Andrew Lewman
it is properly called an otr fingerprint, add today's news blurb about the UK.
Andrew Lewman commited 66d30130b at 2012-04-02 20:36:15
## translation metadata
# Revision: $Revision$
# Translation-Priority: 3-low
#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Contact" CHARSET="UTF-8"
<div id="content" class="clearfix">
<div id="breadcrumbs">
<a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
<a href="<page about/overview>">About &raquo; </a>
<a href="<page about/contact>">Contact</a>
<div id="maincol">
<h2>Tor: Contact</h2>
<li><a href="#email">Email</a></li>
<li><a href="#identica"></a></li>
<li><a href="#irc">IRC</a></li>
<li><a href="#livechat">Live Chat</a></li>
<li><a href="#phone">Telephone</a></li>
<a id="email"></a>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#email">Email</a></h3>
<i>tor-assistants at</i> is the catch-all address for everything. It can be
used for reaching people working on Tor.
A few other addresses are more specific:
<li><i>help at</i> is the address to use for Tor
support requests. This is staffed by volunteers helping people
with questions about all things Tor. This is best effort service
with no guarantees.</li>
<li><i>tor-translation at</i> can put new <a href="<page
getinvolved/translation>">website translations</a> into place,
and help answer questions about existing and new translations.</li>
<li><i>tordnsel at</i> is the alias for the people responsible for
the tordns exitlist.</li>
<li><i>donations at</i> is for questions and comments about <a
href="<page donate/donate>">getting money to the developers</a>. More
donations means <a href="<page docs/faq>#Funding">more
Tor</a>. We're happy to help think about creative ways for you
to contribute.</li>
<li><i>execdir at</i> is for press/media, questions and comments about
Tor the non-profit corporation: trademark questions, affiliation
and coordination, major gifts, contract inquiries, licensing and
certification, etc.</li>
<a id="identica"></a>