apache mit logging
Hanno Böck authored 17 years ago
1) # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
2) # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3) # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/apache/apache-2.2.6-r3.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/10/25 02:07:54 hollow Exp $
5) inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib autotools
7) # latest gentoo apache files
8) GENTOO_PATCHNAME="gentoo-${PF}"
10) GENTOO_DEVSPACE="hollow"
13) DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server."
14) HOMEPAGE="http://httpd.apache.org/"
15) SRC_URI="mirror://apache/httpd/httpd-${PV}.tar.bz2
16) http://dev.gentoo.org/~${GENTOO_DEVSPACE}/dist/apache/${GENTOO_PATCHNAME}-${GENTOO_PATCHSTAMP}.tar.bz2"
18) # some helper scripts are apache-1.1, thus both are here
19) LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-1.1"
20) SLOT="2"
21) KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
22) IUSE="debug doc ldap mpm-event mpm-itk mpm-peruser mpm-prefork mpm-worker no-suexec selinux ssl static-modules threads"
24) DEPEND="dev-lang/perl
25) =dev-libs/apr-1*
26) =dev-libs/apr-util-1*
27) dev-libs/expat
28) dev-libs/libpcre
29) sys-libs/zlib
30) ldap? ( =net-nds/openldap-2* )
31) selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-apache )
32) ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
33) !=www-servers/apache-1*
34) !=app-admin/apache-tools-2.2.4-r2"
37) app-misc/mime-types"
39) PDEPEND="~app-admin/apache-tools-${PV}"
41) S="${WORKDIR}/httpd-${PV}"
43) pkg_setup() {
44) if use ldap && ! built_with_use 'dev-libs/apr-util' ldap ; then
45) eerror "dev-libs/apr-util is missing LDAP support. For apache to have"
46) eerror "ldap support, apr-util must be built with the ldap USE-flag"
47) eerror "enabled."
48) die "ldap USE-flag enabled while not supported in apr-util"
49) fi
51) # Select the default MPM module
52) MPM_LIST="event itk peruser prefork worker"
53) for x in ${MPM_LIST} ; do
54) if use mpm-${x} ; then
55) if [[ "x${mpm}" == "x" ]] ; then
56) mpm=${x}
57) elog
58) elog "Selected MPM: ${mpm}"
59) elog
60) else
61) eerror "You have selected more then one mpm USE-flag."
62) eerror "Only one MPM is supported."
63) die "more then one mpm was specified"
64) fi
65) fi
66) done
68) if [[ "x${mpm}" == "x" ]] ; then
69) if use threads ; then
70) mpm=worker
71) elog
72) elog "Selected default threaded MPM: ${mpm}";
73) elog
74) else
75) mpm=prefork
76) elog
77) elog "Selected default MPM: ${mpm}";
78) elog
79) fi
80) fi
82) # setup apache user and group
83) enewgroup apache 81
84) enewuser apache 81 -1 /var/www apache
86) if ! use no-suexec ; then
87) elog
88) elog "You can manipulate several configure options of suexec"
89) elog "through the following environment variables:"
90) elog
91) elog " SUEXEC_SAFEPATH: Default PATH for suexec (default: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)"
92) elog " SUEXEC_LOGFILE: Path to the suexec logfile (default: /var/log/apache2/suexec_log)"
93) elog " SUEXEC_CALLER: Name of the user Apache is running as (default: apache)"
94) elog " SUEXEC_DOCROOT: Directory in which suexec will run scripts (default: /var/www)"
95) elog " SUEXEC_MINUID: Minimum UID, which is allowed to run scripts via suexec (default: 1000)"
96) elog " SUEXEC_MINGID: Minimum GID, which is allowed to run scripts via suexec (default: 100)"
97) elog " SUEXEC_USERDIR: User subdirectories (like /home/user/html) (default: public_html)"
98) elog " SUEXEC_UMASK: Umask for the suexec process (default: 077)"
99) elog
100) fi
101) }
103) src_unpack() {
104) unpack ${A}
105) cd "${S}"
106) epatch "${FILESDIR}/apache-noip.diff"