Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Roger Dingledine call it Volunteer in the na...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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le@svn.torproject.org made a simple change to the...

le@svn.torproject.org authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Roger Dingledine howitworks is now obsolete...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Roger Dingledine howitworks is now obsolete...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Roger Dingledine call it Volunteer in the na...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman Updated the banner to inclu...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Thomas Sjögren Make website valid xhtml (t...

Thomas Sjögren authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman Updated the banner to inclu...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Andrew Lewman renamed contribute to volun...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

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Roger Dingledine revamp the volunteer page....

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

45) <h2>Seven things everyone can do now:</h2>
46) <ol>
47) <li> We need users like you to try Tor out, and let the Tor developers know about bugs you find or features you don't find.</li>
48) <li> Please consider <a href="/cvs/tor/doc/tor-doc-server.html">running a server</a> to help the Tor network grow.</li>
49) <li> We especially need people with Windows programming skills to run an exit server on Windows, to help us debug.</li>
50) <li> Run a <a href="/cvs/tor/doc/tor-hidden-service.html">Tor hidden service</a> and put interesting content on it.</li>
51) <li> Take a look at the <a href="/gui/">Tor GUI Competition</a>, and come up with ideas or designs to contribute to making the Tor interface better. Free T-shirt for each submission!</li>
52) <li> Tell your friends! Get them to run servers. Get them to run hidden services. Get them to tell their friends.</li>
53) <li> Consider joining the <a href="http://secure.eff.org/tor">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a>. More EFF donations means more freedom in the world, including more Tor development.</li>
54) </ol>
56) <h2>Usability and Installers</h2>
57) <ol>
58) <li>Make an entry to the <a href="/gui/">GUI competition</a>. This
59) requires looking at how Tor interacts with the operating system and
60) other applications, deciding where the critical usability issues are,
61) and trying to make an application (or applet or plugin) that helps the
62) user experience.</li>
63) <li>Extend our NSIS-based windows installer to include FreeCap and/or
64) Privoxy. When we ship Privoxy, include a config file that's preconfigured
65) to work well with Tor.</li>
66) <li>Develop a way to handle OS X installation and uninstallation.</li>
67) <li>Choosing exit node by meta-data, e.g. country.</li>
68) <li>Tor provides anonymous connections, but if you want to keep multiple
69) pseudonyms in practice (say, in case you frequently go to two websites
70) and if anybody knew about both of them they would conclude it's you), we
71) don't support that well yet. We should find a good approach and
72) interface for handling pseudonymous profiles in Tor. See <a
73) href="http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Dec-2004/msg00086.html">this
74) post</a> and <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Jan-2005/msg00007.html">followup</a> for details.</li>
75) </ol>
77) <h2>Coding, Design, and Software Development</h2>
78) <ol>
79) <li>We need a better option for a scrubbing web proxy than
80) just Privoxy, since it's unmaintained and still has bugs, especially
81) on Windows. While we're at it, what sensitive information is not
82) kept safe by Privoxy? Are there other scrubbing web proxies that are
83) more secure?</li>
84) <li>We need better applications for dynamically intercepting
85) connections and sending them through Tor. tsocks (Linux) and freecap
86) (Windows) seem to be good candidates, and there are a variety of other
87) possibilities listed at the bottom of <a href="/support.html">our support
88) page</a>.</li>
89) <li>Speaking of tsocks, it appears to be unmaintained: we have submitted
90) several patches with no response. Can somebody volunteer to start
91) maintaining a new tsocks branch? We'll help.</li>
92) <li>We need a way to intercept DNS requests so they don't "leak" while
93) we're trying to be anonymous. One option is to use Tor's built-in
94) support for doing DNS resolves; but you need to ask via our new socks
95) extension for that, and so no applications do this yet. Another option
96) is to use Tor's controller interface: the application connects to Tor,
97) hands it the DNS query, and Tor replies with a dummy IP address. Then
98) the application makes a connection through Tor to that dummy IP address,
99) and Tor automatically maps it back to the original query.</li>
100) <li>Right now the hidden service descriptors are being stored on just a few
101) directory servers. This is bad for privacy and bad for robustness. To get
102) more robustness, we're going to need to make hidden service descriptors
103) even less private because we're going to have to mirror them onto many
104) places. Ideally we'd like to separate the storage/lookup system from the
105) Tor directory servers entirely. Any reliable distributed storage system
106) will do, as long as it allows authenticated updates. As far as we know,
107) no implemented DHT code supports authenticated updates. What's the right
108) next step?</li>
109) <li>Tor exit servers need to do many DNS resolves in parallel. But
110) gethostbyname() is poorly designed --- it blocks until it has finished
111) resolving a query --- so it requires its own thread or process. So
112) Tor is forced to spawn many separate DNS "worker" threads. There are
113) some asynchronous DNS libraries out there, but traditionally they are
114) buggy and abandoned. There are rumors that some of them are becoming
115) better. Are any of them stable, fast, clean, and free software? If
116) so (or if we can make that so), we should integrate them into Tor
117) so we don't need to spawn dozens of dns resolver threads. See <a
118) href="http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Sep-2005/msg00001.html">Agl's
119) post</a> for a potential start.</li>
Roger Dingledine start to rewrite the volunt...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

120) <li>Currently Tor ships with its own AES, since when we started OpenSSL
121) had missing/broken AES support. But now that it's gotten more mainstream,
122) we should change things so we only use our bundled AES if OpenSSL doesn't
123) support it natively.</li>
124) <li>Because Tor servers need to store-and-forward each cell they handle,
125) high-bandwidth Tor servers end up using dozens of megabytes of memory
126) just for buffers. We need better heuristics for when to shrink/expand
127) buffers. Maybe this should be modelled after the Linux kernel buffer
128) design, where you have many smaller buffers that link to each other,
129) rather than monolithic buffers?</li>
130) <li>How do ulimits work on Win32, anyway? We're having problems
131) especially on older Windowses with people running out of file
132) descriptors, connection buffer space, etc. (We should handle
133) WSAENOBUFS as needed, look at the MaxConnections registry entry,
134) look at the MaxUserPort entry, and look at the TcpTimedWaitDelay
135) entry. We may also want to provide a way to set them as needed. See <a
Thomas Sjögren Make website valid xhtml (t...

Thomas Sjögren authored 19 years ago

136) href="http://bugs.noreply.org/flyspray/index.php?do=details&amp;id=98">bug
Roger Dingledine start to rewrite the volunt...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

137) 98</a>.)</li>
138) <li>Encrypt identity keys on disk, and implement passphrase protection
139) for them. Right now they're just stored in plaintext.</li>