Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

1) # Directions for adding a new language:
2) # 1. Add the two-letter code to LANGS below.
3) # 2. Add a new "%.html.es: es/%.wml en/%.wml" clause below.
4) # 3. Add a new ".deps/%.html.es.d: es/%.wml .deps/.stamp" clause below.
5) # 4. mkdir a new two-letter directory. Make sure there's a foot.wmi
6) #    and navigation.wmi.
7) # 5. Edit include/perl-globals.wmi, add to @LANGUAGES and %LANGUAGES.
8) #    You might find useful %LANGUAGES strings at the bottom of
9) #    http://debian.org/
10) # 6. Add a new images/es.png flag image.
12) WMLOPT  = \
13)           -I $(WMLBASE)/include \
14)           -D DOCROOT=$(WMLBASE) \
15)           -D IMGROOT=$(WMLBASE)/images \
16)           -D TORGIT=$(TORGIT)\
17)           -D DEVTAG=$(DEVTAG) \
18)           -D STABLETAG=$(STABLETAG)
Andrew Lewman switch to just en

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

20) #LANGS=ar bms de en es et fa it fi fr ja ko nl no pl pt ru se tr zh-cn
21) LANGS=en
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

23) WMLFILES=$(wildcard $(patsubst %, %/*.wml, $(LANGS)))
24) WMIFILES=$(wildcard $(patsubst %, %/*.wmi, $(LANGS)) $(WMLBASE)/include/*.wmi )
Andrew Lewman fix up variables and spaces.

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

26) HTMLFILES=$(shell perl -le 's,  (.*)/(.*).wml  ,        $$2.html.$$1    ,x, print $$_ for @ARGV' $(WMLFILES))
27) DEPFILES=$(shell perl -le 's,  (.*)/(.*).wml  ,  .deps/$$2.html.$$1.d  ,x, print $$_ for @ARGV' $(WMLFILES))