The word stock of Folksprak is ‐ with minor exceptions ‐ derived from the modern Germanic languages (e.g. English, German, Swedish, …) and/or their precursors (e.g. Old English, Old Norse, Proto Germanic, etc.). Branches which no longer emerge today (e.g. the East Germanic languages like Gothic), were not incorporated.
The following table gives an overview about the typical transitions of phones from Proto-Germanic to some of todays natural Germanic languages and Folksprak, along with example words in square brackets:
more entries snap ( [ "label_vertical" => function ($column) {return "";}, "columns_vertical" => [ $table->columns_get()[0], ], "label_horizontal" => function ($column, $value) {return $value;}, "columns_horizontal" => [ $table->columns_get()[1], ], "columns_data" => [ $table->columns_get()[2], $table->columns_get()[3], $table->columns_get()[4], ], "data_aggregator" => function ($values) { return $values; }, "data_formatter" => function ($values) { if (count($values) == 1) { $phones = implode( ", ", array_map ( function ($phoneme) use (&$values) { return mark($phoneme, ["type_word", "lang_" . $values[0]["language_id"]]); }, $values[0]["phones"] ) ); $examples = implode ( ", ", array_map ( function ($word) use (&$values) { return mark($word, ["type_word", "lang_" . $values[0]["language_id"]]); }, array_slice($values[0]["examples"], 0, 1) ) ); $output = $phones; if (count($values[0]["examples"]) > 0) { $break = true; $breaker = $break ? "