Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

1) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
3) <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
4) <head>
5)   <title>Tor: Design</title>
Roger Dingledine clean up my meta and br tags

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

6)   <meta name="Author" content="Roger Dingledine" />
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

7)   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
8)   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" />
9) </head>
11) <body>
12)   <div class="menu" id="side">
13) <!--    <img id="logo" src="tor.jpg" alt="cute tor gate" /> -->
Roger Dingledine clean up my meta and br tags

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

14)       <a href="index.html">Home</a> <br />
Roger Dingledine website patches from annalee

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

15)       <a href="howitworks.html">How it works</a><br />
Roger Dingledine clean up my meta and br tags

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

16)       <a href="download.html">Download</a> <br />
17)       <a href="documentation.html">Documentation</a><br />
18)       <a href="contribute.html">Contribute</a> <br />
19)       <a href="developers.html">Developers</a> <br />
20)       <a href="research.html">Research</a> <br />
21)       <a href="people.html">People</a> <br />
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

22)   </div><!-- #side -->
23)   <div class="main" id="main">
25) <h2>Tor: Design</h2>
27) <p>The <b>Design Document</b> (published at Usenix
28) Security 2004) gives our justifications and security analysis for the
29) Tor design:</p>
30) <ul>
31) <li><a href="tor-design.pdf">PDF version</a></li>
Roger Dingledine point to correct places in cvs

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

32) <li><a href="cvs/tor/doc/design-paper/tor-design.html">HTML version</a></li>
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

33) </ul>
35) <p>The <b>Specification</b> aims to give
36) developers enough information to build a compatible version of Tor:</p>
37) <ul>
Roger Dingledine point to correct places in cvs

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

38) <li><a href="cvs/tor/doc/tor-spec.txt">Main Tor specification</a></li>
39) <li><a href="cvs/tor/doc/rend-spec.txt">Tor rendezvous specification</a></li>
40) <li><a href="cvs/tor/doc/control-spec.txt">Tor UI control specification</a></li>
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

41) </ul>
43) <p>Look at the <a href="slides-codecon04/">slides from the Codecon
44) 2004 talk</a>, or <a href="CodeCon_2004-02-21_2.mp3">listen
45) to the audio from the talk</a>. You can also peruse the <a
46) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-blackhat04.pdf">Black
47) Hat 2004 slides</a> or <a
48) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-defcon04.pdf">Defcon 2004
49) slides</a>.</p>
51)   </div><!-- #main -->
Roger Dingledine decide on a format for cont...

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

52)   <div class="bottom" id="bottom">
53)      <i><a href="mailto:tor-webmaster@freehaven.net">Webmaster</a></i> -
54)      $Id$
55)   </div>