site_name: derivepassphrase documentation site_url: null repo_url: site_description: An almost faithful Python reimplementation of James Coglan's vault. site_author: Marco Ricci copyright: Copyright 2024 Marco Ricci (the-13th-letter). All rights reserved. docs_dir: docs site_dir: html extra_css: - mkdocstrings_recommended_styles.css - default_fonts_only.css theme: name: "material" #font: false font: text: Noto Sans code: Noto Mono #code: Inconsolata #palette: # - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" # toggle: # icon: material/brightness-auto # name: Switch to light mode # - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" # scheme: default # toggle: # icon: material/brightness-7 # name: Switch to dark mode # - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" # scheme: slate # toggle: # icon: material/brightness-4 # name: Switch to system preference icon: logo: material/library features: - content.code.annotate - navigation.tracking - navigation.tabs - navigation.prune - toc.follow plugins: - offline: enabled: true #- privacy: # enabled: true - mkdocstrings: handlers: python: import: - - options: docstring_options: ignore_init_summary: true returns_multiple_items: false merge_init_into_class: true show_source: false heading_level: 2 show_object_full_path: false show_root_members_full_path: false show_root_heading: true show_symbol_type_heading: true show_symbol_type_toc: true parameters_heading: true #members_order: 'source' show_signature_annotations: false separate_signature: true signature_crossrefs: false unwrap_annotated: true paths: - src nav: - derivepassphrase documentation: #- #- How-Tos: - Reference: - API overview: - Module derivepassphrase: reference/ - Module sequin: reference/ - Module ssh_agent_client: reference/ - Coverage: reference/coverage/index.html #- markdown_extensions: - abbr - attr_list - def_list - footnotes - admonition - smarty - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true