Andrew Lewman Updated the url to www.tp.o...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
Andrew Lewman Correct the charset encodin...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Trademark FAQ" CHARSET="UTF-8"
Andrew Lewman Updated the url to www.tp.o...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

5) <div class="main-column">
8) <h1>Tor Trademark Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
9) <hr />
Andrew Lewman Add id's to trademark-faq

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

11) <a id="usage"></a>
Andrew Lewman Updated the url to www.tp.o...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

12) <h2>How can I use the name “Tor”?</h2>
13) <p>The Tor Project encourages developers to use the name Tor in ways that
14) do not confuse the public about the source of anonymity software and
15) services.  If you are building open-source non-commercial software or
16) services that incorporate or work with the Tor Project's code, you may
17) use the name “Tor” in an accurate description of your work.  We ask you
18) to include a link to the official Tor website,
19) <a href="https://www.torproject.org/">https://www.torproject.org</a> so users can verify the original source of
20) Tor for themselves, and a note indicating that your project is not
21) sponsored by the Tor Project. For example, “This product is produced
22) independently from the Tor™ anonymity software and carries no guarantee
23) from the Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else.”</p>
Andrew Lewman Add id's to trademark-faq

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

25) <a id="onionlogo"></a>
Andrew Lewman Updated the url to www.tp.o...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

26) <h2>Can I use the Tor onion logo?</h2>
27) <p>If you're making non-commercial use of Tor software, you may also use
28) the Tor onion logo (as an illustration, not as a brand for your
29) products).  Please don't modify the design or colors of the logo.  You
30) can use items that look like the Tor onion logo to illustrate a point
31) (e.g. an exploded onion with layers, for instance), so long as they're
32) not used as logos in ways that would confuse people.</p>
Andrew Lewman Add id's to trademark-faq

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

34) <a id="enforcing"></a>