Fenris Wolf advanced

Fenris Wolf authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  1) <!DOCTYPE HTML>
fenris advanced

fenris authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  2) <?php include_once("source/logic/server/settings.php"); ?>
bfadmin-master advanced

bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  3) <?php include_once("source/logic/server/misc.php"); ?>
Fenris Wolf advanced

Fenris Wolf authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  4) <html>
source/structure/draft.html.php  5) 	<head>
fenris foo

fenris authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  6) 		<title>Folksprak -- Draft</title>
Christian Fraß renamed structure to content

Christian Fraß authored 8 years ago

source/content/draft.html.php    7) 		<?php include("source/content/meta.html.php"); ?>
fenris foo

fenris authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  8) 		<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png"/>
Fenris Wolf advanced

Fenris Wolf authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php  9) 		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="draft.css"/>
fenris advanced

fenris authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 10) 		<script type="text/javascript" src="draft.js"></script>
Fenris Wolf advanced

Fenris Wolf authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 11) 	</head>
source/structure/draft.html.php 12) 	<body>
source/structure/draft.html.php 13) 		<div id="mid">
source/structure/draft.html.php 14) 			<div id="title">
source/structure/draft.html.php 15) 				<header>Folksprak Draft</header>
source/structure/draft.html.php 16) 				<div id="logo">
source/structure/draft.html.php 17) 					<img src="logo.svg" alt="[logo]"/>
source/structure/draft.html.php 18) 				</div>
source/structure/draft.html.php 19) 			</div>
source/structure/draft.html.php 20) 			<!--
source/structure/draft.html.php 21) 			titlepage
source/structure/draft.html.php 22) 			  -->
bfadmin-master advanced

bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 23) <?php
Christian Fraß added transition-data and t...

Christian Fraß authored 8 years ago

source/content/draft.html.php   24) 	/*
source/content/draft.html.php   25) 	echo
source/content/draft.html.php   26) 	(
source/content/draft.html.php   27) 		function_chain
source/content/draft.html.php   28) 		(
source/content/draft.html.php   29) 			[
source/content/draft.html.php   30) 				function ($x) {return $x+1;},
source/content/draft.html.php   31) 				function ($x) {return $x*2;},
source/content/draft.html.php   32) 				function ($x) {return $x/3;},
source/content/draft.html.php   33) 			]
source/content/draft.html.php   34) 		)
source/content/draft.html.php   35) 		(5)
source/content/draft.html.php   36) 	);
source/content/draft.html.php   37) 	 */
bfadmin-master advanced

bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 38) 	compose
source/structure/draft.html.php 39) 	(
bfadmin-master advanced

bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 40) 		[
source/structure/draft.html.php 41) 			"introduction",
source/structure/draft.html.php 42) 			"basics",
source/structure/draft.html.php 43) 			"vocabulary",
source/structure/draft.html.php 44) 			"grammar",
Christian Fraß added some drafts and an ex...

Christian Fraß authored 8 years ago

source/content/draft.html.php   45) 			"examples",
bfadmin-master advanced

bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 46) 		]
source/structure/draft.html.php 47) 	);
Christian Fraß added transition-data and t...

Christian Fraß authored 8 years ago

source/content/draft.html.php   48) 	/*
source/content/draft.html.php   49) 	 */
bfadmin-master advanced

bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago

source/structure/draft.html.php 50)  ?>