generate('google') def test_203_reproducibility_and_bytearray_service_name(self) -> None: assert Vault(phrase=self.phrase).generate(b'google') == Vault( phrase=self.phrase ).generate(bytearray(b'google')) def test_210_nonstandard_length(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=self.phrase, length=4).generate('google') == b'xDFu' ) def test_211_repetition_limit(self) -> None: assert ( Vault( phrase=b'', length=24, symbol=0, number=0, repeat=1 ).generate('asd') == b'IVTDzACftqopUXqDHPkuCIhV' ) def test_212_without_symbols(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=self.phrase, symbol=0).generate('google') == b'XZ4wRe0bZCazbljCaMqR' ) def test_213_no_numbers(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=self.phrase, number=0).generate('google') == b'_*$TVH.%^aZl(LUeOT?>' ) def test_214_no_lowercase_letters(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=self.phrase, lower=0).generate('google') == b':{?)+7~@OA:L]!0E$)(+' ) def test_215_at_least_5_digits(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=self.phrase, length=8, number=5).generate('songkick') == b'i0908.7[' ) def test_216_lots_of_spaces(self) -> None: assert ( Vault(phrase=self.phrase, space=12).generate('songkick') == b' c 6 Bq % 5fR ' ) def test_217_all_character_classes(self) -> None: assert ( Vault( phrase=self.phrase, lower=2, upper=2, number=1, space=3, dash=2, symbol=1, ).generate('google') == b': : fv_wqt>a-4w1S R' ) def test_218_only_numbers_and_very_high_repetition_limit(self) -> None: generated = Vault( phrase=b'', length=40, lower=0, upper=0, space=0, dash=0, symbol=0, repeat=4, ).generate('abcdef') forbidden_substrings = { b'0000', b'1111', b'2222', b'3333', b'4444', b'5555', b'6666', b'7777', b'8888', b'9999', } for substring in forbidden_substrings: assert substring not in generated def test_219_very_limited_character_set(self) -> None: generated = Vault( phrase=b'', length=24, lower=0, upper=0, space=0, symbol=0 ).generate('testing') assert generated == b'763252593304946694588866' def test_220_character_set_subtraction(self) -> None: assert Vault._subtract(b'be', b'abcdef') == bytearray(b'acdf') @pytest.mark.parametrize( ['length', 'settings', 'entropy'], [ (20, {}, math.log2(math.factorial(20)) + 20 * math.log2(94)), ( 20, {'upper': 0, 'number': 0, 'space': 0, 'symbol': 0}, math.log2(math.factorial(20)) + 20 * math.log2(26), ), (0, {}, float('-inf')), ( 0, {'lower': 0, 'number': 0, 'space': 0, 'symbol': 0}, float('-inf'), ), (1, {}, math.log2(94)), (1, {'upper': 0, 'lower': 0, 'number': 0, 'symbol': 0}, 0.0), ], ) def test_221_entropy( self, length: int, settings: dict[str, int], entropy: int ) -> None: v = Vault(length=length, **settings) # type: ignore[arg-type] assert math.isclose(v._entropy(), entropy) assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length() > 0 if math.isfinite(entropy) and entropy: assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length(1.0) == math.ceil( entropy / 8 ) assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length(8.0) >= entropy def test_222_hash_length_estimation(self) -> None: v = Vault( phrase=self.phrase, lower=0, upper=0, number=0, symbol=0, space=1, length=1, ) assert v._entropy() == 0.0 assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length() > 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ['service', 'expected'], [ (b'google', google_phrase), ('twitter', twitter_phrase), ], ) def test_223_hash_length_expansion( self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, service: str | bytes, expected: bytes, ) -> None: v = Vault(phrase=self.phrase) monkeypatch.setattr( v, '_estimate_sufficient_hash_length', lambda *args, **kwargs: 1, # noqa: ARG005 ) assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length() < len(self.phrase) assert v.generate(service) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( 's', [ 'ñ', 'Düsseldorf', 'liberté, egalité, fraternité', 'ASCII', b'D\xc3\xbcsseldorf', bytearray([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]), ], ) def test_224_binary_strings(self, s: str | bytes | bytearray) -> None: binstr = Vault._get_binary_string if isinstance(s, str): assert binstr(s) == s.encode('UTF-8') assert binstr(binstr(s)) == s.encode('UTF-8') else: assert binstr(s) == bytes(s) assert binstr(binstr(s)) == bytes(s) def test_310_too_many_symbols(self) -> None: with pytest.raises( ValueError, match='requested passphrase length too short' ): Vault(phrase=self.phrase, symbol=100) def test_311_no_viable_characters(self) -> None: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='no allowed characters left'): Vault( phrase=self.phrase, lower=0, upper=0, number=0, space=0, dash=0, symbol=0, ) def test_320_character_set_subtraction_duplicate(self) -> None: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='duplicate characters'): Vault._subtract(b'abcdef', b'aabbccddeeff') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='duplicate characters'): Vault._subtract(b'aabbccddeeff', b'abcdef') def test_322_hash_length_estimation(self) -> None: v = Vault(phrase=self.phrase) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='invalid safety factor'): assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length(-1.0) with pytest.raises( TypeError, match='invalid safety factor: not a float' ): assert v._estimate_sufficient_hash_length(None) # type: ignore[arg-type] @strategies.composite def vault_config(draw: strategies.DrawFn) -> dict[str, int]: lower = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) upper = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) number = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) space = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) dash = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) symbol = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) repeat = draw(strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) length = draw( strategies.integers( min_value=max(1, lower + upper + number + space + dash + symbol), max_value=70, ) ) hypothesis.assume(lower + upper + number + dash + symbol > 0) hypothesis.assume(lower + upper + number + space + symbol > 0) hypothesis.assume(repeat >= space) return { 'lower': lower, 'upper': upper, 'number': number, 'space': space, 'dash': dash, 'symbol': symbol, 'repeat': repeat, 'length': length, } class TestHypotheses: @tests.hypothesis_settings_coverage_compatible @hypothesis.given( phrase=strategies.one_of( strategies.binary(min_size=1), strategies.text(min_size=1) ), config=vault_config(), service=strategies.text(min_size=1), ) # regression test @hypothesis.example( phrase=b'\x00', config={ 'lower': 0, 'upper': 0, 'number': 0, 'space': 2, 'dash': 0, 'symbol': 1, 'repeat': 2, 'length': 3, }, service='0', ) # regression test @hypothesis.example( phrase=b'\x00', config={ 'lower': 0, 'upper': 0, 'number': 0, 'space': 1, 'dash': 0, 'symbol': 0, 'repeat': 9, 'length': 5, }, service='0', ) # branch coverage: case `repeat = 0` in `if config[repeat]` below @hypothesis.example( phrase=b'\x00', config={ 'lower': 0, 'upper': 0, 'number': 0, 'space': 1, 'dash': 0, 'symbol': 0, 'repeat': 0, 'length': 5, }, service='0', ) def test_100_all_length_character_and_occurrence_constraints_satisfied( self, phrase: str | bytes, config: dict[str, int], service: str, ) -> None: try: password = Vault(phrase=phrase, **config).generate(service) except ValueError as exc: if 'no allowed characters left' in exc.args: return raise # pragma: no cover n = len(password) assert n == config['length'], 'Password has wrong length.' for key in ('lower', 'upper', 'number', 'space', 'dash', 'symbol'): if config[key] > 0: assert ( sum(c in Vault._CHARSETS[key] for c in password) >= config[key] ), ( 'Password does not satisfy ' 'character occurrence constraints.' ) elif key in {'dash', 'symbol'}: # Character classes overlap, so "forbidden" characters may # appear via the other character class. assert True else: assert ( sum(c in Vault._CHARSETS[key] for c in password) == 0 ), 'Password does not satisfy character ban constraints.' T = TypeVar('T', str, bytes) def length_r_substrings(string: T, *, r: int) -> Iterator[T]: for i in range(len(string) - (r - 1)): yield string[i : i + r] repeat = config['repeat'] if repeat: for snippet in length_r_substrings(password, r=(repeat + 1)): assert ( len(set(snippet)) > 1 ), 'Password does not satisfy character repeat constraints.' @tests.hypothesis_settings_coverage_compatible @hypothesis.given( phrase=strategies.one_of( strategies.binary(min_size=1, max_size=100), strategies.text( min_size=1, max_size=100, alphabet=strategies.characters(max_codepoint=255), ), ), length=strategies.integers(min_value=1, max_value=200), service=strategies.text(min_size=1, max_size=100), ) def test_101_password_with_length( self, phrase: str | bytes, length: int, service: str, ) -> None: password = Vault(phrase=phrase, length=length).generate(service) assert len(password) == length # This test has time complexity `O(length * repeat)`, both of which # are chosen by hypothesis and thus outside our control. @hypothesis.settings(deadline=None) @hypothesis.given( phrase=strategies.one_of( strategies.binary(min_size=1, max_size=100), strategies.text( min_size=1, max_size=100, alphabet=strategies.characters(max_codepoint=255), ), ), length=strategies.integers(min_value=2, max_value=200), repeat=strategies.integers(min_value=1, max_value=200), service=strategies.text(min_size=1, max_size=1000), ) def test_102_password_with_repeat( self, phrase: str | bytes, length: int, repeat: int, service: str, ) -> None: password = Vault(phrase=phrase, length=length, repeat=repeat).generate( service ) for i in range((length + 1) - (repeat + 1)): assert len(set(password[i : i + repeat + 1])) > 1