Sebastian Hahn New donate page attempts

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

1)     <footer class="container footer">
hiromipaw Update donate options page...

hiromipaw authored 6 years ago

2)       <p class="text-center">The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization advancing human rights and freedoms by creating and deploying free and open source anonymity and privacy technologies, supporting their unrestricted availability and use, and furthering their scientific and popular understanding.<br>
3)         <a href="https://donate.torproject.org/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> & <a href="https://donate.torproject.org/donor-faq>">Donor FAQ</a></p>
Sebastian Hahn New donate page attempts

Sebastian Hahn authored 8 years ago

4)     </footer>
6)   </body>