Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Core People" CHARSET="UTF-8"
5) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
6) <div id="breadcrumbs">
7)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
8)     <a href="<page about/overview>">About &raquo; </a>
9)     <a href="<page about/corepeople>">Tor People</a>
10) </div>
11) <div id="maincol">
13) <style>
14) table.people td {
15)   vertical-align: top;
16)   padding: 0px;
17)   padding-bottom: 15px;
18)   width: 50%;
19) }
21) .photo {
22)   width: 145px;
23)   float: left;
24) }
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

26) .twitter {
27)   float: right;
28) }
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

30) .field {
31)   font-family: "Montserrat";
32)   font-size: 0.8rem;
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

33)   color: rgb(50, 50, 50);
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

34) }
36) .description {
37)   font-family: "Montserrat";
38)   font-size: 0.9rem;
39)   padding-top: 15px;
40)   padding-right: 5px;
41) }
43) .description a, .field a, .name a {
44)   font-weight: bold;
45)   text-decoration: none;
46) }
47) </style>
49) <table class="people">
50)   <tr>
51)     <td>
52)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/ohmygodel.png" alt="ohmygodel" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

53)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/ohmygodel"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

54)       <div class="name">Aaron Johnson</div>
55)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> ohmygodel</div>
56)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/ohmygodel.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
57)       <div class="description"><a href="https://www.nrl.navy.mil/">NRL</a> researcher in applied cryptography with an interest in Tor’s security and privacy.</div>
58)     </td>
60)     <td>
61)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

62)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/flexlibris"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

63)       <div class="name">Alison Macrina</div>
64)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> flexlibris</div>
65)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/flexlibris.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
66)       <div class="description">Leads Community Team and the Library Freedom Project. Works on support, outreach, and training.</div>
67)     </td>
68)   </tr>
70)   <tr>
71)     <td>
72)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/arthuredelstein.png" alt="arthuredelstein" /></div>
73)       <div class="name">Arthur Edelstein</div>
74)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> arthuredelstein</div>
75)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/arthuredelstein.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
76)       <div class="description">Works on Tor Browser.</div>
77)     </td>
79)     <td>
80)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/hellais.png" alt="hellais" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

81)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/hellais"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

82)       <div class="name">Arturo Filastò</div>
83)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> hellais</div>
84)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/hellais.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
85)       <div class="description">Project leader for <a href="https://ooni.torproject.org/">OONI</a>, has helped with <a href="http://tor2web.org/">tor2web</a>, wrote <a href="https://atlas.torproject.org/">Atlas</a>, and helps improve security.</div>
86)     </td>
87)   </tr>
89)   <tr>
90)     <td>
91)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/atagar.png" alt="atagar" /></div>
92)       <div class="name">Damian Johnson</div>
93)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> atagar</div>
94)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/atagar.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
95)       <div class="description">Author of the <a href="https://stem.torproject.org/">Stem</a> python controller library and <a href="http://www.atagar.com/arm/">Nyx</a> relay monitor.</div>
96)     </td>
98)     <td>
99)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
100)       <div class="name">David Goulet</div>
101)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> dgoulet</div>
102)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/dgoulet.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
103)       <div class="description">Core member of Tor development team.</div>
104)     </td>
105)   </tr>
107)   <tr>
108)     <td>
109)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

110)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/david415"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

111)       <div class="name"><a href="https://github.com/david415/">David Stainton</a></div>
112)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> dawuud</div>
113)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/dawuud.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
114)       <div class="description">Author of roflcoptor and honeybadger. Researches mixnets and contributes to txtorcon.</div>
115)     </td>
117)     <td>
118)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/ian.png" alt="ian" /></div>
119)       <div class="name"><a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~iang/">Ian Goldberg</a></div>
120)       <div class="description"><a href="https://crysp.uwaterloo.ca/">Professor of CS</a> at the <a href="https://uwaterloo.ca/">University of Waterloo</a>, developing <a href="https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/">Off-the-Record Messaging</a> among other things.</div>
121)     </td>
122)   </tr>
124)   <tr>
125)     <td>
126)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

127)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/qbi"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

128)       <div class="name">Jens Kubieziel</div>
129)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> qbi</div>
130)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/qbi.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
131)       <div class="description">Volunteer that helps translate the website, is part of TorServers.net, and Tor's sysadmin team.</div>
132)     </td>
134)     <td>
135)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
136)       <div class="name">intrigeri</div>
137)       <div class="field"><b><a href="https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/contact/">PGP Key</a></b></div>
138)       <div class="description">Our main interface with the <a href="https://tails.boum.org/">Tails</a> project.</div>
139)     </td>
140)   </tr>
142)   <tr>
143)     <td>
144)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
145)       <div class="name"><a href="http://mattttttssi4lhud.onion/">Matt Traudt</a></div>
146)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> pastly</div>
147)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/pastly.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
148)       <div class="description">Implemented the <a href="http://www.robgjansen.com/publications/kist-sec2014.pdf">KIST scheduler</a> into Tor. Helps safely measure Tor. Says helpful things on IRC.</div>
149)     </td>
151)     <td>
152)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/robgjansen.png" alt="robgjansen" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

153)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/robgjansen"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>
Damian Johnson Alternate people page

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

154)       <div class="name"><a href="http://www.robgjansen.com/">Rob Jansen</a></div>
155)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> robgjansen</div>
156)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/robgjansen.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
157)       <div class="description">Security research scientist, leading expert in Tor network performance, and author of <a href="http://shadow.github.io/">Shadow</a>.</div>
158)     </td>
159)   </tr>
161)   <tr>
162)     <td>
163)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
164)       <div class="name">Sebastian Hahn</div>
165)       <div class="description">Helps people around the world use and understand Tor better. Generally helps everything run smoothly. Runs one of the directory authorities.</div>
166)     </td>
168)     <td>
169)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/no_photo.png" alt="no photo" /></div>
170)       <div class="name">Tim Wilson-Brown</div>
171)       <div class="field"><b>IRC:</b> teor</div>
172)       <div class="field"><b><a href="../keys/teor.txt">PGP Key</a></b></div>
173)       <div class="description">Onion services developer, and core member of Tor dev team. Researches Tor network measurement and onion service scalability.</div>
174)     </td>
175)   </tr>
177)   <tr>
178)     <td>
179)       <div class="photo"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/people/tjr.png" alt="tjr" /></div>
Damian Johnson Replace twitter links with...

Damian Johnson authored 6 years ago

180)       <div class="twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/tomrittervg"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/twitter-small.png" alt="twitter" /></a></div>