Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
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5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="obfsproxy: Installation instructions" CHARSET="UTF-8"
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11)     <a href="<page projects/obfsproxy>">obfsproxy</a>
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Roger Dingledine start to streamline the obf...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

17)     <h1 id="instructions">Obfsproxy Instructions</h1>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

Roger Dingledine put the diagram at the top;...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

19)     <img src="$(IMGROOT)/obfsproxy_diagram.png" alt="client torrc"></a>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

21)       <p>
22)         This is a guide for installing the Python version of obfsproxy. If
23)         you still have the C version, we recommend you to upgrade to the
24)         Python version!
25)       </p>
George Kadianakis Add instructions for settin...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

27)     <h3>Step 0: Install Python</h3>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

28)     <br>
30)     <p>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

31)       To setup obfsproxy you will need <code>Python</code> (>= 2.7),
32)       and <code>pip</code>. If you use Debian testing (or unstable),
33)       or a version of Ubuntu newer than Oneiric, this is easy:
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

34)     <p>
George Kadianakis obfsproxy installation need...

George Kadianakis authored 10 years ago

36)     <tt># apt-get install python2.7 python-pip python-dev build-essential</tt>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

Matt Pagan Added Fedora instructions.

Matt Pagan authored 9 years ago

38)     <p>On Fedora, that command would look like:</p>
40)     <tt># yum install make automake gcc python-pip python-devel libyaml-devel</tt>
Matt Pagan Encourage Sophos users to c...

Matt Pagan authored 9 years ago

41)     <br>
Matt Pagan Two small fixes (one to fro...

Matt Pagan authored 9 years ago

42)     <br>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

43)     <h3>Step 1: Install Tor</h3>
44)     <br>
Roger Dingledine explain further dependencies

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

46)     <p>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

47)       You will also need a recent version of Tor (>= We recommend you use
George Kadianakis Update obfsproxy instructio...

George Kadianakis authored 10 years ago

48)       <a href="<page docs/debian>#ubuntu">Tor's repositories for Debian/Ubuntu</a>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

49)       or
50)       <a href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git">install Tor from git</a>.
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

51)     </p>
Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

53)     <p>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

54)     You need Tor 0.2.4.x because it knows how to automatically report
55)     your obfsproxy address to BridgeDB.
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

56)     </p>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

58)     <h3>Step 2: Install obfsproxy</h3>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

59)     <br>
61)     <p>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

62)       If you have <code>pip</code>, installing <code>obfsproxy</code>
63)       and its dependencies should be a matter of a single command:
Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

64)     </p>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

66)     <tt># pip install obfsproxy</tt><br><br>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

Sebastian Hahn obfsproxy instructions upda...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

68)     <p>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

69)     You will probably want to run the <em>pip install</em> command as
70)     root so that obfsproxy gets installed to /usr/local/bin.
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

71)     </p>
George Kadianakis Mention the obfsproxy git r...

George Kadianakis authored 10 years ago

72)     <p>
73)     (Instead of using pip, you could also use <a
74)     href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/obfsproxy.git">the
75)     git repository</a> of obfsproxy if you feel more adventurous)
76)     </p>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

78)     <h3>Step 3: Setup tor</h3>
Roger Dingledine add asn's first draft of ob...

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

79)     <br>
George Kadianakis Edit the obfsproxy instruct...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

81)     <p>
82)       Now setup Tor.  Edit your /etc/tor/torrc to add:
83)     </p>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

85)       <p>
86)         <tt>SocksPort 0</tt><br>
87)         <tt>ORPort 443 # or some other port if you already run a webserver/skype</tt><br>
88)         <tt>BridgeRelay 1</tt><br>
89)         <tt>Exitpolicy reject *:*</tt><br><br>
91)         <tt>## CHANGEME_1 -> provide a nickname for your bridge, can be anything you like</tt><br>
92)         <tt>#Nickname CHANGEME_1</tt><br>
93)         <tt>## CHANGEME_2 -> provide some email address so we can contact you if there's a problem</tt><br>
94)         <tt>#ContactInfo CHANGEME_2</tt><br><br>
Matt Pagan s/obfs2,obfs3/obfs3/

Matt Pagan authored 10 years ago

96)         <tt>ServerTransportPlugin obfs3 exec /usr/local/bin/obfsproxy managed</tt><br>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

97)       </p>
99)       <p>
100)         Don't forget to uncomment and edit the CHANGEME fields. Also,
101)         if you didn't install obfsproxy as root, you might have to
102)         change its path.
103)       </p>
105)       <h3>Step 4: Launch Tor and verify that it bootstraps</h3>
106)       <br>
108)       <p>
109)         Restart Tor to use the new configuration file. (Preface with sudo if
110)         needed.)
111)       </p>
113)       <tt># service tor restart</tt><br><br>
115)       <p>
116)         Now check /var/log/tor/log and you should see something like this:
117)       </p>
119)       <tt>Nov 05 16:40:45.000 [notice] We now have enough directory information to build circuits.</tt><br>
120)       <tt>Nov 05 16:40:45.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor network.</tt><br>
121)       <tt>Nov 05 16:40:46.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop.</tt><br>
122)       <tt>Nov 05 16:40:46.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circuit.</tt><br>
123)       <tt>Nov 05 16:40:48.000 [notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like client functionality is working.</tt><br>
124)       <tt>Nov 05 16:40:48.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.</tt><br><br>
126)       <p>
127)         If Tor is earlier in the bootstrapping phase, wait until it gets to 100%.
128)       </p>
Matt Pagan Added Fedora instructions.

Matt Pagan authored 9 years ago

130)       <h3>Step 5: Set up port forwarding if needed</h3>
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

131)       <br>
133)       <p>
134)         If you're behind a NAT/firewall, you'll need to make your bridge
135)         reachable from the outside world — both on the ORPort and the
136)         obfsproxy port. The ORPort is whatever you defined in step two
137)         above. To find your obfsproxy port, check your Tor logs for two
138)         lines similar to these:
139)       </p>
141)       <tt>Oct 05 20:00:42.000 [notice] Registered server transport 'obfs3' at '</tt><br><br>
143)       <p>
144)         The last number in each line, in this case 26821 and 40172, are the
145)         TCP port numbers that you need to forward through your
146)         firewall. (This port is randomly chosen the first time Tor starts,
147)         but Tor will cache and reuse the same number in future runs.) If you
148)         want to change the number, use Tor or later, and set
Matt Pagan Replaced references to obfs...

Matt Pagan authored 9 years ago

149)         "ServerTransportListenAddr obfs3" in your torrc.
George Kadianakis Switch obfsproxy setup inst...

George Kadianakis authored 11 years ago

150)       </p>