Hanno Böck commited on 2021-10-07 18:33:47
Zeige 9 geänderte Dateien mit 0 Einfügungen und 814 Löschungen.
... | ... |
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-AUX 41_mod_http2.conf 189 BLAKE2B 70f006ead657b250bb4c30a332484baf698541d44d922453bae6133e2458a7009035156f47c1dbba42bd6830ab5bef8c56d151821b0b56e9b41ef9b3db885411 SHA512 3d56a24ea98bc3188e5d6f8e2e0148e4b718e04f23452e77750bca984c44fc7c3acd4521a945b4c415284d0a5dac0f7e846bb60daf70fe61ce2632e8fa201ed6 |
2 |
-AUX apache-2.4.49-fix-ocsp.diff 5702 BLAKE2B 108da1e90e205a8d7661dbfb1afdc25630b83e36912a3000d36ba685db5bc3b49288bb53a1bbff56dd7874821d3caee242757a8f4b28948a67aee624d8e9472c SHA512 13c2ec72ec4611dcfdb73d0070ae2ecdee071f3eabfa413397a0082ab125701091deb7820b38234a89e81a9af9b9e120f1fea9728b28cbbe59f2561a02c5512d |
3 |
-AUX apache-fix-ocsp.diff 3739 BLAKE2B 9ed68ebdf89b7e7001c80b6a94656e113d46129001042bb7eefcb850fbf909935bfec46e536a29cedbc15e4697acf636f4f787f2c749163b64ed058644b20100 SHA512 b388206d6ab01ad783f800448a5a8ebf7ff5de3d3c931c7c9696e96c84d31525f965fd7da00c45441b1adee8a63af400289559bf709dd9ab29cb3bf275cf204f |
4 |
-AUX apache.conf 55 BLAKE2B 05ab58ac12e51c7aa548a71a2da43bbf80e53ef8ebe7d143f698b118621f2af1498a1362e7f30b82dc12a96485652cb0c34248c290f6a1aab6a3f378d9843c2a SHA512 3a53beb7a283d17c14383f16ad14c0602681ac1b193cce8f5aca50ae9d9af3a71054ce4a9ab11cbcb72fe913459e1b306fd54660154e66afe10272f8c0f149f3 |
5 |
-AUX apache2.2-hardened.service 970 BLAKE2B 77bf52cd0e5793aa81ad2b16267c1339e10fc4875704add053fd9ec67db60d2e175cb7a271c8d36b5e675a9cddd431062a6c31730510a921357b472383b502e4 SHA512 c206e7103d592dcf4f2d62979a20f7ab3cc7ce357ffe3c06ae8137064c812b9727e01a53fd602a0a55a64ed609664061de680ff42329381db787e2dae9310c48 |
6 |
-DIST gentoo-apache-2.4.46-r6-20210212.tar.bz2 25854 BLAKE2B 001f16c1beac8c90fd407bb2f77417f886296baf02acf0f6d81dc0f10c209270db7005f58d845d309dec8332773556da88db41a57c6ecc86f24b8a5141ba07d0 SHA512 976dde952277542efca70831b67da32b8bf636a346adeeb6e0bc5a65b3543a7ca4fb182bc01204f747b583dd753607d184d91ef46a93d5e2f3ab55ed787860a2 |
7 |
-DIST httpd-2.4.48.tar.bz2 7194385 BLAKE2B 5006535dc15b703b4388d90d57559bd882f16210c2f38f4d773312ed8322803629deee18709ca4446000c20c94ff8b0037acbe4dddab9cdbe45417079f708039 SHA512 6c250626f1e7d10428a92d984fd48ff841effcc8705f7816ab71b681bbd51d0012ad158dcd13763fe7d630311f2de258b27574603140d648be42796ab8326724 |
8 |
-DIST httpd-2.4.49.tar.bz2 7199599 BLAKE2B 78614647335a2351ce3ffb67f79bffd4aa0f42080a46de1f8d8a75c2ccae24998f5d505e60e9d4a710ff763e6a8cb3abee3da34ff6a7f2e18b68029a8abe80b7 SHA512 418e277232cf30a81d02b8554e31aaae6433bbea842bdb81e47a609469395cc4891183fb6ee02bd669edb2392c2007869b19da29f5998b8fd5c7d3142db310dd |
9 |
-EBUILD apache-2.4.48-r3.ebuild 8404 BLAKE2B 234a64240b18730ec93e32e88a9ba2dad2181216d9c507da07f8298e514795464ac2c961e30250541c4bf69475eb2ccd1816bd5a4444146d7a61090e90effc8f SHA512 eecaacd6decc9b6b83d4cbb0b54c730b3c0d657c23a3f58e474c4e595a3c79201f96fbb97f275f9990f1f5a426918c34da6e62dd34d178c8b6b76c43e1d088d8 |
10 |
-EBUILD apache-2.4.49.ebuild 8421 BLAKE2B 62a861f1f4677aec2c969050492d0cc5ac31209880b1d79e07835b41238311dabcd9f425169c04eac9d5f785a432d99d8353ab456e4b81a9d33d3b4568532677 SHA512 c30773c61de2d20c1d1e1945c9c0a4a5a2ad22b8193133eaa4b1648599249fa83203d5697d62ba1cefaa9184b7b59c7a1a630c05aeabe7522b4a85d05d223deb |
11 |
-MISC metadata.xml 900 BLAKE2B bc278df7a16090cb248b55179c0228b3c9ab846d918799e7b74b21d55f6410556909016ba6960cc77909fd4f8f85b8ebf25ba261553b8c5d42803d750a462cac SHA512 f98af69b59e4403ff194387781e92fe825df71a5d2f8d1c8a960b222eb548e1723335e13479b6e225e62b92b9af09cbd418fa95ddb676a5f039445945d5ae686 |
... | ... |
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors |
2 |
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 |
3 |
- |
4 |
-EAPI=7 |
5 |
- |
6 |
-# Bug in OCSP stapling, should be fixed with 2.4.49 |
7 |
-# https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65567 |
8 |
-PATCHES="${FILESDIR}/apache-fix-ocsp.diff" |
9 |
- |
10 |
-# latest gentoo apache files |
11 |
12 |
-GENTOO_DEVELOPER="polynomial-c" |
13 |
-GENTOO_PATCHNAME="gentoo-apache-2.4.46-r6" |
14 |
- |
15 |
-# IUSE/USE_EXPAND magic |
16 |
-IUSE_MPMS_FORK="prefork" |
17 |
-IUSE_MPMS_THREAD="event worker" |
18 |
- |
19 |
-# << obsolete modules: |
20 |
-# authn_default authz_default mem_cache |
21 |
-# mem_cache is replaced by cache_disk |
22 |
-# ?? buggy modules |
23 |
-# proxy_scgi: startup error: undefined symbol "ap_proxy_release_connection", no fix found |
24 |
-# >> added modules for reason: |
25 |
-# compat: compatibility with 2.2 access control |
26 |
-# authz_host: new module for access control |
27 |
-# authn_core: functionality provided by authn_alias in previous versions |
28 |
-# authz_core: new module, provides core authorization capabilities |
29 |
-# cache_disk: replacement for mem_cache |
30 |
-# lbmethod_byrequests: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
31 |
-# lbmethod_bytraffic: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
32 |
-# lbmethod_bybusyness: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
33 |
-# lbmethod_heartbeat: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
34 |
-# slotmem_shm: Slot-based shared memory provider (for lbmethod_byrequests). |
35 |
-# socache_shmcb: shared object cache provider. Default config with ssl needs it |
36 |
-# unixd: fixes startup error: Invalid command 'User' |
37 |
-IUSE_MODULES="access_compat actions alias asis auth_basic auth_digest auth_form |
38 |
-authn_alias authn_anon authn_core authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_file authn_socache authz_core |
39 |
-authz_dbd authz_dbm authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex |
40 |
-brotli cache cache_disk cache_socache cern_meta charset_lite cgi cgid dav dav_fs dav_lock |
41 |
-dbd deflate dir dumpio env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers http2 |
42 |
-ident imagemap include info lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness |
43 |
-lbmethod_heartbeat log_config log_forensic logio lua macro md mime mime_magic negotiation |
44 |
-proxy proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_html proxy_http proxy_scgi |
45 |
-proxy_http2 proxy_fcgi proxy_uwsgi proxy_wstunnel rewrite ratelimit remoteip reqtimeout |
46 |
-session session_cookie session_crypto session_dbd setenvif slotmem_shm speling |
47 |
-socache_memcache socache_shmcb status substitute unique_id userdir usertrack |
48 |
-unixd version vhost_alias watchdog xml2enc" |
49 |
-# The following are also in the source as of this version, but are not available |
50 |
-# for user selection: |
51 |
-# bucketeer case_filter case_filter_in echo http isapi optional_fn_export |
52 |
-# optional_fn_import optional_hook_export optional_hook_import |
53 |
- |
54 |
-# inter-module dependencies |
55 |
-# TODO: this may still be incomplete |
56 |
57 |
- auth_form:session |
58 |
- brotli:filter |
59 |
- dav_fs:dav |
60 |
- dav_lock:dav |
61 |
- deflate:filter |
62 |
- cache_disk:cache |
63 |
- ext_filter:filter |
64 |
- file_cache:cache |
65 |
- lbmethod_byrequests:proxy_balancer |
66 |
- lbmethod_byrequests:slotmem_shm |
67 |
- lbmethod_bytraffic:proxy_balancer |
68 |
- lbmethod_bybusyness:proxy_balancer |
69 |
- lbmethod_heartbeat:proxy_balancer |
70 |
- log_forensic:log_config |
71 |
- logio:log_config |
72 |
- cache_disk:cache |
73 |
- cache_socache:cache |
74 |
- md:watchdog |
75 |
- mime_magic:mime |
76 |
- proxy_ajp:proxy |
77 |
- proxy_balancer:proxy |
78 |
- proxy_balancer:slotmem_shm |
79 |
- proxy_connect:proxy |
80 |
- proxy_ftp:proxy |
81 |
- proxy_html:proxy |
82 |
- proxy_html:xml2enc |
83 |
- proxy_http:proxy |
84 |
- proxy_http2:proxy |
85 |
- proxy_scgi:proxy |
86 |
- proxy_uwsgi:proxy |
87 |
- proxy_fcgi:proxy |
88 |
- proxy_wstunnel:proxy |
89 |
- session_cookie:session |
90 |
- session_dbd:dbd |
91 |
- session_dbd:session |
92 |
- socache_memcache:cache |
93 |
- substitute:filter |
94 |
-" |
95 |
- |
96 |
-# module<->define mappings |
97 |
98 |
- auth_digest:AUTH_DIGEST |
99 |
- authnz_ldap:AUTHNZ_LDAP |
100 |
- cache:CACHE |
101 |
- cache_disk:CACHE |
102 |
- cache_socache:CACHE |
103 |
- dav:DAV |
104 |
- dav_fs:DAV |
105 |
- dav_lock:DAV |
106 |
- file_cache:CACHE |
107 |
- http2:HTTP2 |
108 |
- info:INFO |
109 |
- ldap:LDAP |
110 |
- lua:LUA |
111 |
- md:SSL |
112 |
- proxy:PROXY |
113 |
- proxy_ajp:PROXY |
114 |
- proxy_balancer:PROXY |
115 |
- proxy_connect:PROXY |
116 |
- proxy_ftp:PROXY |
117 |
- proxy_html:PROXY |
118 |
- proxy_http:PROXY |
119 |
- proxy_fcgi:PROXY |
120 |
- proxy_scgi:PROXY |
121 |
- proxy_wstunnel:PROXY |
122 |
- socache_shmcb:SSL |
123 |
- socache_memcache:CACHE |
124 |
- ssl:SSL |
125 |
- status:STATUS |
126 |
- suexec:SUEXEC |
127 |
- userdir:USERDIR |
128 |
-" |
129 |
- |
130 |
-# critical modules for the default config |
131 |
132 |
- authn_core |
133 |
- authz_core |
134 |
- authz_host |
135 |
- dir |
136 |
- mime |
137 |
- unixd |
138 |
-" |
139 |
-inherit apache-2 systemd tmpfiles toolchain-funcs |
140 |
- |
141 |
-DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server" |
142 |
-HOMEPAGE="https://httpd.apache.org/" |
143 |
- |
144 |
-# some helper scripts are Apache-1.1, thus both are here |
145 |
-LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-1.1" |
146 |
-SLOT="2" |
147 |
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x64-macos ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris" |
148 |
- |
149 |
-# FIXME! Move this to eclass once all ebuilds are EAPI-7 |
150 |
-RDEPEND+=" apache2_modules_lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )" |
151 |
-REQUIRED_USE+=" apache2_modules_lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )" |
152 |
- |
153 |
-pkg_setup() { |
154 |
- # dependend critical modules which are not allowed in global scope due |
155 |
- # to USE flag conditionals (bug #499260) |
156 |
- use ssl && MODULE_CRITICAL+=" socache_shmcb" |
157 |
- use doc && MODULE_CRITICAL+=" alias negotiation setenvif" |
158 |
- apache-2_pkg_setup |
159 |
-} |
160 |
- |
161 |
-src_configure() { |
162 |
- # Brain dead check. |
163 |
- tc-is-cross-compiler && export ap_cv_void_ptr_lt_long="no" |
164 |
- |
165 |
- apache-2_src_configure |
166 |
-} |
167 |
- |
168 |
-src_compile() { |
169 |
- if tc-is-cross-compiler; then |
170 |
- # This header is the same across targets, so use the build compiler. |
171 |
- pushd server >/dev/null |
172 |
- emake gen_test_char |
173 |
- tc-export_build_env BUILD_CC |
174 |
175 |
- gen_test_char.c -o gen_test_char $(apr-1-config --includes) || die |
176 |
- popd >/dev/null |
177 |
- fi |
178 |
- |
179 |
- default |
180 |
-} |
181 |
- |
182 |
-src_install() { |
183 |
- apache-2_src_install |
184 |
- local i |
185 |
- local apache_tools_prune_list=( |
186 |
- /usr/bin/{htdigest,logresolve,htpasswd,htdbm,ab,httxt2dbm} |
187 |
- /usr/sbin/{checkgid,fcgistarter,htcacheclean,rotatelogs} |
188 |
- /usr/share/man/man1/{logresolve.1,htdbm.1,htdigest.1,htpasswd.1,dbmmanage.1,ab.1} |
189 |
- /usr/share/man/man8/{rotatelogs.8,htcacheclean.8} |
190 |
- ) |
191 |
- for i in ${apache_tools_prune_list[@]} ; do |
192 |
- rm "${ED}"/${i} || die "Failed to prune apache-tools bits" |
193 |
- done |
194 |
- |
195 |
- # install apxs in /usr/bin (bug #502384) and put a symlink into the |
196 |
- # old location until all ebuilds and eclasses have been modified to |
197 |
- # use the new location. |
198 |
- dobin support/apxs |
199 |
- use split-usr && dosym ../bin/apxs /usr/sbin/apxs |
200 |
- |
201 |
- # Note: wait for mod_systemd to be included in some forthcoming release, |
202 |
- # Then apache2.4.service can be used and systemd support controlled |
203 |
- # through --enable-systemd |
204 |
- systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/apache2.2-hardened.service" "apache2.service" |
205 |
- dotmpfiles "${FILESDIR}/apache.conf" |
206 |
- #insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d |
207 |
- #doins "${FILESDIR}/00_systemd.conf" |
208 |
- |
209 |
- # Install http2 module config |
210 |
- insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d |
211 |
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/41_mod_http2.conf |
212 |
- |
213 |
- # Fix path to apache libdir |
214 |
- sed "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|" -i "${ED}"/usr/sbin/apache2ctl || die |
215 |
-} |
216 |
- |
217 |
-pkg_postinst() { |
218 |
- echo |
219 |
- ewarn "Downgrading to pre-GLEP 81 user for now." |
220 |
- ewarn "See bug #802495 and bug #803500 for more information." |
221 |
- ewarn "" |
222 |
- ewarn "You will need to run the following command to unlock the user:" |
223 |
- ewarn "usermod -e '' -U apache 2>/dev/null" |
224 |
- echo |
225 |
- |
226 |
- apache-2_pkg_postinst || die "apache-2_pkg_postinst failed" |
227 |
- |
228 |
- tmpfiles_process apache.conf #662544 |
229 |
- |
230 |
- # warnings that default config might not work out of the box |
231 |
- local mod cmod |
232 |
- for mod in ${MODULE_CRITICAL} ; do |
233 |
- if ! use "apache2_modules_${mod}"; then |
234 |
- echo |
235 |
- ewarn "Warning: Critical module not installed!" |
236 |
- ewarn "Modules 'authn_core', 'authz_core' and 'unixd'" |
237 |
- ewarn "are highly recomended but might not be in the base profile yet." |
238 |
- ewarn "Default config for ssl needs module 'socache_shmcb'." |
239 |
- ewarn "Enabling the following flags is highly recommended:" |
240 |
- for cmod in ${MODULE_CRITICAL} ; do |
241 |
- use "apache2_modules_${cmod}" || \ |
242 |
- ewarn "+ apache2_modules_${cmod}" |
243 |
- done |
244 |
- echo |
245 |
- break |
246 |
- fi |
247 |
- done |
248 |
- # warning for proxy_balancer and missing load balancing scheduler |
249 |
- if use apache2_modules_proxy_balancer; then |
250 |
- local lbset= |
251 |
- for mod in lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_heartbeat; do |
252 |
- if use "apache2_modules_${mod}"; then |
253 |
- lbset=1 && break |
254 |
- fi |
255 |
- done |
256 |
- if [ ! ${lbset} ] ; then |
257 |
- echo |
258 |
- ewarn "Info: Missing load balancing scheduler algorithm module" |
259 |
- ewarn "(They were split off from proxy_balancer in 2.3)" |
260 |
- ewarn "In order to get the ability of load balancing, at least" |
261 |
- ewarn "one of these modules has to be present:" |
262 |
- ewarn "lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_heartbeat" |
263 |
- echo |
264 |
- fi |
265 |
- fi |
266 |
-} |
... | ... |
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors |
2 |
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 |
3 |
- |
4 |
-EAPI=7 |
5 |
- |
6 |
-# Bug in OCSP stapling, should be fixed in next version |
7 |
-# https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65567 |
8 |
-PATCHES="${FILESDIR}/apache-2.4.49-fix-ocsp.diff" |
9 |
- |
10 |
-# latest gentoo apache files |
11 |
12 |
-GENTOO_DEVELOPER="polynomial-c" |
13 |
-GENTOO_PATCHNAME="gentoo-apache-2.4.46-r6" |
14 |
- |
15 |
-# IUSE/USE_EXPAND magic |
16 |
-IUSE_MPMS_FORK="prefork" |
17 |
-IUSE_MPMS_THREAD="event worker" |
18 |
- |
19 |
-# << obsolete modules: |
20 |
-# authn_default authz_default mem_cache |
21 |
-# mem_cache is replaced by cache_disk |
22 |
-# ?? buggy modules |
23 |
-# proxy_scgi: startup error: undefined symbol "ap_proxy_release_connection", no fix found |
24 |
-# >> added modules for reason: |
25 |
-# compat: compatibility with 2.2 access control |
26 |
-# authz_host: new module for access control |
27 |
-# authn_core: functionality provided by authn_alias in previous versions |
28 |
-# authz_core: new module, provides core authorization capabilities |
29 |
-# cache_disk: replacement for mem_cache |
30 |
-# lbmethod_byrequests: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
31 |
-# lbmethod_bytraffic: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
32 |
-# lbmethod_bybusyness: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
33 |
-# lbmethod_heartbeat: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3 |
34 |
-# slotmem_shm: Slot-based shared memory provider (for lbmethod_byrequests). |
35 |
-# socache_shmcb: shared object cache provider. Default config with ssl needs it |
36 |
-# unixd: fixes startup error: Invalid command 'User' |
37 |
-IUSE_MODULES="access_compat actions alias asis auth_basic auth_digest auth_form |
38 |
-authn_alias authn_anon authn_core authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_file authn_socache authz_core |
39 |
-authz_dbd authz_dbm authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex |
40 |
-brotli cache cache_disk cache_socache cern_meta charset_lite cgi cgid dav dav_fs dav_lock |
41 |
-dbd deflate dir dumpio env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers http2 |
42 |
-ident imagemap include info lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness |
43 |
-lbmethod_heartbeat log_config log_forensic logio lua macro md mime mime_magic negotiation |
44 |
-proxy proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_html proxy_http proxy_scgi |
45 |
-proxy_http2 proxy_fcgi proxy_uwsgi proxy_wstunnel rewrite ratelimit remoteip reqtimeout |
46 |
-session session_cookie session_crypto session_dbd setenvif slotmem_shm speling |
47 |
-socache_memcache socache_shmcb status substitute unique_id userdir usertrack |
48 |
-unixd version vhost_alias watchdog xml2enc" |
49 |
-# The following are also in the source as of this version, but are not available |
50 |
-# for user selection: |
51 |
-# bucketeer case_filter case_filter_in echo http isapi optional_fn_export |
52 |
-# optional_fn_import optional_hook_export optional_hook_import |
53 |
- |
54 |
-# inter-module dependencies |
55 |
-# TODO: this may still be incomplete |
56 |
57 |
- auth_form:session |
58 |
- brotli:filter |
59 |
- dav_fs:dav |
60 |
- dav_lock:dav |
61 |
- deflate:filter |
62 |
- cache_disk:cache |
63 |
- ext_filter:filter |
64 |
- file_cache:cache |
65 |
- lbmethod_byrequests:proxy_balancer |
66 |
- lbmethod_byrequests:slotmem_shm |
67 |
- lbmethod_bytraffic:proxy_balancer |
68 |
- lbmethod_bybusyness:proxy_balancer |
69 |
- lbmethod_heartbeat:proxy_balancer |
70 |
- log_forensic:log_config |
71 |
- logio:log_config |
72 |
- cache_disk:cache |
73 |
- cache_socache:cache |
74 |
- md:watchdog |
75 |
- mime_magic:mime |
76 |
- proxy_ajp:proxy |
77 |
- proxy_balancer:proxy |
78 |
- proxy_balancer:slotmem_shm |
79 |
- proxy_connect:proxy |
80 |
- proxy_ftp:proxy |
81 |
- proxy_html:proxy |
82 |
- proxy_html:xml2enc |
83 |
- proxy_http:proxy |
84 |
- proxy_http2:proxy |
85 |
- proxy_scgi:proxy |
86 |
- proxy_uwsgi:proxy |
87 |
- proxy_fcgi:proxy |
88 |
- proxy_wstunnel:proxy |
89 |
- session_cookie:session |
90 |
- session_dbd:dbd |
91 |
- session_dbd:session |
92 |
- socache_memcache:cache |
93 |
- substitute:filter |
94 |
-" |
95 |
- |
96 |
-# module<->define mappings |
97 |
98 |
- auth_digest:AUTH_DIGEST |
99 |
- authnz_ldap:AUTHNZ_LDAP |
100 |
- cache:CACHE |
101 |
- cache_disk:CACHE |
102 |
- cache_socache:CACHE |
103 |
- dav:DAV |
104 |
- dav_fs:DAV |
105 |
- dav_lock:DAV |
106 |
- file_cache:CACHE |
107 |
- http2:HTTP2 |
108 |
- info:INFO |
109 |
- ldap:LDAP |
110 |
- lua:LUA |
111 |
- md:SSL |
112 |
- proxy:PROXY |
113 |
- proxy_ajp:PROXY |
114 |
- proxy_balancer:PROXY |
115 |
- proxy_connect:PROXY |
116 |
- proxy_ftp:PROXY |
117 |
- proxy_html:PROXY |
118 |
- proxy_http:PROXY |
119 |
- proxy_fcgi:PROXY |
120 |
- proxy_scgi:PROXY |
121 |
- proxy_wstunnel:PROXY |
122 |
- socache_shmcb:SSL |
123 |
- socache_memcache:CACHE |
124 |
- ssl:SSL |
125 |
- status:STATUS |
126 |
- suexec:SUEXEC |
127 |
- userdir:USERDIR |
128 |
-" |
129 |
- |
130 |
-# critical modules for the default config |
131 |
132 |
- authn_core |
133 |
- authz_core |
134 |
- authz_host |
135 |
- dir |
136 |
- mime |
137 |
- unixd |
138 |
-" |
139 |
-inherit apache-2 systemd tmpfiles toolchain-funcs |
140 |
- |
141 |
-DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server" |
142 |
-HOMEPAGE="https://httpd.apache.org/" |
143 |
- |
144 |
-# some helper scripts are Apache-1.1, thus both are here |
145 |
-LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-1.1" |
146 |
-SLOT="2" |
147 |
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x64-macos ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris" |
148 |
- |
149 |
-# FIXME! Move this to eclass once all ebuilds are EAPI-7 |
150 |
-RDEPEND+=" apache2_modules_lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )" |
151 |
-REQUIRED_USE+=" apache2_modules_lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )" |
152 |
- |
153 |
-pkg_setup() { |
154 |
- # dependend critical modules which are not allowed in global scope due |
155 |
- # to USE flag conditionals (bug #499260) |
156 |
- use ssl && MODULE_CRITICAL+=" socache_shmcb" |
157 |
- use doc && MODULE_CRITICAL+=" alias negotiation setenvif" |
158 |
- apache-2_pkg_setup |
159 |
-} |
160 |
- |
161 |
-src_configure() { |
162 |
- # Brain dead check. |
163 |
- tc-is-cross-compiler && export ap_cv_void_ptr_lt_long="no" |
164 |
- |
165 |
- apache-2_src_configure |
166 |
-} |
167 |
- |
168 |
-src_compile() { |
169 |
- if tc-is-cross-compiler; then |
170 |
- # This header is the same across targets, so use the build compiler. |
171 |
- pushd server >/dev/null |
172 |
- emake gen_test_char |
173 |
- tc-export_build_env BUILD_CC |
174 |
175 |
- gen_test_char.c -o gen_test_char $(apr-1-config --includes) || die |
176 |
- popd >/dev/null |
177 |
- fi |
178 |
- |
179 |
- default |
180 |
-} |
181 |
- |
182 |
-src_install() { |
183 |
- apache-2_src_install |
184 |
- local i |
185 |
- local apache_tools_prune_list=( |
186 |
- /usr/bin/{htdigest,logresolve,htpasswd,htdbm,ab,httxt2dbm} |
187 |
- /usr/sbin/{checkgid,fcgistarter,htcacheclean,rotatelogs} |
188 |
- /usr/share/man/man1/{logresolve.1,htdbm.1,htdigest.1,htpasswd.1,dbmmanage.1,ab.1} |
189 |
- /usr/share/man/man8/{rotatelogs.8,htcacheclean.8} |
190 |
- ) |
191 |
- for i in ${apache_tools_prune_list[@]} ; do |
192 |
- rm "${ED}"/${i} || die "Failed to prune apache-tools bits" |
193 |
- done |
194 |
- |
195 |
- # install apxs in /usr/bin (bug #502384) and put a symlink into the |
196 |
- # old location until all ebuilds and eclasses have been modified to |
197 |
- # use the new location. |
198 |
- dobin support/apxs |
199 |
- use split-usr && dosym ../bin/apxs /usr/sbin/apxs |
200 |
- |
201 |
- # Note: wait for mod_systemd to be included in some forthcoming release, |
202 |
- # Then apache2.4.service can be used and systemd support controlled |
203 |
- # through --enable-systemd |
204 |
- systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/apache2.2-hardened.service" "apache2.service" |
205 |
- dotmpfiles "${FILESDIR}/apache.conf" |
206 |
- #insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d |
207 |
- #doins "${FILESDIR}/00_systemd.conf" |
208 |
- |
209 |
- # Install http2 module config |
210 |
- insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d |
211 |
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/41_mod_http2.conf |
212 |
- |
213 |
- # Fix path to apache libdir |
214 |
- sed "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|" -i "${ED}"/usr/sbin/apache2ctl || die |
215 |
-} |
216 |
- |
217 |
-pkg_postinst() { |
218 |
- echo |
219 |
- ewarn "Downgrading to pre-GLEP 81 user for now." |
220 |
- ewarn "See bug #802495 and bug #803500 for more information." |
221 |
- ewarn "" |
222 |
- ewarn "You will need to run the following command to unlock the user:" |
223 |
- ewarn "usermod -e '' -U apache 2>/dev/null" |
224 |
- echo |
225 |
- |
226 |
- apache-2_pkg_postinst || die "apache-2_pkg_postinst failed" |
227 |
- |
228 |
- tmpfiles_process apache.conf #662544 |
229 |
- |
230 |
- # warnings that default config might not work out of the box |
231 |
- local mod cmod |
232 |
- for mod in ${MODULE_CRITICAL} ; do |
233 |
- if ! use "apache2_modules_${mod}"; then |
234 |
- echo |
235 |
- ewarn "Warning: Critical module not installed!" |
236 |
- ewarn "Modules 'authn_core', 'authz_core' and 'unixd'" |
237 |
- ewarn "are highly recomended but might not be in the base profile yet." |
238 |
- ewarn "Default config for ssl needs module 'socache_shmcb'." |
239 |
- ewarn "Enabling the following flags is highly recommended:" |
240 |
- for cmod in ${MODULE_CRITICAL} ; do |
241 |
- use "apache2_modules_${cmod}" || \ |
242 |
- ewarn "+ apache2_modules_${cmod}" |
243 |
- done |
244 |
- echo |
245 |
- break |
246 |
- fi |
247 |
- done |
248 |
- # warning for proxy_balancer and missing load balancing scheduler |
249 |
- if use apache2_modules_proxy_balancer; then |
250 |
- local lbset= |
251 |
- for mod in lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_heartbeat; do |
252 |
- if use "apache2_modules_${mod}"; then |
253 |
- lbset=1 && break |
254 |
- fi |
255 |
- done |
256 |
- if [ ! ${lbset} ] ; then |
257 |
- echo |
258 |
- ewarn "Info: Missing load balancing scheduler algorithm module" |
259 |
- ewarn "(They were split off from proxy_balancer in 2.3)" |
260 |
- ewarn "In order to get the ability of load balancing, at least" |
261 |
- ewarn "one of these modules has to be present:" |
262 |
- ewarn "lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_heartbeat" |
263 |
- echo |
264 |
- fi |
265 |
- fi |
266 |
-} |
... | ... |
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-diff -Naur a/modules/md/md_curl.c b/modules/md/md_curl.c |
2 |
---- a/modules/md/md_curl.c 2021-07-12 10:04:51.000000000 +0200 |
3 |
-+++ b/modules/md/md_curl.c 2021-09-19 19:14:35.987795057 +0200 |
4 |
-@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ |
5 |
- else if (APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) { |
6 |
- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, p, |
7 |
- "multi_perform[%d reqs]: no more requests", requests->nelts); |
8 |
-- if (!running) { |
9 |
-+ if (!requests->nelts) { |
10 |
- goto leave; |
11 |
- } |
12 |
- break; |
13 |
-@@ -524,13 +524,13 @@ |
14 |
- } |
15 |
- |
16 |
- /* process status messages, e.g. that a request is done */ |
17 |
-- while (1) { |
18 |
-+ while (running < requests->nelts) { |
19 |
- curlmsg = curl_multi_info_read(curlm, &msgcount); |
20 |
- if (!curlmsg) break; |
21 |
- if (curlmsg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) { |
22 |
- req = find_curl_request(requests, curlmsg->easy_handle); |
23 |
- if (req) { |
24 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, p, |
25 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE2, 0, p, |
26 |
- "multi_perform[%d reqs]: req[%d] done", |
27 |
- requests->nelts, req->id); |
28 |
- update_status(req); |
29 |
-@@ -546,7 +546,6 @@ |
30 |
- } |
31 |
- } |
32 |
- } |
33 |
-- assert(running == requests->nelts); |
34 |
- }; |
35 |
- |
36 |
- leave: |
37 |
-diff -Naur a/modules/md/md_ocsp.c b/modules/md/md_ocsp.c |
38 |
---- a/modules/md/md_ocsp.c 2021-07-12 10:04:51.000000000 +0200 |
39 |
-+++ b/modules/md/md_ocsp.c 2021-09-19 19:14:35.987795057 +0200 |
40 |
-@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ |
41 |
- rv = md_cert_get_ocsp_responder_url(&ostat->responder_url, reg->p, cert); |
42 |
- if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { |
43 |
- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_ERR, rv, reg->p, |
44 |
-- "md[%s]: certificate with serial %s has not OCSP responder URL", |
45 |
-+ "md[%s]: certificate with serial %s has no OCSP responder URL", |
46 |
- name, md_cert_get_serial_number(cert, reg->p)); |
47 |
- goto cleanup; |
48 |
- } |
49 |
-@@ -609,7 +609,11 @@ |
50 |
- if (NULL == (ocsp_resp = d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE(NULL, (const unsigned char**)&der.data, |
51 |
- (long)der.len))) { |
52 |
- rv = APR_EINVAL; |
53 |
-- md_result_set(update->result, rv, "response body does not parse as OCSP response"); |
54 |
-+ |
55 |
-+ md_result_set(update->result, rv, |
56 |
-+ apr_psprintf(req->pool, "req[%d] response body does not parse as " |
57 |
-+ "OCSP response, status=%d, body brigade length=%ld", |
58 |
-+ resp->req->id, resp->status, (long)der.len)); |
59 |
- md_result_log(update->result, MD_LOG_DEBUG); |
60 |
- goto cleanup; |
61 |
- } |
62 |
-@@ -635,7 +639,7 @@ |
63 |
- * to accept it. */ |
64 |
- switch ((n = OCSP_check_nonce(ostat->ocsp_req, basic_resp))) { |
65 |
- case 1: |
66 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, 0, req->pool, |
67 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, req->pool, |
68 |
- "req[%d]: OCSP respoonse nonce does match", req->id); |
69 |
- break; |
70 |
- case 0: |
71 |
-@@ -645,7 +649,7 @@ |
72 |
- goto cleanup; |
73 |
- |
74 |
- case -1: |
75 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE1, 0, req->pool, |
76 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, req->pool, |
77 |
- "req[%d]: OCSP respoonse did not return the nonce", req->id); |
78 |
- break; |
79 |
- default: |
80 |
-@@ -832,6 +836,9 @@ |
81 |
- md_http_set_on_status_cb(req, ostat_on_req_status, update); |
82 |
- md_http_set_on_response_cb(req, ostat_on_resp, update); |
83 |
- rv = APR_SUCCESS; |
84 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE2, 0, req->pool, |
85 |
-+ "scheduling OCSP request for %s, %d request in flight", |
86 |
-+ ostat->md_name, in_flight); |
87 |
- } |
88 |
- } |
89 |
- cleanup: |
90 |
-diff -Naur a/modules/md/md_reg.c b/modules/md/md_reg.c |
91 |
---- a/modules/md/md_reg.c 2021-05-12 12:14:42.000000000 +0200 |
92 |
-+++ b/modules/md/md_reg.c 2021-09-19 19:14:35.988795057 +0200 |
93 |
-@@ -549,7 +549,11 @@ |
94 |
- rv = md_pubcert_load(reg->store, group, md->name, spec, &certs, p); |
95 |
- } |
96 |
- if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto leave; |
97 |
-- |
98 |
-+ if (certs->nelts == 0) { |
99 |
-+ rv = APR_ENOENT; |
100 |
-+ goto leave; |
101 |
-+ } |
102 |
-+ |
103 |
- pubcert = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(*pubcert)); |
104 |
- pubcert->certs = certs; |
105 |
- cert = APR_ARRAY_IDX(certs, 0, const md_cert_t *); |
106 |
-diff -Naur a/modules/md/md_store_fs.c b/modules/md/md_store_fs.c |
107 |
---- a/modules/md/md_store_fs.c 2021-07-12 10:04:51.000000000 +0200 |
108 |
-+++ b/modules/md/md_store_fs.c 2021-09-19 19:14:35.988795057 +0200 |
109 |
-@@ -508,19 +508,21 @@ |
110 |
- |
111 |
- rv = md_util_is_dir(*pdir, p); |
112 |
- if (APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) { |
113 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, rv, p, "not a directory, creating %s", *pdir); |
114 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, rv, p, "not a directory, creating %s", *pdir); |
115 |
- rv = apr_dir_make_recursive(*pdir, perms->dir, p); |
116 |
- if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup; |
117 |
- dispatch(s_fs, MD_S_FS_EV_CREATED, group, *pdir, APR_DIR, p); |
118 |
- } |
119 |
- |
120 |
- rv = apr_file_perms_set(*pdir, perms->dir); |
121 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, rv, p, "mk_group_dir %s perm set", *pdir); |
122 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, rv, p, "mk_group_dir %s perm set", *pdir); |
123 |
124 |
- rv = APR_SUCCESS; |
125 |
- } |
126 |
- cleanup: |
127 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, rv, p, "mk_group_dir %d %s", group, name); |
128 |
-+ if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { |
129 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_ERR, rv, p, "mk_group_dir %d %s", group, name); |
130 |
-+ } |
131 |
- return rv; |
132 |
- } |
133 |
- |
... | ... |
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-diff -Naurp a/modules/md/md_curl.c b/modules/md/md_curl.c |
2 |
---- a/modules/md/md_curl.c 2021-05-12 12:14:42.000000000 +0200 |
3 |
-+++ b/modules/md/md_curl.c 2021-09-15 15:37:32.716291831 +0200 |
4 |
-@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ static apr_status_t md_curl_multi_perfor |
5 |
- else if (APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) { |
6 |
- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, p, |
7 |
- "multi_perform[%d reqs]: no more requests", requests->nelts); |
8 |
-- if (!running) { |
9 |
-+ if (!requests->nelts) { |
10 |
- goto leave; |
11 |
- } |
12 |
- break; |
13 |
-@@ -526,13 +526,13 @@ static apr_status_t md_curl_multi_perfor |
14 |
- } |
15 |
- |
16 |
- /* process status messages, e.g. that a request is done */ |
17 |
-- while (1) { |
18 |
-+ while (running < requests->nelts) { |
19 |
- curlmsg = curl_multi_info_read(curlm, &msgcount); |
20 |
- if (!curlmsg) break; |
21 |
- if (curlmsg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) { |
22 |
- req = find_curl_request(requests, curlmsg->easy_handle); |
23 |
- if (req) { |
24 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, p, |
25 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE2, 0, p, |
26 |
- "multi_perform[%d reqs]: req[%d] done", |
27 |
- requests->nelts, req->id); |
28 |
- update_status(req); |
29 |
-@@ -548,7 +548,6 @@ static apr_status_t md_curl_multi_perfor |
30 |
- } |
31 |
- } |
32 |
- } |
33 |
-- assert(running == requests->nelts); |
34 |
- }; |
35 |
- |
36 |
- leave: |
37 |
-diff -Naurp a/modules/md/md_ocsp.c b/modules/md/md_ocsp.c |
38 |
---- a/modules/md/md_ocsp.c 2021-05-12 12:14:42.000000000 +0200 |
39 |
-+++ b/modules/md/md_ocsp.c 2021-09-15 15:37:32.717291832 +0200 |
40 |
-@@ -633,7 +633,11 @@ static apr_status_t ostat_on_resp(const |
41 |
- if (NULL == (ocsp_resp = d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE(NULL, (const unsigned char**)&der.data, |
42 |
- (long)der.len))) { |
43 |
- rv = APR_EINVAL; |
44 |
-- md_result_set(update->result, rv, "response body does not parse as OCSP response"); |
45 |
-+ |
46 |
-+ md_result_set(update->result, rv, |
47 |
-+ apr_psprintf(req->pool, "req[%d] response body does not parse as " |
48 |
-+ "OCSP response, status=%d, body brigade length=%ld", |
49 |
-+ resp->req->id, resp->status, (long)der.len)); |
50 |
- md_result_log(update->result, MD_LOG_DEBUG); |
51 |
- goto cleanup; |
52 |
- } |
53 |
-@@ -659,7 +663,7 @@ static apr_status_t ostat_on_resp(const |
54 |
- * to accept it. */ |
55 |
- switch ((n = OCSP_check_nonce(ostat->ocsp_req, basic_resp))) { |
56 |
- case 1: |
57 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, 0, req->pool, |
58 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, req->pool, |
59 |
- "req[%d]: OCSP respoonse nonce does match", req->id); |
60 |
- break; |
61 |
- case 0: |
62 |
-@@ -669,7 +673,7 @@ static apr_status_t ostat_on_resp(const |
63 |
- goto cleanup; |
64 |
- |
65 |
- case -1: |
66 |
-- md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE1, 0, req->pool, |
67 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE3, 0, req->pool, |
68 |
- "req[%d]: OCSP respoonse did not return the nonce", req->id); |
69 |
- break; |
70 |
- default: |
71 |
-@@ -827,6 +831,9 @@ static apr_status_t next_todo(md_http_re |
72 |
- md_http_set_on_status_cb(req, ostat_on_req_status, update); |
73 |
- md_http_set_on_response_cb(req, ostat_on_resp, update); |
74 |
- rv = APR_SUCCESS; |
75 |
-+ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE2, 0, req->pool, |
76 |
-+ "scheduling OCSP request for %s, %d request in flight", |
77 |
-+ ostat->md_name, in_flight); |
78 |
- } |
79 |
- } |
80 |
- cleanup: |
... | ... |
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-[Unit] |
2 |
-Description=The Apache HTTP Server |
3 |
-After=network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target |
4 |
- |
5 |
-[Service] |
6 |
-EnvironmentFile=/etc/conf.d/apache2 |
7 |
-ExecStart=/usr/sbin/apache2 $APACHE2_OPTS -DFOREGROUND |
8 |
-ExecReload=/usr/sbin/apache2 $APACHE2_OPTS -k graceful |
9 |
-ExecStop=/usr/sbin/apache2 $APACHE2_OPTS -k graceful-stop |
10 |
-# We want systemd to give httpd some time to finish gracefully, but still want |
11 |
-# it to kill httpd after TimeoutStopSec if something went wrong during the |
12 |
-# graceful stop. Normally, Systemd sends SIGTERM signal right after the |
13 |
-# ExecStop, which would kill httpd. We are sending useless SIGCONT here to give |
14 |
-# httpd time to finish. |
15 |
-KillSignal=SIGCONT |
16 |
-PrivateTmp=true |
17 |
-#Hardening |
18 |
-PrivateTmp=true |
19 |
20 |
-SecureBits=noroot-locked |
21 |
-ProtectSystem=full |
22 |
-NoNewPrivileges=true |
23 |
-PrivateDevices=true |
24 |
-MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true |
25 |
- |
26 |
-[Install] |
27 |
-WantedBy=multi-user.target |
... | ... |
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 |
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> |
3 |
-<pkgmetadata> |
4 |
- <maintainer type="project"> |
5 |
- <email>apache-bugs@gentoo.org</email> |
6 |
- <name>Apache project</name> |
7 |
- </maintainer> |
8 |
- <longdescription> |
9 |
- The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an |
10 |
- open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems. The goal of this |
11 |
- project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that |
12 |
- provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards. |
13 |
- </longdescription> |
14 |
- <use> |
15 |
- <flag name="suexec">Install suexec with apache</flag> |
16 |
- <flag name="suexec-caps">Install suexec with capabilities instead of SUID</flag> |
17 |
- <flag name="suexec-syslog">Log suexec to syslog instead of to a separate file</flag> |
18 |
- <flag name="static">Link in apache2 modules statically rather then plugins</flag> |
19 |
- </use> |
20 |
-</pkgmetadata> |
21 | 0 |