Peter Palfrader Add gui and minor fixes

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor: GUI Competition"
6) <div class="main-column">
9) <div class="guileft">
10) <div class="guimenu">
12)   <div class="curveleft">
13)   <div class="curveright">
14)   &nbsp;
15)   </div>
16)   </div>
18) <div class="guimenuinner">
19) <h1>Tor GUI Competition</h1>
21) <a href="index.html">Overview &amp; Goals</a>
22) <a class="on" href="categories.html">What to Submit</a>
23) <a href="submit.html">How to Submit</a>
24) <a href="criteria.html">Judging &amp; Timeline</a>
25) <a href="technotes.html">Technical Notes</a>
26) <a href="legal.html">Licensing</a>
27) <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
28) <a class="wiki" href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/ContestFAQ">Wiki/FAQ</a>
29) </div>
31)   <div class="curvebottomleft">
32)   <div class="curvebottomright">
33)   &nbsp;
34)   </div>
35)   </div>
37) </div>
38) </div>
40) <h2>Categories</h2>
41) <p>
42) The design competition will proceed in two phases: first sketches and then
43) working code. You are invited to submit to either phase, or both phases.
44) For each phase, our panel of judges will recognize the
45) best submissions.
46) </p>
48) <p>
49) All qualifying entries will receive an <b>EFF Tor T-shirt</b>
50) (subject to availability). The best sketches and working implementations
51) will be published on the Tor website.
52) </p>
54) <p><b>Sketches:</b>
55) the goal of this phase is to produce a mock-up of a functioning interface.
56) This should include design documents describing how the interface should
57) function. If you want, it should also include graphical elements that
58) can be used by programmers.
59) </p>
61) <p>
62) A qualifying sketch will present an informal specification for a
63) design. That is, it will present with some degree of thoroughness all
64) of the major interfaces that we might expect to encounter, all of the
65) major functionality for the interface, and a reasonable story about
66) how it would be integrated into currently-existing tools (if, indeed,
67) it would be). One example, with more detail than we would require, is
68) <a href="http://ui.netbeans.org/docs/ui/junits/promo_f.html">the NetBeans
69) UI for JUnit</a>. Note that it walks through multiple interfaces,
70) highlighting the features and functions of the various buttons.
71) </p>
73) <ul>
74) <li><b>Most featureful interface</b> will be awarded to the graphic design
75) that would provide usable, clear access to the most aspects of the Tor
76) system, covering many or most of the categories on the "useful features"
77) list.</li>
78) <li><b>Most usable experience</b> will be awarded to the graphic
79) design that would provide the most unobtrusive Tor experience while still
80) covering all criteria (working, perhaps, on the "no news is good news"
81) theory).</li>
82) <li><b>Clearest implementation guidance</b> will be awarded to the
83) graphic design that provides the cleanest package of graphic elements
84) and design documentation to aid would-be implementers.</li>
85) </ul>
87) <p><b>Code:</b> the goal of this phase is to produce a working
88) implementation. You may use any of the sketches, graphics, or ideas from
Roger Dingledine clean up the gui pages for...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

89) the <a
90) href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/ContestEntries">first
91) phase</a> (with appropriate credit to their authors), or you can make
92) your own. See the <a