Hanno Böck add pylint, rename

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py  1) import unittest
tests/test_codingstype.py  2) import subprocess
tests/test_codingstype.py  3) import glob
tests/test_codingstype.py  4) 
tests/test_codingstype.py  5) 
tests/test_codingstype.py  6) class TestCodingstyle(unittest.TestCase):
tests/test_codingstype.py  7)     @staticmethod
tests/test_codingstype.py  8)     def test_codingstyle():
Hanno Böck add update-freewvsdb and se...

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py  9)         pyfiles = ["freewvs", "update-freewvsdb",
tests/test_codingstype.py 10)                    "setup.py"] + glob.glob("tests/*.py")
Hanno Böck allow longer lines (black c...

Hanno Böck authored 1 year ago

tests/test_codingstyle.py 11)         subprocess.run(["pycodestyle", "--ignore=W503", "--max-line-length=88"]
Hanno Böck add pylint, rename

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 12)                        + pyfiles, check=True)
tests/test_codingstype.py 13)         subprocess.run(["pyflakes"] + pyfiles, check=True)
Hanno Böck disable too-many-arguments...

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 14) 
Hanno Böck disable pylint warnings rec...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 15)         pylint_disable = "missing-docstring,invalid-name,duplicate-code," \
Hanno Böck check for f-strings and use...

Hanno Böck authored 2 years ago

tests/test_codingstyle.py 16)                          + "too-many-arguments,consider-using-with"
Hanno Böck fix f-strings in tests

Hanno Böck authored 2 years ago

tests/test_codingstyle.py 17)         subprocess.run(["pylint", f"--disable={pylint_disable}"]
Hanno Böck add pylint, rename

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 18)                        + pyfiles, check=True)
tests/test_codingstype.py 19) 
Hanno Böck use dlint code analyzer

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 20)         subprocess.run(["flake8", "--select=DUO"] + pyfiles, check=True)
Hanno Böck check for f-strings and use...

Hanno Böck authored 2 years ago

tests/test_codingstyle.py 21)         subprocess.run(["pyupgrade", "--py311-plus"]
Hanno Böck pyupgrade check

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 22)                        + pyfiles, check=True)
Hanno Böck use dlint code analyzer

Hanno Böck authored 4 years ago

tests/test_codingstype.py 23)