Karsten Loesing Added page for NLnet Hidden...

Karsten Loesing authored 16 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision: 14486 $
3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="NLnet Project: Speed Up Tor Hidden Services"
7) <div class="main-column">
11) <h2>NLnet Project: Speed Up Tor Hidden Services</h2>
12) <hr />
14) <p>
15) Tor Hidden Services allow users to set up anonymous information services,
16) like websites, that can only be accessed through the Tor network and are
17) protected against identification of the host that runs the services.
Karsten Loesing Minor correction to grammar.

Karsten Loesing authored 16 years ago

18) The most critical limitations of Tor Hidden Services are the time it takes
Karsten Loesing Added page for NLnet Hidden...

Karsten Loesing authored 16 years ago

19) until a Hidden Service is registered in the network and the latency of
20) contact establishment when accessed by a user.
21) Due to design issues in the original Tor protocol,
22) the connection to a new Hidden Service can take several minutes, which
23) leads most users to give up before the connection has been established.
24) Using Tor Hidden Services for direct interactive user-to-user
25) communication (e.g. messaging) is nearly impossible due to the high latency
26) of Hidden Service circuit setup.
27) </p>
29) <p>
30) This project aims at speeding up Tor Hidden Services by improving the way
31) Tor circuits are set up between the user and the Hidden Service as well as
32) the way a Hidden Service is registered in the Tor network.
33) In a first step precise diagnostics of the behavior of the Hidden Services
34) in lab setups and real world situations will be conducted to find the
35) root causes of the bad timing effects.
36) Based on these diagnostics, optimization strategies will be designed and
37) verified for unwanted implications for the security and anonymity of the
38) Tor network.
39) The most promising optimizations will then be implemented to achieve a
40) notable improvement for the users. Precise success metrics will be
41) developed in the diagnostics phase, after it becomes clear where the time
42) is lost and what improvements are realistic.
43) The ultimate goal is to have the Hidden Services protocol change production
44) ready and propagated to the Tor users within a timeframe of less than
45) 12 months.
46) </p>
48) <p>
Karsten Loesing Added NLnet logo to project...

Karsten Loesing authored 16 years ago

49) This project is generously funded by:
50) </p>
52) <p>
53) <a href="http://www.nlnet.nl/news/2008/20080514-awards.html">
54) <img src="$(IMGROOT)/nlnet-160x60.png" alt="The NLnet foundation" /></a>
Karsten Loesing Added page for NLnet Hidden...

Karsten Loesing authored 16 years ago

55) </p>
57) <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
Andrew Lewman Fix the table column headers.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

58) <thead>
59) <tr>
60) <th><big>Project</big></th>
61) <th><big>Due Date</big></th>
Karsten Loesing Added page for NLnet Hidden...

Karsten Loesing authored 16 years ago

62) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Fix the table column headers.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

63) </thead>