# -* coding: utf8 *- # (C) 2011 by Bernd Wurst # This file is part of Bib2011. # # Bib2011 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Bib2011 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Bib2011. If not, see . import datetime class InvoiceImage(object): def __init__(self, pilimage, caption=None, dpi=80, alignment="left"): self.imagedata = pilimage self.alignment = alignment self.dpi = dpi self.caption = caption class InvoiceText(object): def __init__(self, content, urgent=False, headline=None): self.paragraphs = [content] self.urgent = urgent self.headline = headline self.fontsize = 0 # relative Schriftgröße ggü default def addParagraph(self, content): self.paragraphs.append(content) class InvoiceTable(object): def __init__(self, vatType = 'gross', tender = False, summary = True): self.entries = [] self.vat = {} self.sum = 0.0 self.payments = [] self.tender = tender self.summary = summary if vatType not in ['gross', 'net']: raise ValueError('vatType must be »gross« or »net«') self.vatType = vatType def validEntry(self, entry): '''bekommt einen Eintrag und liefert einen Eintrag wenn ok, wirft ansonsten ValueError. wird benutzt um z.B. die Summe auszurechnen oder ähnliches ''' k = entry.keys() e = entry if not ('count' in k and 'unit' in k and 'subject' in k and 'price' in k and 'vat' in k): raise ValueError('Some data is missing!') ret = {'type': 'entry', 'count': e['count'], 'unit': e['unit'], 'subject': e['subject'], 'price': e['price'], 'total': (e['price'] * e['count']), 'vat': e['vat'], 'tender': False, } if ret['vat'] > 1: ret['vat'] = float(ret['vat']) / 100 if 'tender' in e.keys(): ret['tender'] = e['tender'] if 'desc' in k: ret['desc'] = e['desc'] if 'period_start' in k: ret['period_start'] = e['period_start'] if 'period_end' in k: ret['period_end'] = e['period_end'] return ret def addItem(self, data): '''Fügt eine Zeile ein. data muss ein Dict mit passenden Keys und passenden Typen sein''' d = self.validEntry(data) if not d['vat'] in self.vat.keys(): self.vat[d['vat']] = [0, chr(65+len(self.vat))] if 'tender' not in data or not data['tender']: self.vat[d['vat']][0] += d['total'] self.sum += d['total'] self.entries.append(d) def addTitle(self, title): self.entries.append({'type': 'title', 'title': title,}) def addPayment(self, type, amount, date): self.payments.append({"type": type, "amount": amount, "date": date}) RECHNUNG = 380 ANGEBOT = 1 GUTSCHRIFT = 381 KORREKTUR = 384 VAT_REGULAR = 'S' VAT_KLEINUNTERNEHMER = 'E' VAT_INNERGEM = 'K' class Invoice(object): def __init__(self, tender = False): self.customerno = None self.customer = { "id": None, "name": None, "address": { "postcode": None, "city_name": None, "line1": None, "line2": None, "line3": None, "country_id": None, }, "email": None, } self.buyer = self.customer self.seller = { "name": None, # juristischer Name "trade_name": None, # Firmenname "address": { "postcode": None, "city_name": None, "line1": None, "line2": None, "line3": None, "country_id": None, }, "phone": None, "email": None, "website": None, } self.seller_vat_id = None self.seller_bank_data = { 'kontoinhaber': None, 'iban': None, 'bic': None, 'bankname': None, } self.due_date = None self.debit = False self.debit_mandate_id = None self.creditor_reference_id = None self.buyer_bank_data = { 'kontoinhaber': None, 'iban': None, 'bic': None, 'bankname': None, } self.vat_type = VAT_REGULAR self.salutation = 'Sehr geehte Damen und Herren,' self.id = None self.cash = True self.type = RECHNUNG self.logo_image_file = None self.tender = tender self.title = 'Rechnung' if tender: self.title = 'Angebot' self.official = True self.parts = [] self.pagecount = 0 self.date = datetime.date.today() def setDate(self, date): if type(date) != datetime.date: raise ValueError('date must be of type »datetime.date«') self.date = date