Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
Mfr fix props

Mfr authored 15 years ago

2) # Revision: $Revision$
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Media Appearances of The Tor Project" CHARSET="UTF-8"
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

6) <div class="main-column">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

8) <h1>Media Appearances</h1>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

Roger Dingledine and spell steven's name better

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

10) <h2>Interviews &amp; Appearances</h2>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

Andrew Lewman Convert one table to defini...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

12) <p> Major news organizations including the New York Times, Forbes,
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

13) and the CBS Evening News have sought out or quoted Tor Project members
14) due to their expertise on anonymity, privacy, and Internet censorship issues.
Andrew Lewman Convert one table to defini...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

15) Some samples: </p>
Andrew Lewman Adjust column widths a bit...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

17) <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

18) <thead style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
19) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Adjust column widths a bit...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

20) <th width="10%">Date</th>
21) <th width="15%">Publication</th>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

22) <th>Topic</th>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

23) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

24) </thead>
Andrew Lewman add another article to the...

Andrew Lewman authored 15 years ago

26) <tr>
27) <td>2008 Aug 10</td>
Andrew Lewman tr is not the same as td

Andrew Lewman authored 15 years ago

28) <td>Tech Radar UK</td>
Andrew Lewman add another article to the...

Andrew Lewman authored 15 years ago

29) <td><a
30) href="http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/web/freedom-stick-highlights-chinese-net-censorship-449233">Freedom
31) Stick highlights Chinese 'net censorship: USB drive promises anonymous
32) surfing for the paranoid</a>
33) </td>
34) </tr>
Andrew Lewman trunp points out this article

Andrew Lewman authored 15 years ago

35) <tr>
36) <td>2008 Aug 07</td>
Roger Dingledine fix typo pointed out by fabian

Roger Dingledine authored 15 years ago

37) <td>Spiegel</td>
Andrew Lewman trunp points out this article

Andrew Lewman authored 15 years ago

38) <td><a
39) href="http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/tech/0,1518,570421,00.html">Tricks
40) gegen Zensur und Überwachung</a>
41) </td>
42) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Update tor in the media pag...

Andrew Lewman authored 15 years ago

43) <tr>
44) <td>2008 Aug 07</td>
45) <td>PC World</td>
46) <td><a
47) href="http://www.pcworld.com/article/149399-3/15_great_free_privacy_downloads.html">15
48) Great, Free Privacy Downloads</a>.  Tor is Number 1.
49) </td>
50) </tr>
51) <tr>
52) <td>2008 Aug 07</td>
53) <td>The Guardian UK</td>
54) <td><a
55) href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/aug/07/censorship.hacking">Chaos
56) aims to crack China's wall</a>
57) </td>
58) </tr>
59) <tr>
60) <td>2008 Aug 07</td>
61) <td>The Register UK</td>
62) <td><a
63) href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/08/07/torbrowser_olympics/">German
64) hackers poke hole in great firewall of China</a>
65) </td>
66) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

67) <tr>
68) <td>2008 Feb 01</td>
69) <td>PC World</td>
70) <td><a href="http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,142094-pg,1/article.html">
Andrew Lewman Convert one table to defini...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

71) Hackers Can Expose Masked Surfers, Study Says</a>
72) A report on <a href="http://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2007/12/10/covert-channel-vulnerabilities-in-anonymity-systems/">
Roger Dingledine and spell steven's name better

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

73) Steven Murdoch's recent PhD thesis</a>. Steven <a
Andrew Lewman Convert one table to defini...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

74) href="http://blog.torproject.org/blog/media-coverage-%2526quot%3Bcovert-channel-vulnerabilities-anonymity-systems%2526quot%3B">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

75) responds on the Tor Blog</a>.</td>
76) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

77) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

78) <td>2006 Apr 11</td>
79) <td>PBS Frontline</td>
80) <td><a
Andrew Lewman Convert one table to defini...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

81) href="http://pbs.gen.in/wgbh/pages/frontline/tankman/internet/tech.html">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

82) Chipping Away at China's Great Firewall</a></td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

83) </tr>
84) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

85) <td>2006 Feb 28</td>
86) <td>PC World</td>
87) <td><a href="http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,124891-page,1/article.html">
88) Outsmarting the Online Privacy Snoops</a></td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

89) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

90) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

91) <td>2006 Feb 27</td>
92) <td>Forbes</td>
93) <td><a href="http://members.forbes.com/global/2006/0227/018A_2.html">
94) Cracks In the Wall</a>.  Discussion of Tor being used for evading censorship by repressive
95) governments. </td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

96) </tr>
97) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

98) <td>2006 Feb 20</td>
99) <td>The Boston Globe</td>
100) <td><a href="http://members.forbes.com/global/2006/0227/018A_2.html">
101) Beating censorship on the Internet</a></td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

102) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

103) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

104) <td>2006 Feb 15</td>
105) <td>CBS Evening News</td>
106) <td><a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/15/eveningnews/main1321785.shtml?source=search_story">
107) Cracking The 'Great Firewall Of China'</a>.  Roger Dingledine appeared on the show to discuss Tor, starting at
108) 1:04 into the video.</td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

109) </tr>
110) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

111) <td>2006 Feb 15</td>
112) <td>CNBC - Closing Bell</td>
113) <td>TV Appearance by Roger Dingledine at 4:25pm. (no link)</td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

114) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

115) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

116) <td>2006 Jan 27</td>
117) <td>Fox News/eWeek</td>
118) <td><a href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,183005,00.html"> Web
119) Anonymizers Suddenly Get Very Popular</a></td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

120) </tr>
121) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

122) <td>2006 Jan 25</td>
123) <td>New York Times</td>
Nick Mathewson Replace &s with &amps; in l...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

124) <td><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/25/technology/techspecial2/25privacy.html?_r=1&amp;oref=slogin">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

125) Privacy for People Who Don't Show Their Navels</a></td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

126) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

127) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

128) <td>2005 Aug 6</td>
129) <td>New Scientist</td>
130) <td><a href="http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-08/ns-wwa080305.php">Why we all need pornography</a></td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

131) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

132) </table>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

134) <p />
135) <h2>Articles</h2>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

137) <p> Since Tor is widely used throughout the world, it is mentioned regularly in the press.
138) This list is not comprehensive, but illustrates some of the significant
139) Tor-related stories that have popped up.  </p>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

Andrew Lewman Adjust column widths a bit...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

141) <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

142) <thead style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
143) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Adjust column widths a bit...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

144) <th width="10%">Date</th>
145) <th width="15%">Publication</th>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

146) <th>Topic</th>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

147) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

148) </thead>
Andrew Lewman updated index with less new...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

150) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
151) <td>2008 Mar 12</td>
152) <td>SearchSecurity.com</td>
153) <td><a href="http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/article/0,289142,sid14_gci1305120,00.html">
154) Tor network 'bridges' help evade blockers</a>.
155) Covers new Tor features designed to overcome filtering and blocking that prevent access
156) to the Tor network.
157) </td>
158) </tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

160) <tr>
161) <td>2008 Feb 14</td>
162) <td>Wired: Compiler Blog</td>
163) <td><a href="http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2008/02/how-to-set-up-a.html">
164) How To: Set Up Anonymous Browsing in 30 Seconds or Less</a>.
165) </td>
166) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

168) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

169) <td>2007 Sep 21</td>
170) <td>Wired HowTo Blog</td>
171) <td><a href="http://howto.wired.com/wiredhowtos/index.cgi?page_name=be_a_whistle_blower;action=display;category=Work">
172) Be a Whistleblower</a>.  Wired recommends Tor for whistleblowers who wish to remain anonymous.
173) </td>
174) </tr>
176) <tr>
177) <td>2007 Sep 16</td>
178) <td>Cnet</td>
Mfr Fix some wrong links

Mfr authored 15 years ago

179) <td><a href="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13739_3-9779225-46.html">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

180)     Tor anonymity server admin arrested</a>.  A Tor exit node operator from Germany was arrested and then released once the police realized
181)     their mistake. Unfortunately, the hassle <a href="http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070917-tor-node-operator-after-run-in-with-police-i-cant-do-this-any-more.html"> caused this operator to shut down the node</a>.
Mfr Fix some wrong links

Mfr authored 15 years ago

182)     We have an <a href="<page faq-abuse>"> Abuse FAQ for Tor Relay Operators</a>, as well as a <a href="<page eff/tor-legal-faq>">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

183)     Legal FAQ for Tor Relay Operators</a> with advice on how to handle such issues if you are operating a Tor relay.
184)   </td>
185) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

187) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

188) <td>2007 Sep 10</td>
189) <td>Wired</td>
190) <td> <a href="http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2007/09/embassy_hacks">
191) Rogue Nodes Turn Tor Anonymizer Into Eavesdropper's Paradise</a><br>
192) Swedish computer security consultant Dan Egerstad monitored the traffic going through a Tor exit node
193) he was running, then published unencrypted account and password information.
194) Note that the better articles covering this event correctly indicate that this is not a security
195) flaw or design problem with Tor - Tor provides anonymity, but does not
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

196) encrypt anything going to or from an exit node. You <strong>must</strong> use SSL (https) while
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

197) browsing to ensure end-to-end encryption.
198) Also covered in
199) <a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/en/inquirer/news/2007/09/10/tor-network-exposes-sensitive-information">
200) The Inquirer</a>, <a href="http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/09/10/Security-researcher-intercepts-embassy-passwords_1.html?APPLICATION%20SECURITY">
201) InfoWorld</a>, <a href="http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2007/11/12/1194766589522.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap2">
202) The Sydney Morning Herald</a>,
203) <a href="http://www.securityfocus.com/news/11486">
204) Security Focus</a>, <a href="http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070910-security-expert-used-tor-to-collect-government-e-mail-passwords.html">
205) ars technica</a>, and many others. It was reported as early as August 31, 2007 on the
206) <a href="http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/08/embassy-e-mail-.html">
207) Wired Blog</a>, before Mr. Egerstad revealed that he had obtained the information via his Tor exit node.
208) In the end, Mr. Egerstad was arrested, which was covered by
209) <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/15/tor_hacker_arrest/">
210) The Register</a>, <a href="http://www.smh.com.au/news/security/police-swoop-on-hacker-of-the-year/2007/11/15/1194766821481.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1">
211) The Sydney Morning Herald</a>, <a href="http://blogs.zdnet.com/Berlind/?p=900">
212) ZDNet</a>, and <a href="http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/11/swedish-researc.html"> Wired Blog</a>.
213) </td>
214) </tr>
216) <tr>
217) <td>2007 Jul 27</td>
218) <td>Wired Blog</td>
219) <td><a href="http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/07/cyber-jihadists.html"> Cyber Jihadists Embrace Tor</a><br>
220) A pointer to a <a href="http://ddanchev.blogspot.com/2007/07/cyber-jihadists-and-tor.html">
221) blog</a> that posted screenshots of Arabic instructions on using Tor, ostensibly for jihadists. Make sure to read Shava Nerad's reply
222) at the bottom of the article.
223) </td>
224) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

226) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

227) <td>2007 Jun 22</td>
228) <td>Bangkok Post</td>
229) <td> <a href="http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article-southeastasia.asp?parentid=72388">
230) The problems with censorship</a>.  Mentions anecdotes that "everyone" has Tor installed in Thailand to avoid censorship.
231) </td>
232) </tr>
234) <tr>
235) <td>2007 Mar 15</td>
236) <td>World Changing</td>
237) <td><a href="http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/006309.html">
238) Blogging Where Speech Isn’t Free</a><br>
239) Coverage of former Tor Executive Director Shava Nerad's participation at an
Nick Mathewson Replace &s with &amps; in l...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

240) <a href="http://2007.sxsw.com/interactive/programming/panels/?action=show&amp;id=IAP060124">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

241) SXSW panel</a>, where she explained how Tor can help bloggers.
242) </td>
243) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

245) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

246) <td>2007 Mar 8</td>
247) <td>Security Focus</td>
248) <td><a href="http://www.securityfocus.com/news/11447/1">
249) Tor hack proposed to catch criminals</a>.
250) Coverage of a toolset called "Torment" for monitoring exit nodes, and responses from the
251) Tor Project illustrating why this approach may not be a good idea.
252) </td>
253) </tr>
255) <tr>
256) <td>2007 Feb 1</td>
257) <td>Dr Dobb's</td>
258) <td><a href="http://www.ddj.com/security/197002414">
259) Tor Project Protects Anonymous Sources</a>.
260) An introduction to Tor, including technical and historical background.
261) </td>
262) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

264) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

265) <td>2006 Oct 19</td>
266) <td>Wired Threat Level</td>
267) <td><a href="http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2006/10/the_onion_route.html">
268) The Onion Router (TOR) is Leaky (Leeky)</a>.
269) Explains why you need something like Privoxy
270) in addition to the core Tor code to ensure your anonymity. If you use the
271) Vidalia bundle, it installs and configures Privoxy automatically, but it can't
272) hurt to understand why it is necessary.
273) </td>
274) </tr>
276) <tr>
277) <td>2006 Aug 18</td>
278) <td>NPR</td>
279) <td><a href="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5168456">
280) Tips for Protecting Privacy Online</a>.
281) Kevin Bankston of the EFF recommends Tor during an NPR interview.
282) Tor information begins at 8:15 into the program.
283) </td>
284) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

286) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

287) <td>2006 Jul 5</td>
288) <td>MSNBC</td>
289) <td><a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13718446/page/2/">
290) Defending liberties in high-tech world</a>.
291) Mentions EFF funding for Tor as one of its significant nonlitigation projects.
292) </td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

293) </tr>
295) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

296)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

297)     2006 Feb 15
298)   </td>
299)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

300)     Network Secure</td>
Nick Mathewson Replace &s with &amps; in l...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

301)     <td><a href="http://www.network-secure.de/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=3909">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

302)     Tor: Anonymisierungswerkzeug entwickelt</a> (German)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

303)   </td>
304) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

306) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

307)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

308)     2006 Feb 13
309)   </td>
310)   <td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

311)     Wall Street Journal</td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

312) <td>    <a href="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB113979965346572150.html">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

313)     Chinese Censors Of Internet Face 'Hacktivists' in U.S.</a><br>
314)     Full article text can also be found
315)     <a href="http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/display.article?id=6981">here</a>.
316)   </td>
317) </tr>
319) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

320)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

321)     2006 Jan 31
322)   </td>
323)   <td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

324)     Technology Review</td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

325) <td>    <a href="http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/16216/page2/">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

326)     Evading the Google Eye</a><br>
327)   </td>
328) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

330) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

331)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

332)     2006 Jan 29
333)   </td>
334)   <td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

335)     New York Times</td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

336) <td>    <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/29/weekinreview/29basic.html">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

337)     How to Outwit the World's Internet Censors</a><br>
338)   </td>
339) </tr>
341) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

342)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

343)     2006 Jan 23
344)   </td>
345)   <td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

346)     NPR Talk of the Nation</td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

347) <td>    <a href="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5168456">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

348)     Search Engines and Privacy Rights on the Web</a><br>
349)     <a href="http://xeni.net/">Xeni Jardin</a>
350)     recommends Tor at 33:30 into the program.
351)   </td>
352) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

354) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

355)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

356)     2006 Feb 15
357)   </td>
358)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

359)     Punto Informatico</td>
360) <td>    <a href="http://punto-informatico.it/p.aspx?i=1430903">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

361)     TOR c'è</a> (Italian)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

362)   </td>
363) </tr>
365) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

366)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

367)     2006 Jan 20
368)   </td>
369)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

370)     Wired</td>
371) <td>    <a href="http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2006/01/70051?currentPage=2">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

372)     How to Foil Search Engine Snoops</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

373)   </td>
374) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

376) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

377)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

378)     2006 Jan 20
379)   </td>
380)   <td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

381)     NPR</td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

382) <td><a href="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5165854">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

383)     Google Records Subpoena Raises Privacy Fears</a><br>
384)   </td>
385) </tr>
387) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

388)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

389)     2005 Sep 30
390)   </td>
391)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

392)     Viva o Linux</td>
393)    <td> <a href="http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/artigos/verArtigo.php?codigo=2759">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

394)     TOR: A Internet sem rastreabilidade</a> (Portuguese)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

395)   </td>
396) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

398) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

399)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

400)     2005 Jul 12
401)   </td>
402)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

403)     IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy</td>
404) <td>    <a href="http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/Newsbriefs/2005/071805.html#TOR">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

405)     Onion routing application Tor makes PCWorld's top 100</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

406)   </td>
407) </tr>
409) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

410)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

411)     2005 Jun 22
412)   </td>
413)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

414)     The Unofficial Apple Blog</td>
415) <td>    <a href="http://www.tuaw.com/2005/06/22/privacy-watch-tor/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

416)     Privacy Watch: Tor</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

417)   </td>
418) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

420) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

421)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

422)     2005 Jun 10
423)   </td>
424)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

425)     The New Zealand Herald</td>
Nick Mathewson Replace &s with &amps; in l...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

426) <td>    <a href="http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=5&amp;objectid=10329896">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

427)     China's internet censorship stranglehold can't last</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

428)   </td>
429) </tr>
431) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

432)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

433)     2005 Jun 8
434)   </td>
435)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

436)     American Public Radio</td>
437) <td>    <a href="http://www.publicradio.org/columns/futuretense/2005/06/08.shtml">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

438)     An Internet privacy tool called "Tor"</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

439)   </td>
440) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

442) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

443)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

444)     2005 Jun 1
445)   </td>
446)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

447)     PC World</td>
448) <td>    <a href="http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,120763-page,4/article.html">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

449)     The 100 Best Products of 2005</a><br>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

450)     Tor is ranked #40 on the list.
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

451)   </td>
452) </tr>
454) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

455)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

456)     2005 Jun 1
457)   </td>
458)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

459)     Linux Weekly News</td>
460) <td>    <a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/138242/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

461)     A Look at The Onion Router (Tor)</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

462)   </td>
463) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

465) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

466)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

467)     2005 May 22
468)   </td>
469)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

470)     Slashdot</td>
471) <td>    <a href="http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/22/0113244">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

472)      Tor Anonymity Network Reaches 100 Verified Nodes</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

473)   </td>
474) </tr>
476) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

477)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

478)     2005 May 20
479)   </td>
480)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

481)     Security.uz</td>
482) <td>    <a href="http://security.uz/news/default.asp?id=10541">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

483)     Tor - мощный анонимайзер для всех ОС</a> (Russian)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

484)   </td>
485) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

487) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

488)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

489)     2005 May 19
490)   </td>
491)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

492)     WebPlanet</td>
493) <td>    <a href="http://webplanet.ru/news/security/2005/5/19/tor.html">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

494)     Tor: распределенная система анонимного серфинга</a> (Russian)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

495)   </td>
496) </tr>
498) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

499)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

500)     2005 May 17
501)   </td>
502)   <td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

503)     Wired</td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

504) <td>    <a href="http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2005/05/67542?currentPage=all">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

505)     Tor Torches Online Tracking</a><br>
506)     Also available in
507)     <a href="http://wiredvision.jp/archives/200505/2005051904.html">Japanese</a>.
508)   </td>
509) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

511) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

512)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

513)     2005 May 17
514)   </td>
515)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

516)     XBiz</td>
517) <td>    <a href="http://xbiz.com/news/8761">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

518)     Navy Project Allows Anonymous Browsing</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

519)   </td>
520) </tr>
522) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

523)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

524)     2005 Apr 13
525)   </td>
526)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

527)     Heise online</td>
528) <td>    <a href="http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/58506">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

529)     CFP: Vom kafkaesken Schwinden der Anonymität</a> (German)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

530)   </td>
531) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

533) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

534)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

535)     2005 Apr 5
536)   </td>
537)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

538)     Libero</td>
539) <td>    <a href="http://magazine.libero.it/internetlife/scienzaeweb/ne208.phtml">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

540)     Anonimato on line, ecco Tor</a> (Italian)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

541)   </td>
542) </tr>
544) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

545)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

546)     2005 Jan 4
547)   </td>
548)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

549)     Internetnews</td>
550) <td>    <a href="http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3454521">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

551)     EFF Throws Support to 'Anonymous' Internet Project</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

552)   </td>
553) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

555) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

556)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

557)     2005 Mar 31
558)   </td>
559)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

560)     Linux.com</td>
Nick Mathewson Replace &s with &amps; in l...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

561) <td>    <a href="http://www.linux.com/articles/43713?tid=19&amp;tid=78">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

562)     Securing your online privacy with Tor</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

563)   </td>
564) </tr>
566) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

567)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

568)     2004 Dec 27
569)   </td>
570)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

571)     BoingBoing</td>
572) <td>    <a href="http://www.boingboing.net/2004/12/27/eff-helping-produce-.html">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

573)     EFF helping produce anonymizing software</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

574)   </td>
575) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

577) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

578)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

579)     2004 Dec 25
580)   </td>
581)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

582)     Kansas City infozine</td>
583) <td>    <a href="http://www.infozine.com/news/stories/op/storiesView/sid/4933/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

584)     EFF Joins Forces with Tor Software Project</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

585)   </td>
586) </tr>
588) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

589)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

590)     2004 Dec 23
591)   </td>
592)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

593)     golem.de</td>
594) <td>    <a href="http://www.golem.de/0412/35340.html">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

595)     EFF unterstützt Anonymisierer Tor</a> (German)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

596)   </td>
597) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

599) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

600)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

601)     2004 Dec 23
602)   </td>
603)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

604)     SuicideGirls</td>
605) <td>    <a href="http://suicidegirls.com/news/technology/6150/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

606)     New Routing Software Allows Anonymous Internet Use</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

607)   </td>
608) </tr>
610) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

611)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

612)     2004 Dec 18
613)   </td>
614)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

615)     P2Pnet</td>
616) <td>    <a href="http://p2pnet.net/story/3357">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

617)     EFF to sponsor Tor</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

618)   </td>
619) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

621) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

622)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

623)     2004 Dec 22
624)   </td>
625)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

626)     Slashdot</td>
Nick Mathewson Replace &s with &amps; in l...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

627) <td>    <a href="http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/12/22/2031229&amp;tid=95&amp;tid=158&amp;tid=153&amp;tid=17">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

628)      EFF Promotes Freenet-like System Tor</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

629)   </td>
630) </tr>
632) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

633)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

634)     2004 Nov 16
635)   </td>
636)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

637)     AlterNet</td>
638) <td>    <a href="http://www.alternet.org/columnists/story/20523/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

639)     Heavy Traffic</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

640)   </td>
641) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

643) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

644)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

645)     2004 Aug 30
646)   </td>
647)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

648)     Newsweek</td>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

649) <td>    Technology: Instant Security (no link)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

650)   </td>
651) </tr>
653) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

654)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

655)     2004 Aug 16
656)   </td>
657)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

658)     Eweek</td>
659) <td>    <a href="http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/Dont-Fear-Internet-Anonymity-Tools/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

660)     Don't Fear Internet Anonymity Tools</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

661)   </td>
662) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

664) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

665)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

666)     2004 Aug 6
667)   </td>
668)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

669)     HCC magazine</td>
Mfr Fix some wrong links

Mfr authored 15 years ago

670) <td>    <a href="http://www.hcc.nl/eCache/DEF/21/083.html">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

671)     Anoniem surfen met hulp van marine VS</a> (Dutch)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

672)   </td>
673) </tr>
675) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

676)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

677)     2004 Aug 6
678)   </td>
679)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

680)     Golem</td>
681) <td>    <a href="http://www.golem.de/0408/32835.html">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

682)     Tor: Anonymisierer nutzt Onion-Routing</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

683)   </td>
684) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

686) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

687)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

688)     2004 Aug 5
689)   </td>
690)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

691)     Network World Security</td>
692) <td>    <a href="http://www.networkworld.com/details/7088.html">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

693)     Onion routing</a><br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

694)   </td>
695) </tr>
697) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

698)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

699)     2004 May 8
700)   </td>
701)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

702)     Wired</td>
703) <td>    <a href="http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2004/08/64464">
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

704)     Onion Routing Averts Prying Eyes</a><br>
705)     Also in <a href="http://hotwired.goo.ne.jp/news/news/technology/story/20040806301.html">Japanese</a>.
706)   </td>
707) </tr>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

709) <tr style="background-color: #e5e5e5;">
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

710)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

711)     2004 Mar 8
712)   </td>
713)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

714)     CNET Japan blog</td>
715) <td>    <a href="http://japan.cnet.com/blog/umeda/2004/03/08/entry_post_126/">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

716)     Yearning of hackers and insecurity</a> (Japanese)<br>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

717)   </td>
718) </tr>
720) <tr>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

721)   <td>
Andrew Lewman The first version of Tor in...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

722)     1999 Apr 13
723)   </td>
724)   <td>
Andrew Lewman Clean up tormedia.

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

725)     Wired</td>
726) <td>    <a href="http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/1999/04/19091">
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 16 years ago

727)     Anonymous Web Surfing? Uh-Uh</a><br>