$value) { $object_[$key] = $function($value); } return $object_; } ); } function fetch($structure, $field, $fallback = null, $escalation = 1) { if (array_key_exists($field, $structure)) { return $structure[$field]; } else { switch ($escalation) { case 0: { return $fallback; // break; } case 1: { return $fallback; // break; } case 2: { throw (sprintf("field '%s' missing in structure!", $field)); return $fallback; // break; } default: { throw (sprintf("unhandled escalation level %u", $escalation)); // break; } } } } function compose($names) { array_map ( function ($name) { include("source/content/" . $name . ".html.php"); }, $names ); } function mark($core, $classes) { global $configuration; if ($configuration["replace_fs_umlauts"]) { if (in_array("lang_fs", $classes) and !in_array("letter", $classes)) { $core = str_replace ( ["ö","ü"], ["oy","uy"], $core ); } } return ('' . $core . ''); } function format($string, $classes = ["type_word", "lang_fs"]) { if ($string == NULL) { $string = "--"; } else { $string = preg_replace("/\/([^\/]*)\//", mark("$1", ["ipa"]), $string); $string = preg_replace("/_([^_]*)_/", "$1", $string); $string = preg_replace("/\'([^\']*)\'/", mark("$1", $classes), $string); } return $string; } function _foo($fieldname) { return ( function ($row) use (&$fieldname) { global $configuration; return ["original" => $row[$fieldname]["flk"], "translated" => $row[$fieldname][$configuration["target"]]]; } ); } function _baz($words, $type, $language) { return ((count($words) == 0) ? "?" : implode(", ", array_map(function ($word) use (&$type,&$language) {return mark($word, [$type, "lang_" . $language]);}, $words))); } function _bar($type = "type_word") { return ( function ($value) use (&$type) { global $configuration; $output = ""; $output .= _baz($value["original"], $type, "flk"); $output .= " ~ "; $output .= _baz($value["translated"], $type, $configuration["target"]); return $output; } ); } function format_single($type, $language) { return ( function ($piece) use (&$type, &$language) { return mark($piece, [$type, "lang_" . $language]); } ); } function format_list($type, $language) { return ( function ($pieces) use (&$type, &$language) { return ((count($pieces) == 0) ? "?" : implode(", ", array_map(format_single($type, $language), $pieces))); } ); } function format_correlation($type, $language_from = "flk", $language_to = null) { global $configuration; if ($language_to == null) $language_to = $configuration["target"]; return ( function ($source) use (&$type, &$language_from, &$language_to) { $output = ""; $output .= format_list($type, $language_from)($source[$language_from]); $output .= " ~ "; $output .= format_list($type, $language_to)($source[$language_to]); return $output; } ); } function proposal() { ?>
This section is only a proposal yet; not part of the draft.