Andrew Lewman new-contribute.html: This...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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43) new stuff I don't have a plan for yet:
45)  - use openssl aes when available
46)   - do the kernel buffer style design
47)   - Server instructions for OSX and Windows operators.
48)   - Improve and clarify the wiki entry on port forwarding.
49)   - how do ulimits work on win32, anyway?  (We should handle WSAENOBUFS as
50)     needed, look at the MaxConnections registry entry, look at the
51)     MaxUserPort entry, and look at the TcpTimedWaitDelay entry. We may also
52)     want to provide a way to set them as needed. See bug 98.)
53)   - Implement reverse DNS (already specified)
54)   - It would be nice to have a FirewalledIPs thing that works like
55)     FirewallPorts.
56)   - Make configure.in handle cross-compilation
57)     - Have NULL_REP_IS_ZERO_BYTES default to 1.
58)     - Make with-ssl-dir disable search for ssl.
59)   - Packaging, docs, etc:
60)    - Exit node caching: tie into squid or other caching web proxy.
61)   - Have clients and dirservers preserve reputation info over
62)     reboots.
63)   - Support egd or other non-OS-integrated strong entropy sources
64)   - password protection for on-disk identity key
65)   - Possible to get autoconf to easily install things into ~/.tor?
66)   - server descriptor declares min log level, clients avoid servers
67)      that are too loggy.
68)   - Separate node discovery from routing to allow neat extensions. [Goodell?]
69)     - Add SetServerStatus control event to adjust verified/running status of
70)       nodes.
71)     - Add NoDownload config option to prevent regular directory downloads
72)       from happening.
73)   - Choosing exit node by meta-data, e.g. country.
74)   - What info squeaks by Privoxy? Are other scrubbers better?
75)   - web proxy gateways to let normal people browse hidden services.
76)     (This has been done a few times, but nobody has sent us code.)
77)   - Use cpuworker for more heavy lifting.
78)     - Signing (and verifying) hidserv descriptors
79)     - Signing (and verifying) intro/rend requests
80)     - Signing (and verifying) router descriptors
81)     - Signing (and verifying) directories
82)     - Doing TLS handshake (this is very hard to separate out, though)
83)   - Buffer size pool: allocate a maximum size for all buffers, not a maximum
84)     size for each buffer. So we don't have to give up as quickly (and kill
85)     the thickpipe!) when there's congestion.
86)   - Congestion control. Is our current design sufficient once we have heavy
87)     use? Need to measure and tweak, or maybe overhaul.
88)   - Add alternative versions of crypto.c and tortls.c to use libnss or
89)     libgcrypt+gnutls.
90)   - If we have a trusted directory on port 80, optionally stop falling back
91)     to forbidden ports when fascistfirewall blocks all good dirservers.
Andrew Lewman added volunteer todo of pri...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

92)   - investigate privoxy vs. freecap for win32 clients