Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
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5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="obfsproxy: Installation instructions" CHARSET="UTF-8"
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11)     <a href="<page projects/obfsproxy>">obfsproxy</a>
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Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

17)     <h1 id="instructions">Obfsproxy Instructions</h1>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

Roger Dingledine put the diagram at the top;...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

19)     <img src="$(IMGROOT)/obfsproxy_diagram.png" alt="client torrc"></a>
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

21)     <h3>Step 1: Install dependencies, obfsproxy, and Tor</h3>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

22)     <br>
24)     <p>
Roger Dingledine make it clearer you need pk...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

25)     You will need a C compiler (<em>gcc</em>), the <em>autoconf</em>
26)     and <em>autotools</em> build system, the <em>git</em> revision
27)     control system, <em>pkg-config</em> and <em>libtool</em>,
28)     <em>libevent-2</em> and its headers, and the development headers of
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

29)     <em>OpenSSL</em>.
30)      </p>
32)     <p>
Roger Dingledine explain further dependencies

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

33)     On Debian testing or Ubuntu oneiric, you could do: <br>
34)     <tt># apt-get install autoconf autotools-dev gcc git pkg-config libtool libevent-2.0-5 libevent-dev libevent-openssl-2.0-5 libssl-dev</tt>
35)     </p>
Roger Dingledine link to build-from-source i...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

37)     <p>
38)     If you're on a more stable Linux, you can either <a
Roger Dingledine explain further dependencies

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

39)     href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5009#comment:9">try
Roger Dingledine link to build-from-source i...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

40)     our experimental backport libevent2 debs</a> or <a
41)     href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5009#comment:17">build
42)     libevent2 from source</a>.
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

43)     </p>
45)     <p>
46)     Clone obfsproxy from its git repository:<br>
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

47)     <tt>$ git clone https://git.torproject.org/obfsproxy.git</tt> <br>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

49)     The above command should create and populate a directory named
50)     'obfsproxy' in your current directory.  </p>
52)     <p>
53)     Compile obfsproxy: <br>
54)     <tt>$ cd obfsproxy</tt> <br>
55)     <tt>$ ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make</tt> <br>
56)     </p>
58)     <p>
Roger Dingledine explain further dependencies

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

59)     Optionally, <strong>as root</strong> install obfsproxy in your
60)     system: <br>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

61)     <tt># make install</tt>
62)     </p>
Roger Dingledine explain further dependencies

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

64)     <p>
65)     If you prefer not to install obfsproxy as root, you can instead
66)     just modify the Transport lines in your torrc file (explained below)
67)     to point to your obfsproxy binary.
68)     </p>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

70)     <p>
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

71)     You will need Tor or later.
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

72)     </p>
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

74)     <hr>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

76)     <h3 id="client_instructions">Step 2a: If you're the client...</h3>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

77)     <br>
79)     <p>
Roger Dingledine make it clearer that you ne...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

80)     First, you need to learn the address of a bridge that supports
81)     obfsproxy. If you don't know any, try asking a friend to set one
82)     up for you. Then the appropriate lines to your <a href="<page
83)     docs/faq>#torrc">tor configuration file</a>:
Sebastian Hahn Update obfsproxy instructio...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

84)     </p>
Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

86)     <p>
87)     <tt> UseBridges 1 </tt> <br>
Roger Dingledine make it clearer that you ne...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

88)     <tt> Bridge obfs2 </tt> <br>
Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

89)     <tt> ClientTransportPlugin obfs2 exec /usr/local/bin/obfsproxy --managed </tt>
90)     </p>
92)     <p>
Roger Dingledine make it clearer that you ne...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

93)     Don't forget to replace <em></em> with the IP address
Roger Dingledine put the diagram at the top;...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

94)     and port that the bridge's obfsproxy is listening on.
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

95)     </p>
97)     <p> <br>
98)     <img src="$(IMGROOT)/sidenav-arrow.png">
99)     <strong>Congratulations!</strong> Your traffic should now be
100)     obfuscated by obfsproxy. You are done! You can now start using Tor.
101)     </p>
103)     <br> <br> <br> <br>
105)     <hr>
107)     <br> <br> <br> <br>
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

109)     <h3 id="bridge_instructions">Step 2b: If you're the bridge...</h3>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

110)     <br>
112)     <p>
Roger Dingledine point people at the 'runnin...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

113)     Configure your Tor to <a href="<page docs/bridges>#RunningABridge">be
114)     a bridge</a> (e.g. by setting "ORPort 9001" and "BridgeRelay 1"). Then
115)     add this new line to your <a href="<page docs/faq>#torrc">tor
Roger Dingledine put the diagram at the top;...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

116)     configuration file</a>:
Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

117)     </p>
119)     <p>
120)     <tt> ServerTransportPlugin obfs2 exec /usr/local/bin/obfsproxy --managed </tt>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

121)     </p>
123)     <p>
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

124)     Launch Tor using this configuration file. You can do this by using
125)     your favorite init script, or by pointing the Tor binary to the
126)     torrc file:
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

127)     <p>
129)     <p>
Andrew Lewman i thought wml was supposed...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

130)     <img src="$(IMGROOT)/obfs-spawn_tor_bridge.png" alt="spawn tor" height="117" width="879"></a>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

131)     </p>
133)     <p>
Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

134)     Next, find the TCP port opened by obfsproxy. Look in your log file
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

135)     for a line similar to this one: <br>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

136)     <img src="$(IMGROOT)/obfs-log_checking.png" alt="bridge torrc" width="437" height="14"></a>
137)     <br>
138)     The last number, in this case <em>34545</em>, is the TCP port
139)     number that your clients should point their obfsproxy to.
140)     </p>
142)     <p>
143)     <img src="$(IMGROOT)/sidenav-arrow.png">
144)     <strong>Congratulations!</strong> Tell your clients to point their
Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

145)     obfsproxy to your IP address and to port <em>34545</em>.