Jacob Appelbaum Initial Nokia N900 document...

Jacob Appelbaum authored 14 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
Roger Dingledine ioerror isn't setting props...

Roger Dingledine authored 14 years ago

2) # Revision: $Revision$
Jacob Appelbaum Initial Nokia N900 document...

Jacob Appelbaum authored 14 years ago

3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor: N900 Instructions" CHARSET="UTF-8"
7) <div class="center">
9) <div class="main-column">
11) <a id="Maemo"></a>
12) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#Maemo">Installing Tor on Maemo</a></h2>
13) <br />
14) <p>
15) If you have a Maemo device that is not the <a href="#N900">N900</a>, we
16) suggest you install the Tor package from the
17) <a href="http://maemo.org/packages/view/tor/">Maemo website</a>. The Tor
18) Project does not produce these packages. They are maintaind by the Maemo community.
19) </p>
21) <a id="N900"></a>
22) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#N900">Installing Tor on the N900</a></h2>
23) <br />
24) <p>
25) The following instructions should help install an
26) <a href="https://garage.maemo.org/projects/tor-status">experimental
27) Tor controller</a> and Tor as packaged for the N900 Nokia telephone. This is
28) currently an untested configuration. The browser in this configuration does
29) not have Torbutton and it should not be used for high security anonymity needs
30) at this time.
31) </p>
33) <p>
34) Open the Application manager: <br />
35) <a href="../img/N900/1_app_menu.png">
36) <img border="0" alt="N900 application menu"
Andrew Lewman fix a broken image link.

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

37) src="../img/N900/1_app_menu-small.png"/>