%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mysql_auth.erl %%% Author : Fredrik Thulin %%% Descrip.: MySQL client authentication functions. %%% Created : 4 Aug 2005 by Fredrik Thulin %%% %%% Note : All MySQL code was written by Magnus Ahltorp, originally %%% in the file mysql.erl - I just moved it here. %%% %%% Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan %%% See the file COPYING %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mysql_auth). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% External exports (should only be used by the 'mysql_conn' module) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -export([ do_old_auth/7, do_new_auth/8 ]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Macros %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(LONG_PASSWORD, 1). -define(LONG_FLAG, 4). -define(PROTOCOL_41, 512). -define(TRANSACTIONS, 8192). -define(SECURE_CONNECTION, 32768). -define(CONNECT_WITH_DB, 8). -define(MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 1000000). %%==================================================================== %% External functions %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: do_old_auth(Sock, RecvPid, SeqNum, User, Password, Salt1, %% LogFun) %% Sock = term(), gen_tcp socket %% RecvPid = pid(), receiver process pid %% SeqNum = integer(), first sequence number we should use %% User = string(), MySQL username %% Password = string(), MySQL password %% Salt1 = string(), salt 1 from server greeting %% LogFun = undefined | function() of arity 3 %% Descrip.: Perform old-style MySQL authentication. %% Returns : result of mysql_conn:do_recv/3 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- do_old_auth(Sock, RecvPid, SeqNum, User, Password, Salt1, LogFun) -> Auth = password_old(Password, Salt1), Packet2 = make_auth(User, Auth), do_send(Sock, Packet2, SeqNum, LogFun), mysql_conn:do_recv(LogFun, RecvPid, SeqNum). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: do_new_auth(Sock, RecvPid, SeqNum, User, Password, Salt1, %% Salt2, LogFun) %% Sock = term(), gen_tcp socket %% RecvPid = pid(), receiver process pid %% SeqNum = integer(), first sequence number we should use %% User = string(), MySQL username %% Password = string(), MySQL password %% Salt1 = string(), salt 1 from server greeting %% Salt2 = string(), salt 2 from server greeting %% LogFun = undefined | function() of arity 3 %% Descrip.: Perform MySQL authentication. %% Returns : result of mysql_conn:do_recv/3 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- do_new_auth(Sock, RecvPid, SeqNum, User, Password, Salt1, Salt2, LogFun) -> Auth = password_new(Password, Salt1 ++ Salt2), Packet2 = make_new_auth(User, Auth, none), do_send(Sock, Packet2, SeqNum, LogFun), case mysql_conn:do_recv(LogFun, RecvPid, SeqNum) of {ok, Packet3, SeqNum2} -> case Packet3 of <<254:8>> -> AuthOld = password_old(Password, Salt1), do_send(Sock, <>, SeqNum2 + 1, LogFun), mysql_conn:do_recv(LogFun, RecvPid, SeqNum2 + 1); _ -> {ok, Packet3, SeqNum2} end; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== password_old(Password, Salt) -> {P1, P2} = hash(Password), {S1, S2} = hash(Salt), Seed1 = P1 bxor S1, Seed2 = P2 bxor S2, List = rnd(9, Seed1, Seed2), {L, [Extra]} = lists:split(8, List), list_to_binary(lists:map(fun (E) -> E bxor (Extra - 64) end, L)). %% part of do_old_auth/4, which is part of mysql_init/4 make_auth(User, Password) -> Caps = ?LONG_PASSWORD bor ?LONG_FLAG bor ?TRANSACTIONS, Maxsize = 0, UserB = list_to_binary(User), PasswordB = Password, <>. %% part of do_new_auth/4, which is part of mysql_init/4 make_new_auth(User, Password, Database) -> DBCaps = case Database of none -> 0; _ -> ?CONNECT_WITH_DB end, Caps = ?LONG_PASSWORD bor ?LONG_FLAG bor ?TRANSACTIONS bor ?PROTOCOL_41 bor ?SECURE_CONNECTION bor DBCaps, Maxsize = ?MAX_PACKET_SIZE, UserB = list_to_binary(User), PasswordL = size(Password), DatabaseB = case Database of none -> <<>>; _ -> list_to_binary(Database) end, <>. hash(S) -> hash(S, 1345345333, 305419889, 7). hash([C | S], N1, N2, Add) -> N1_1 = N1 bxor (((N1 band 63) + Add) * C + N1 * 256), N2_1 = N2 + ((N2 * 256) bxor N1_1), Add_1 = Add + C, hash(S, N1_1, N2_1, Add_1); hash([], N1, N2, _Add) -> Mask = (1 bsl 31) - 1, {N1 band Mask , N2 band Mask}. rnd(N, Seed1, Seed2) -> Mod = (1 bsl 30) - 1, rnd(N, [], Seed1 rem Mod, Seed2 rem Mod). rnd(0, List, _, _) -> lists:reverse(List); rnd(N, List, Seed1, Seed2) -> Mod = (1 bsl 30) - 1, NSeed1 = (Seed1 * 3 + Seed2) rem Mod, NSeed2 = (NSeed1 + Seed2 + 33) rem Mod, Float = (float(NSeed1) / float(Mod))*31, Val = trunc(Float)+64, rnd(N - 1, [Val | List], NSeed1, NSeed2). dualmap(_F, [], []) -> []; dualmap(F, [E1 | R1], [E2 | R2]) -> [F(E1, E2) | dualmap(F, R1, R2)]. bxor_binary(B1, B2) -> list_to_binary(dualmap(fun (E1, E2) -> E1 bxor E2 end, binary_to_list(B1), binary_to_list(B2))). password_new(Password, Salt) -> Stage1 = crypto:sha(Password), Stage2 = crypto:sha(Stage1), Res = crypto:sha_final( crypto:sha_update( crypto:sha_update(crypto:sha_init(), Salt), Stage2) ), bxor_binary(Res, Stage1). do_send(Sock, Packet, Num, LogFun) -> mysql:log(LogFun, debug, "mysql_auth send packet ~p: ~p", [Num, Packet]), Data = <<(size(Packet)):24/little, Num:8, Packet/binary>>, gen_tcp:send(Sock, Data).