fenris foo

fenris authored 8 years ago

1) <section class="section pseudo" id="introduction/preface">
fenris advanced

fenris authored 8 years ago

2) 	<header>Preface</header>
fenris foo

fenris authored 8 years ago

3) 	<p>Folksprak is the name of a project that aims to construct an inter-Germanic zonal auxiliary language, which means a language that can be easily understood by any speaker of a Germanic language (a group numbering over 465 million native speakers with an additional 300 to 900 million speaking English as a second language) without ever having learned it.</p>
4) 	<p>Folksprak is not meant to be designed by any one individual, but rather a collective work created by all interested parties; so you're welcome to participate.</p>
5) 	<p>The content of this document is the result of a collaboration between people from different parts on earth, connected by the internet. Its not a final specification for Folksprak, but a draft as a base to work on. Please let us know what you think about it and how you would improve it! You can find us in the IRC-Channel <span class="code">##folksprak</span> on <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net">irc.freenode.net</a>. You can also write an E-Mail to <a href="mailto:admin@folksprak.org">admin@folksprak.org</a>.</p>