# Changelog for `derivepassphrase` [![Keeping a changelog][CHANGELOG_BADGE]][KEEP_A_CHANGELOG] [![Using Semantic Versioning][SEMVER_BADGE]][SEMANTIC_VERSIONING] [CHANGELOG_BADGE]: Keep_a_changelog-E05735.svg [SEMVER_BADGE]: SemVer-3F4551.svg [KEEP_A_CHANGELOG]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/ 'Keeping a changelog' [SEMANTIC_VERSIONING]: https://semver.org/ 'Using Semantic Versioning' [REFERENCE]: reference.md ## 0.1.1 (2024-07-14) #### Fixed - Restore the `__version__` attribute in all top-level packages. - Declare compatibility with Python 3.10 in project metadata, and include necessary version-specific dependencies. - Publish the documentation online, and link to it in the repository metadata and the Python package metadata. ## 0.1.0 (2024-07-14) #### Added - Initial release.