# derivepassphrase-export(1) ## NAME derivepassphrase-export – export a foreign configuration to standard output ## SYNOPSIS ```` derivepassphrase export SUBCOMMAND_ARGS ... ```` ## DESCRIPTION Read a foreign system configuration, extract all information from it, and export the resulting configuration to standard output. ## SUBCOMMANDS [<b>vault</b>][VAULT_SUBCMD] : Export a <i>vault</i>(1)-native configuration to standard output. If no subcommand is given, we default to <b>vault</b>. ## OPTIONS <b>-</b><b>-debug</b> : Emit all diagnostic information to standard error, including progress, warning and error messages. Cancels the effect of any previous <b>-</b><b>-quiet</b> or <b>-</b><b>-verbose</b> options. Also applies to subcommands. <b>-v</b>, <b>-</b><b>-verbose</b> : Emit extra/progress information to standard error, on top of warning and error messages. Cancels the effect of any previous <b>-</b><b>-debug</b> or <b>-</b><b>-quiet</b> options. Also applies to subcommands. <b>-q</b>, <b>-</b><b>-quiet</b> : Suppress all other diagnostic output to standard error, except error messages. This includes warning messages. Cancels the effect of any previous <b>-</b><b>-debug</b> or <b>-</b><b>-verbose</b> options. Also applies to subcommands. <b>-</b><b>-version</b> : Show the version and exit. <b>-h</b>, <b>-</b><b>-help</b> : Show a help message and exit. ## ENVIRONMENT `DERIVEPASSPHRASE_PATH` : <b>derivepassphrase</b> stores its configuration files and data in this directory. Defaults to `~/.derivepassphrase` on UNIX-like systems and `C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Derivepassphrase` on Windows. ## COMPATIBILITY ### With other software See the respective subcommand's manpage for compatibility information. ### Forward and backward compatibility * [Since v0.2.0.] In v1.0, <b>derivepassphrase export</b> will require an explicit subcommand name. Defaults to the subcommand <b>vault</b>. ## SEE ALSO [<i>derivepassphrase</i>(1)](derivepassphrase.1.md), [<i>derivepassphrase-export-vault</i>(1)][VAULT_SUBCMD]. ## AUTHOR [Marco Ricci](https://the13thletter.info) (`software` at `the13thletter` dot `info`) [VAULT_SUBCMD]: derivepassphrase-export-vault.1.md