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#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Verifying Signatures" CHARSET="UTF-8"
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<a href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">Verifying Signatures</a>
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<h1>How to verify signatures for packages</h1>
<h3>What is a signature and why should I check it?</h3>
<p>How do you know that the Tor program you have is really the
one we made? Many Tor users have very real adversaries who might
try to give them a fake version of Tor — and it doesn't matter
how secure and anonymous Tor is if you're not running the real Tor.</p>
<p>An attacker could try a variety of attacks to get you to download
a fake Tor. For example, he could trick you into thinking some other
website is a great place to download Tor. That's why you should
always download Tor from <b>https</b>://www.torproject.org/. The
https part means there's encryption and authentication between your
browser and the website, making it much harder for the attacker
to modify your download. But it's not perfect. Some places in the
world block the Tor website, making users try <a href="<page
docs/faq>#GetTor">somewhere else</a>. Large
companies sometimes force employees to use a modified browser,
so the company can listen in on all their browsing. We've even <a
attackers who have the ability to trick your browser into thinking
you're talking to the Tor website with https when you're not.</p>
<p>Some software sites list <a
hashes</a> alongside the software on their website, so users can
verify that they downloaded the file without any errors. These
"checksums" help you answer the question "Did I download this file
correctly from whoever sent it to me?" They do a good job at making
sure you didn't have any random errors in your download, but they
don't help you figure out whether you were downloading it from the
attacker. The better question to answer is: "Is this file that I
just downloaded the file that Tor intended me to get?"</p>
<h3>Where do I get the signatures and the keys that made them?</h3>
<p>Each file on <a href="<page download/download>">our download