Infinite Verbforms

The infinitive is formed by appending -a to the verb-stem, e.g. skriva ~ to write.

The active participle is formed by appending -end to the verb-stem, e.g. skrivend ~ writing.

The passive participle is formed by appending -et to the verb-stem, e.g. skrivet ~ written. If speakable the e in the ending can be elluded, e.g. skrivt.

Tempora and Modi

The following table lists the timeforms found in Folksprak and how they are built in the indicative-mode.

Name Building Scheme (indicative) Example Translation
Present [verb:stem] ek skriv i write
Perfect [flected hav] + [verb:passive participle] ek hav skrivt i have written
Future [flected skal/vil/kom] + [verb:infinitive] ek skal skriva i will write

The imperative only exists in the present tense for the 2nd person singular and plural. It is formed by using the bare stem of the verb, optionally followed by the personal pronoun (i.e. either du or je) in order to specify or emphasize the numerus. Examples: skriv!, skriv, je!.

Personae and Numeri

There is no change in the verb for conjugating according to person and count.

Examples: ek skriv ~ i write, du skriv ~ you write, hin skriv ~ he writes, vi skriv ~ we write