# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Marco Ricci <software@the13thletter.info> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib """Exporter for the vault native configuration format (v0.2 or v0.3). The vault native formats are the configuration formats used by vault v0.2 and v0.3. The configuration is stored as a single encrypted file, which is encrypted and authenticated. v0.2 and v0.3 differ in some details concerning key derivation and expected format of internal structures, so they are *not* compatible. v0.2 additionally contains cryptographic weaknesses (API misuse of a key derivation function, and a low-entropy method of generating initialization vectors for CBC block encryption mode) and should thus be avoided if possible. The public interface is the [`export_vault_native_data`][] function. Multiple *non-public* classes are additionally documented here for didactical and educational reasons, but they are not part of the module API, are subject to change without notice (including removal), and should *not* be used or relied on. """ from __future__ import annotations import abc import base64 import json import logging import warnings from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from derivepassphrase import _cli_msg as _msg from derivepassphrase import exporter, vault if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Sequence from typing import Any from typing_extensions import Buffer if TYPE_CHECKING: from cryptography import exceptions as crypt_exceptions from cryptography import utils as crypt_utils from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import ciphers, hashes, hmac, padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf import pbkdf2 else: try: from cryptography import exceptions as crypt_exceptions from cryptography import utils as crypt_utils from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import ( ciphers, hashes, hmac, padding, ) from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf import pbkdf2 except ModuleNotFoundError as exc: class _DummyModule: # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, exc: type[Exception]) -> None: self.exc = exc def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 def func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401,ARG001 raise self.exc return func crypt_exceptions = crypt_utils = _DummyModule(exc) ciphers = hashes = hmac = padding = _DummyModule(exc) algorithms = modes = pbkdf2 = _DummyModule(exc) STUBBED = True else: STUBBED = False __all__ = ('export_vault_native_data',) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _h(bs: Buffer) -> str: return '<{}>'.format(memoryview(bs).hex(' ')) class VaultNativeConfigParser(abc.ABC): """A base parser for vault's native configuration format. Certain details are specific to the respective vault versions, and are abstracted out. This class by itself is not instantiable because of this. """ def __init__(self, contents: Buffer, password: str | Buffer) -> None: """Initialize the parser. Args: contents: The binary contents of the encrypted configuration file. Note: On disk, these are usually stored in base64-encoded form, not in the "raw" form as needed here. password: The vault master key/master passphrase the file is encrypted with. Must be non-empty. See [`exporter.get_vault_key`][] for details. If this is a text string, then the UTF-8 encoding of the string is used as the binary password. Raises: ValueError: The password must not be empty. Warning: Non-public class, provided for didactical and educational purposes only. Subject to change without notice, including removal. """ if not password: msg = 'Password must not be empty' raise ValueError(msg) self._contents = bytes(contents) self._iv_size = 0 self._mac_size = 0 self._encryption_key = b'' self._encryption_key_size = 0 self._signing_key = b'' self._signing_key_size = 0 self._message = b'' self._message_tag = b'' self._iv = b'' self._payload = b'' self._password = password self._sentinel: object = object() self._data: Any = self._sentinel def __call__(self) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Return the decrypted and parsed vault configuration. Raises: cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature: The encrypted configuration does not contain a valid signature. ValueError: The format is invalid, in a non-cryptographic way. (For example, it contains an unsupported version marker, or unexpected extra contents, or invalid padding.) """ if self._data is self._sentinel: self._parse_contents() self._derive_keys() self._check_signature() self._data = self._decrypt_payload() return self._data @staticmethod def _pbkdf2( password: str | Buffer, key_size: int, iterations: int ) -> bytes: if isinstance(password, str): password = password.encode('utf-8') raw_key = pbkdf2.PBKDF2HMAC( algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), length=key_size // 2, salt=vault.Vault._UUID, # noqa: SLF001 iterations=iterations, ).derive(bytes(password)) result_key = raw_key.hex().lower().encode('ASCII') logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_PBKDF2_CALL, password=password, salt=vault.Vault._UUID, # noqa: SLF001 iterations=iterations, key_size=key_size // 2, algorithm='sha1', raw_result=raw_key, result_key=result_key.decode('ASCII'), ), ) return result_key def _parse_contents(self) -> None: logger.info( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.InfoMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_PARSING_IV_PAYLOAD_MAC, ), ) if len(self._contents) < self._iv_size + 16 + self._mac_size: msg = 'Invalid vault configuration file: file is truncated' raise ValueError(msg) def cut(buffer: bytes, cutpoint: int) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]: return buffer[:cutpoint], buffer[cutpoint:] cutpos1 = len(self._contents) - self._mac_size cutpos2 = self._iv_size self._message, self._message_tag = cut(self._contents, cutpos1) self._iv, self._payload = cut(self._message, cutpos2) logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_PARSE_BUFFER, contents=_h(self._contents), iv=_h(self._iv), payload=_h(self._payload), mac=_h(self._message_tag), ), ) def _derive_keys(self) -> None: logger.info( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.InfoMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_DERIVING_KEYS, ), ) self._generate_keys() assert len(self._encryption_key) == self._encryption_key_size, ( 'Derived encryption key is invalid' ) assert len(self._signing_key) == self._signing_key_size, ( 'Derived signing key is invalid' ) @abc.abstractmethod def _generate_keys(self) -> None: raise AssertionError def _check_signature(self) -> None: logger.info( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.InfoMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_CHECKING_MAC, ), ) mac = hmac.HMAC(self._signing_key, hashes.SHA256()) mac_input = self._hmac_input() logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_CHECKING_MAC_DETAILS, mac_input=_h(mac_input), mac=_h(self._message_tag), ), ) mac.update(mac_input) try: mac.verify(self._message_tag) except crypt_exceptions.InvalidSignature: msg = 'File does not contain a valid signature' raise ValueError(msg) from None @abc.abstractmethod def _hmac_input(self) -> bytes: raise AssertionError def _decrypt_payload(self) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 logger.info( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.InfoMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_DECRYPTING_CONTENTS, ), ) decryptor = self._make_decryptor() padded_plaintext = bytearray() padded_plaintext.extend(decryptor.update(self._payload)) padded_plaintext.extend(decryptor.finalize()) logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_PADDED_PLAINTEXT, contents=_h(padded_plaintext), ), ) unpadder = padding.PKCS7(self._iv_size * 8).unpadder() plaintext = bytearray() plaintext.extend(unpadder.update(padded_plaintext)) plaintext.extend(unpadder.finalize()) logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_PLAINTEXT, contents=_h(plaintext), ), ) return json.loads(plaintext) @abc.abstractmethod def _make_decryptor(self) -> ciphers.CipherContext: raise AssertionError class VaultNativeV03ConfigParser(VaultNativeConfigParser): """A parser for vault's native configuration format (v0.3). This is the modern, pre-storeroom configuration format. Warning: Non-public class, provided for didactical and educational purposes only. Subject to change without notice, including removal. """ KEY_SIZE = 32 def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._iv_size = 16 self._mac_size = 32 def _generate_keys(self) -> None: self._encryption_key = self._pbkdf2(self._password, self.KEY_SIZE, 100) self._signing_key = self._pbkdf2(self._password, self.KEY_SIZE, 200) self._encryption_key_size = self._signing_key_size = self.KEY_SIZE def _hmac_input(self) -> bytes: return self._message.hex().lower().encode('ASCII') def _make_decryptor(self) -> ciphers.CipherContext: return ciphers.Cipher( algorithms.AES256(self._encryption_key), modes.CBC(self._iv) ).decryptor() class VaultNativeV02ConfigParser(VaultNativeConfigParser): """A parser for vault's native configuration format (v0.2). This is the classic configuration format. Compared to v0.3, it contains an (accidental) API misuse for the generation of the master keys, a low-entropy method of generating initialization vectors for the AES-CBC encryption step, and extra layers of base64 encoding. Because of these significantly weakened confidentiality guarantees, v0.2 configurations should be upgraded to at least v0.3 as soon as possible. Warning: Non-public class, provided for didactical and educational purposes only. Subject to change without notice, including removal. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._iv_size = 16 self._mac_size = 64 def _parse_contents(self) -> None: super()._parse_contents() self._payload = base64.standard_b64decode(self._payload) self._message_tag = bytes.fromhex(self._message_tag.decode('ASCII')) logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_V02_PAYLOAD_MAC_POSTPROCESSING, payload=_h(self._payload), mac=_h(self._message_tag), ), ) def _generate_keys(self) -> None: self._encryption_key = self._pbkdf2(self._password, 8, 16) self._signing_key = self._pbkdf2(self._password, 16, 16) self._encryption_key_size = 8 self._signing_key_size = 16 def _hmac_input(self) -> bytes: return base64.standard_b64encode(self._message) def _make_decryptor(self) -> ciphers.CipherContext: def evp_bytestokey_md5_one_iteration_no_salt( data: bytes, key_size: int, iv_size: int ) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]: total_size = key_size + iv_size buffer = bytearray() last_block = b'' salt = b'' logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_EVP_BYTESTOKEY_INIT, data=_h(data), salt=_h(salt), key_size=key_size, iv_size=iv_size, buffer_length=len(buffer), buffer=_h(buffer), ), ) while len(buffer) < total_size: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore', crypt_utils.CryptographyDeprecationWarning ) block = hashes.Hash(hashes.MD5()) block.update(last_block) block.update(data) block.update(salt) last_block = block.finalize() buffer.extend(last_block) logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_EVP_BYTESTOKEY_ROUND, buffer_length=len(buffer), buffer=_h(buffer), ), ) logger.debug( _msg.TranslatedString( _msg.DebugMsgTemplate.VAULT_NATIVE_EVP_BYTESTOKEY_RESULT, enc_key=_h(buffer[:key_size]), iv=_h(buffer[key_size:total_size]), ), ) return bytes(buffer[:key_size]), bytes(buffer[key_size:total_size]) data = base64.standard_b64encode(self._iv + self._encryption_key) encryption_key, iv = evp_bytestokey_md5_one_iteration_no_salt( data, key_size=32, iv_size=16 ) return ciphers.Cipher( algorithms.AES256(encryption_key), modes.CBC(iv) ).decryptor() def export_vault_native_data( contents: Buffer | None = None, key: str | Buffer | None = None, *, try_formats: Sequence[str] = ('v0.3', 'v0.2'), ) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Export the full configuration stored in vault native format. Args: contents: The binary encrypted contents of the vault configuration file. If not given, then query [`exporter.get_vault_path`][] for the correct filename and read the contents from there. Note: On disk, these are usually stored in base64-encoded form, not in the "raw" form as needed here. key: Encryption key/password for the configuration file, usually the username, or passed via the `VAULT_KEY` environment variable. If not given, then query [`exporter.get_vault_key`][] for the value. try_formats: A sequence of formats to try out, in order. Each key must be one of `v0.2` or `v0.3`. Returns: The vault configuration, as recorded in the configuration file. This may or may not be a valid configuration according to vault or derivepassphrase. Raises: RuntimeError: Something went wrong during data collection, e.g. we encountered unsupported or corrupted data in the storeroom. json.JSONDecodeError: An internal JSON data structure failed to parse from disk. The storeroom is probably corrupted. ValueError: The requested formats to try out are invalid, or the encrypted contents aren't in any of the attempted configuration formats. """ if contents is None: with open(exporter.get_vault_path(), 'rb') as infile: contents = base64.standard_b64decode(infile.read()) if key is None: key = exporter.get_vault_key() stored_exception: Exception | None = None for config_format in try_formats: # Use match/case here once Python 3.9 becomes unsupported. if config_format == 'v0.2': try: return VaultNativeV02ConfigParser(contents, key)() except ValueError as exc: exc.__context__ = stored_exception stored_exception = exc elif config_format == 'v0.3': try: return VaultNativeV03ConfigParser(contents, key)() except ValueError as exc: exc.__context__ = stored_exception stored_exception = exc else: # pragma: no cover msg = ( f'Invalid vault native configuration format: {config_format!r}' ) raise ValueError(msg) msg = ( f'Not a valid vault native configuration. (We tried: {try_formats!r}.)' ) raise stored_exception or ValueError(msg) if __name__ == '__main__': import os logging.basicConfig(level=('DEBUG' if os.getenv('DEBUG') else 'WARNING')) with open(exporter.get_vault_path(), 'rb') as infile: contents = base64.standard_b64decode(infile.read()) password = exporter.get_vault_key() try: config = VaultNativeV03ConfigParser(contents, password)() except ValueError: config = VaultNativeV02ConfigParser(contents, password)() print(json.dumps(config, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) # noqa: T201