Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

5) #include "donatehead.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Donate to Tor" CHARSET="UTF-8"
7) <style>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

8) form#makeDonation {
9)     max-width: 500px;
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

10) }
11) </style>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Try and show the donate-opt...

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

13) <div id="content" class="container" style="padding-bottom: 85px">
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

14) <div id="maincol">
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

15)   <h1>More Ways to Donate to Tor</h1>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20734: Fix links and re...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

16)   <p><b>Note: if you wish to donate to The Tor Project by <a href="<page donate/donate>">credit card or PayPal, please click here</a>.</b></p>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

17)   <p>The Tor Project also offers the following alternative donation methods (If you would like to receive a Thank-You Gift after making a donation with one of the methods below, please email giving@torproject.org.):</p>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

18)   <ul class="hlist">
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

19)     <li><a href="#bitcoin">Bitcoin</a></li>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

20)     <li><a href="<page donate/donate-amazon>">Amazon Payments</a></li>
21)     <li><a href="https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8096820">Amazon Smile</a></li>
hiromipaw Add giving assistant to don...

hiromipaw authored 6 years ago

22)     <li><a href="https://givingassistant.org/np#tor-project-inc">Giving Assistant</a></li>
Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

23)     <li><a href="#eubanks">EU Bank Transfer</a></li>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 21523: Add Donate Stock...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

24)     <li><a href="#cash">Checks or Money Orders</a></li>
25)     <li><a href="#stock">Donate Stock</a></li>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

26)   </ul>
27)   <div class="hundred toptwenty">
28) <!-- END AMAZON -->
29) <!-- BEGIN BITCOIN -->
30)    <a id="bitcoin"></a>
31)    <div class="hundred toptwenty">
32)     <div class="dbox donate">
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

33)     <h3>Donate Bitcoin</h3>
34) <p>To donate Bitcoin to The Tor Project, please complete the form below. If you would like an acknowledgment from the Tor Project, please provide your email address.</p>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

35)   <form id="makeDonation" action="https://bitpay.com/checkout" method="post" onsubmit="return bp.validateMobileCheckoutForm($('#makeDonation'));">
36)         <input name="action" type="hidden" value="checkout">
37)         <fieldset class="phone-form well form-horizontal" style="margin-top: 5px;">
Arthur Edelstein Clean up donate-options page

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

38)           <ul style="list-style: none;">
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

39)             <li id="orderID" class="control-group">
Arthur Edelstein Clean up donate-options page

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

40)                 <label class="control-label" style="width: 80px">Email:</label>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

41)                 <input name="orderID" type="email" class="input input-xlarge" placeholder="Email address (optional)" maxlength=50 autocapitalize=off autocorrect=off><br>
42)             </li>
43)             <li id="price" class="control-group">
Arthur Edelstein Clean up donate-options page

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

44)                 <label class="control-label" style="width: 80px">Amount:</label>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

45)                 <input name="price" type="number" class="noscroll" value="10.00" placeholder="Amount" maxlength="10" min="0.01" step="0.01" />
46)                 <select name="currency" value="" >
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

47)                   <option value="USD" selected="selected">USD</option>
48)                   <option value="BTC">BTC</option>
49)                   <option value="EUR">EUR</option>
50)                   <option value="GBP">GBP</option>
51)                   <option value="AUD">AUD</option>
52)                   <option value="BGN">BGN</option>
53)                   <option value="BRL">BRL</option>
54)                   <option value="CAD">CAD</option>
55)                   <option value="CHF">CHF</option>
56)                   <option value="CNY">CNY</option>
57)                   <option value="CZK">CZK</option>
58)                   <option value="DKK">DKK</option>
59)                   <option value="HKD">HKD</option>
60)                   <option value="HRK">HRK</option>
61)                   <option value="HUF">HUF</option>
62)                   <option value="IDR">IDR</option>
63)                   <option value="ILS">ILS</option>
64)                   <option value="INR">INR</option>
65)                   <option value="JPY">JPY</option>
66)                   <option value="KRW">KRW</option>
67)                   <option value="LTL">LTL</option>
68)                   <option value="LVL">LVL</option>
69)                   <option value="MXN">MXN</option>
70)                   <option value="MYR">MYR</option>
71)                   <option value="NOK">NOK</option>
72)                   <option value="NZD">NZD</option>
73)                   <option value="PHP">PHP</option>
74)                   <option value="PLN">PLN</option>
75)                   <option value="RON">RON</option>
76)                   <option value="RUB">RUB</option>
77)                   <option value="SEK">SEK</option>
78)                   <option value="SGD">SGD</option>
79)                   <option value="THB">THB</option>
80)                   <option value="TRY">TRY</option>
81)                   <option value="ZAR">ZAR</option>
82)                 </select/>
83)             </li>
84)           </ul>
85)           <br>
86)           <input type="hidden" name="data" value="iH+sCoKQo5J52hkEzWcMi8+PRt78/89lcSU9GnapWfWL6thyubtDCahTUqa2JTlj6RQrQySkZAoFvK05yifMwfx5V87JJuoaDlHUsZR9ppzkklmzHpKJ4TG5M0zNVcKfNBfyopdfTFbzpOXM2FDppqmU7njsRUF1EZPa0K7SIxpv4lNKSPn1PyjVKVxjnpFE0AZ1Qa75VwZnS+rBNNfwxPsgSz+Oa2Twe226FmJJrLtPuBteFfHAIWh6QS5JnpOn4ScMFph0zjixutmunMAjKw==">
87)           <div style="margin: auto; width: 100%; text-align: center">
88)             <input name="submit" src="$(IMGROOT)/bitpay-donate-md.png" type="image" style="width: auto" alt="BitPay" border="0">
89)           </div>
90)         </fieldset>
91)       </form>
92)     </div>
93)    </div>
94) <!-- END BITCOIN -->
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

95) <!-- BEGIN AMAZON -->
96)    <div class="hundred toptwenty">
97)     <div class="dbox dsmall dwolla">
98)       <h3>Donate via Amazon</h3>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

99)       <p>You can donate to Tor through your Amazon account.</p>
Arthur Edelstein Clean up donate-options page

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

100)       <p>
101)           <strong>
102)               <a href="<page donate/donate-amazon>">Donate via Amazon Payments &raquo;</a>
103)           </strong>
104)       </p>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

105)     </div>
106)     <div class="dbox dsmall dwolla">
107)       <h3>Donate via Amazon Smile</h3>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

108)       <p>AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.</p>
Arthur Edelstein Clean up donate-options page

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

109)       <p>
110)           <strong>
111)               <a href="https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8096820">Set up the Tor Project on Amazon Smile &raquo;</a>
112)           </strong>
113)       </p>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

114)     </div>
115) <!-- END AMAZON -->
hiromipaw Add giving assistant to don...

hiromipaw authored 6 years ago

116) <!-- BEGIN GIVING -->
117)    <a id="giving"></a>
118)    <div class="hundred toptwenty">
119)      <div class="dbox donate">
120)        <h3>Donate via Giving Assistant</h3>
121)        <h4>Giving Assistant helps you donate a percentage of your cash back earnings to us with every purchase you make at 3,000+ popular online retailers.</h4>
122)        <p>
123)           <strong>
124) 		<a href="https://givingassistant.org/np#tor-project-inc">Use Giving Assistant to save money and support the Tor Project</a>
125) 	  </strong>
126)        </p>
127)     </div>
128)   </div>
130) <!-- END GIVING -->
Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

131) <!-- BEGIN TRANSFER -->
132)     <a id="eubanks"></a>
133)     <div class="">
134)        <h3 style="margin-top:20px;">Donate via European Bank Transfer</h3>
135)        <p>For European bank transfers, we have an arrangement with
hiromipaw Remove broken link on donat...

hiromipaw authored 6 years ago

136)         the Renewable Freedom Foundation to provide tax-deductible
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

137)         donations for Europeans. They will issue a donation receipt <a
Roger Dingledine add links for RFF option

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

138)         href="https://renewablefreedom.org/contact/">upon request</a>. The
139)         account information is as follows:</p>
Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

141)   <p>Renewable Freedom Foundation<br>
142)      IBAN: DE17721500000053693701<br>
143)      BIC:  BYLADEM1ING<br>
144)      Sparkasse Ingolstadt<br>
145)      Rathausplatz 6<br>
Mike Perry Fix a typo.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

146)      85049 Ingolstadt<br>
Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

148)      </div>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

149)    </div>
Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

150) <!-- END TRANSFER -->
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

151) <!-- BEGIN CHECK -->
152)    <a id="cash"></a>
153)    <div class="hundred toptwenty">
154)      <div class="dbox donate">
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

155)        <h3>Donate via Check or Money Order</h3>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

156)        <h4>You can send checks or money orders to:</h4>
Arthur Edelstein Bug 20677: Update alternati...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

157)        <p>The Tor Project, Inc.<br>
158)         P.O. Box 4903<br>
Roger Dingledine change our postal address i...

Roger Dingledine authored 7 years ago

159)         Seattle, WA 98194 USA</p>
Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

160)     </div>
161)   </div>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

Mike Perry Add EU bank transfer info.

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

163) <!-- END CHECK -->
Arthur Edelstein Bug 21523: Add Donate Stock...

Arthur Edelstein authored 7 years ago

165) <!-- BEGIN STOCK -->
166)   <a id="stock"></a>
167)   <div class="hundred toptwenty">
168)       <div class="dbox donate">
169)           <h3>Donate Stock</h3>
170)           <p>
171)               You can donate stock to the Tor Project. Please let us know in advance if you are transmitting securities via DTC by contacting us at  <a href="mailto:giving@torproject.org">giving@torproject.org</a>.
172)               <p>
173)                   Brokerage Firm: Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.<br>
174)                   Account Name: The Tor Project<br>
175)                   Contact: Jeffrey K. Miller: 206.464.3564 or 855.288.8433<br>
176)                   E-mail: <a href="mailto:jeffrey.k.miller@ml.com">jeffrey.k.miller@ml.com</a><br>
177)                   FAX: 206.388.4456<br>
178)                   The Tor Project Account #: 335-03016<br>
179)                   DTC #: 5198<br>
180)                   Tax ID #: 20-8096820<br>
181)               </p>
182)           </p>
183)       </div>
184)   </div>
186) <!-- END STOCK -->
187) <h2>Questions?</h2>
188)   <p>Contact us at <a href="mailto:giving@torproject.org">giving@torproject.org</a> for more details on how to donate.</p>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

189)  </div>
Sebastian Hahn ideas for donation page

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

190) <!-- END CONTENT -->
191) </div>
Mike Perry Improve the horribly ugly s...

Mike Perry authored 8 years ago

192) </div>
193) #include <donatefoot.wmi>