Roger Dingledine whoops, i missed a whole do...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
Roger Dingledine similar patch on the docs/e...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Hidden Service Configuration Instructions"
Roger Dingledine whoops, i missed a whole do...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

6) <div class="center">
8) <div class="main-column">
10) <h1>Configuring Hidden Services for <a href="<page index>">Tor</a></h1>
11) <hr />
13) <p>Tor allows clients and servers to offer hidden services. That is,
14) you can offer a web server, SSH server, etc., without revealing your
15) IP to its users. In fact, because you don't use any public address,
16) you can run a hidden service from behind your firewall.
17) </p>
19) <p>If you have Tor and Privoxy installed, you can see hidden services
20) in action by visiting <a href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">the
21) hidden wiki</a>.
22) </p>
24) <p>This howto describes the steps for setting up your own hidden service
25) website.
26) </p>
28) <hr />
29) <a id="zero"></a>
30) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#zero">Step Zero: Get Tor and Privoxy working</a></h2>
31) <br />
33) <p>Before you start, you need to make sure 1) Tor is up and running,
34) 2) Privoxy is up and running, 3) Privoxy is configured to point
35) to Tor, and 4) You actually set it up correctly.</p>
37) <p>Windows users should follow the <a
38) href="<page docs/tor-doc-win32>">Windows
39) howto</a>, OS X users should follow the <a
40) href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">OS
41) X howto</a>, and Linux/BSD/Unix users should follow the <a
42) href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Unix howto</a>.
43) </p>
45) <p>Once you've got Tor and Privoxy installed and configured,
46) you can see hidden services in action by following this link to <a
47) href="http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/">the hidden wiki</a>.
48) It will typically take 10-60 seconds to load
49) (or to decide that it is currently unreachable). If it fails
50) immediately and your browser pops up an alert saying that
51) "www.6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion could not be found, please check the name and
52) try again" then you haven't configured Tor and Privoxy correctly; see <a
53) href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ItDoesntWork">this
54) FAQ entry</a> for some help.
55) </p>
57) <hr />
58) <a id="one"></a>
59) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#one">Step One: Configure an example hidden service</a></h2>
60) <br />
62) <p>In this step, you're going to configure a hidden service that points
63) to www.google.com. This way we can make sure you have this step
64) working before we start thinking about setting up a web server locally.
65) </p>
67) <p>First, open your torrc file in your favorite text editor. (See <a
68) href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#torrc">this
69) FAQ entry</a> to learn what this means.) Go to the middle section and
70) look for the line</p>
72) <pre>
Roger Dingledine and resolve the other use-o...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

73) \############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###